DivaDee 22 years, 1 month ago

Aloha Jane, As I sit here reading your lastest post...a sudden rush of tears came to my eyes....you said everything that I feel!! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us all!! Aloha

Jane Wurzel 22 years, 1 month ago

I am 4 months postop now and down 51#. I am so happy about the changes in my life. Most of my health problems have resolved. No more urinary dribbling, no heartburn or regurgitation, no more waddling when I walk and my blood pressure is down to normal. Cholesterol has dropped 75 points to 157. Best of all is the new positive feelings of "I can do anything." I can walk easily, bed to tie my shoes, get down on the floor and back up without holding on to something. I sleep better than I have in years. Anyone concerned about having surgery think what it is worth to feel this good. Of course, buying clothes in the regular misses department is real nice too. This has been the biggest blessing ever and I have no bad after effects.

Jane Wurzel 22 years, 3 months ago

I am 3 months postop now and feeling great. I have lost 41# and have 40 to go. I can eat anything and have never had to throw up. The best part is the change in mental attitude. I used to hate myself and the lack of self control. Now I wake up and think how good it is to be alive and how blessed I am to have the surgery. I was miserable for a while and can say the postoop period wasn't fun,but this is worth it all. If I were to give nayone a word of advice, it would to be not too worried about the struggles you experience because they are temporary. It passes before you know it and even though the eating is tough at first you pass from one phase to the next very quickly. I joined the YMCA and have begun a 12 week fitness class and that is so exciting. I have never wanted to exercise before but with tht encouragement of the trainer and the weight loss the time is right.. I was a size 22 and now can wear size 16 jeans and walk into a regular ( not plus size store and by xlg off the rack. If anything it will be too big. I am getting rid of all those big clothes rapidly. It's a good problem. I can drink the 64oz of water and 60Gm of protein without a problem now. I love my doctor!

Ellen H. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hi Jane, I had LAP RNY on 12/3 and my menu & water intake sounds a lot like yours. My surgeon said don't worry about damage from inadequate protein til about six months after surgery. I wish I could eat more, but since I lost 45 lbs since surgery, who's complaining!! To be honest, I am not worried. I take my chewable vitamins and feel pretty good. Hope this helps.

Deanna T. 22 years, 5 months ago

(((HAPPY DANCE JANE))) WOW...18lbs and that is just the begining...just think of all the LOSING you have to look forward too...I never thought I would be so EXCITED about being called a LOSER...or a BIG FAT LOSER at that one...but hey call me it all you want after surgery...I am so EXCITED for you...please remember YOU DESERVE THIS...Lots of Love, Deanna

Jane Wurzel 22 years, 5 months ago

I am home and slowly recovering. It is 2 weeks post op and have still a fair amount of pain. The surgery is definitely a blessing. I am sooo thankful to my doctor for a good job without complications. He prevented the surgery from being cancelled at the last minute. I have more pain than I expected and the absolute lack of an appetite is unbelievable. I have to force myself to eat. Down 18# today. I have only needed pain med once today so that is z big plus. Thanks to all who emailed and sent encouragement.

Debbie W. 22 years, 6 months ago

ANGEL REPORTING IN: Spoke with Jane Wurzel today and she has been discharged from the hospital. Still feeling weak and tired but is glad to be home. Also still has pain but knows that now it will get alittle better everyday. Is now on pureed foods and her doctor told her that due to her hiatal hernia repair that she will be on pureed foods longer than most other post-ops but she was smart and fixed pureed foods ahead of time and using an ice cube tray froze them in 1 oz portions. She states that it is all very tasty because she would use fat free broth when she pureed the foods. Good Idea!! I'll have to remember that. Keep sending your best wishes to keep her spirtis up.

Debbie W. 22 years, 6 months ago

Officl Angel here: Spoke with Jane Wurzel last night and hip hip hurray, she PASSED her leak test!!!!! So she is slowly taking in sips of liquid. Still has her IV in but now taking oral pain medication, she is still in alot of pain. She was told that her hiatal hernia was pretty large and bad and she sure did need that repaired and her Doctor is in no hurry to kick her out. Thats Great!! Send her best wishes to keep up her spirtis.

Debbie W. 22 years, 6 months ago

Angel Reporting In: Jane Wurzel finally had her surgery done. What was scheduled for noon didn't start till 6pm. She was calm and relaxed the whole time while waiting. WOW. She maded it ack to her room about 9pm. Everything went well, she had a total make-over on the inside. Her doctor said the bypass RNY went very well, they took out her gall bladder (might as well while they had her open to prevent another surgery later for gall stones) , he repaired her hiatal hernia and also a vental hernia. WHEW!! She is in alot of pain but as I was leaving they were getting ready to hook her up to the PCA pump, that will help as soon as she can push that button. Will report more tomorrow.

Debbie W. 22 years, 6 months ago

ANGEL CHECKING IN: Jane Wurzel is scheduled for her surgery today. She was to check in at 10:30 am for noon surgery but as of 3pm today she has not even gone into pre-op holding yet. She sounded very calm when I talked with her and not even complaining about being hungrey, what a trooper. Please go to her surgery page and send her your best wishes.
About Me
Brookfield, wi
Surgery Date
Jun 03, 2001
Member Since
