House SOLD - We're out of NH! Arizona here I come!

Nov 17, 2008

I'm thrilled to finally sell the home, and move out of this cold tundra!  We have a deposit on an RV park in Casa Grande, AZ.  We should be there by Dec 15th.  My last day @ work is Dec 2nd.  Nice that all bills will be paid and only paying $200/month (I'm prepaid for the year on the RV Park).  My mom fly's out from Arizona the Friday after Thanksgiving to help with the LOOONG distance travel.  My sister's coming up from Connecticut before the closing and the 3 of us are going to Maine, her treat for 3 days!  Weight could be better, I've been "slacking off", but trying to stay motivated and on track, I started in full force today and already had too much for lunch - good grief!  I can do more in an all summer state, that includes hiking which I love in December in shorts!  and the pool is just a short distance from the 5th wheel camper. I'll write once I get established out there.


Sep 06, 2008

9/3/08 -   Paul's been working contractor jobs with Hewlett Packard on an as needed basis.  Sometimes he gets only a few jobs a week, only a few hours a day, but gets paid very well.  He's had 2 assignments @ Senator Gregg's office in Concord.  He went to Rhode Island for a week for training for CVS Pharmacy, as they're going to upgrade all the stores pharmacy computers in the US.  They put him in a 5-Star Marriott hotel, he was in heaven.  The house is still on the market, we dropped the price.  We have someone interested, and wants it, but she needs to sell her condo first.  I want to get out of NH before the snow flies, actually before we pay the huge propane bill!  I'm counting calories & protein to stay on track.  Before I would just eat until satisfied.  This way it keeps me "in line"  I do 1200 calories daily with 60+ protein.  I do 1 hour cardio @ 5:00 am Monday - Friday at Golds Gym.  I dropped 4 lbs in 6 days this week alone.   The protein really helps keep me satisfied longer.  Taking walks after work with the dog is an added bonus for both of us.
5/23/08 - I have some exciting news - I dropped 11 pounds since seeing Dr. Campbell on 5/19/08 (my last post)  I've become more addicted to healthy eating than I have in many months.  Enjoying a salad, cottage cheese, and yogert for lunch today.  OK - I'll confess, I gained 20 pounds in 2 months (see previous post) weighed 242 at Dr. Campbell's office and now, 4 days later, I'm weighing 231.  I almost cancelled my appt with her, because of my weight gain (ashamed) but figured I'd better just take my punishment like a grown-up and it wasn't bad at all in the office with her, and I'm glad I did, as I probably wouldn't have lost this weight in 4 days, nor have a new outlook on my healthy eating.

5/21/08 - I seen Dr. Campbell this past Monday (5/19/08) and exciting news -  I DO NOT have a leak in my band,  it's just tempermental with gravity and suction.  She added more fill and I'm on day 3 of liquids - fun fun fun . . .   I go back in 4 weeks for re-check, as I'm almost full to capacity and still hungry after 2 hours.  I told Allison (her assistant) that I need a 2nd lap-band added, and she laughed!  During my visit, Dr. Campbell is concerned my weight has gone up (depression) it's so much weight gain, I won't write it here, (embarrassing) and she gave me a nice "pep talk" got me back on track and back to loosing again - she's an awesome doctor!  I'm so into the health food again now - I can't thank her enough!  No work yet for Paul, but he's picking up more hours at his part time job.  He's had many interviews - but to no avail - too many people - too little jobs - fustrating!  But, I'm still very positive that something's got to give here soon!  No buyers yet for the house.  
3/16/08 - I was having trouble with my lap-band, they thought it was leaking, but after more tests, they don't think it is, and I have to now stand when I get that lovely needle pocked into me to withdraw the saline from the band to check how much is in there.  I guess it's a tempermental suction.  They FILLED me to the max and I had pain so bad for 2 days in stomach area, and after gaining some weight after my vacation, I've dropped back down since this fill - well, I couldn't eat!  liquidy foods for 1 week and go about 6+ hours of no hunger.  Down to 221 pounds, that's 63 lbs since surgery 8 months ago and a total of almost 130 pounds total.  Paul's still trying to find work - it's tough.  He may have an opportunity, but I'm praying it pans out for him.  We almost had a buyer for our home, but they backed out.  I'm ready to leave NH and move to Arizona so badly, I want summer all year round.  Going to the gym 5x week and doing 1+ hours cardio, which consist of 1 hour of elliptical (burning 650 calories) and 20 - 30 minutes treadmill.  Last Friday I even jogged on the treadmill.  Getting back into my weight loss, healthy eating and enjoying it again.  If I do end up having a leak, that means surgery (know more in 2 weeks) I'll have the lap band removed instead of fixing or adding a new one.  I don't want to go threw this again years down the line. 

1/20/08 - Paul & I are on vacation in Arizona currently.  My mom is basically treating us for a 2-week vacation, but looks more like we'll be selling the house when I return on the 29th of January and heading south.  Enjoying the fun & sunshine!  Ate outside today at a restaurant and we're loving this area!  I'm at the outside pool and jacuzzi all the time.  Went to Tombstone Arizona a few days ago, loved the OK Coral and Boothill Cemetary - really interesting.  Went on a train ride yesterday through the Grand Canyon.  Houses are cheap here and I could sell mine and pay CASH for a home out here and live very comfortably with no mortgage.  Going to Phoenix zoo on Tuesday and an Olive factory Friday and Swap meet on Saturday.  Don't miss New Hampshire at all!  I have the best mom every - she's so helpful!  My daughter's watching our dog, and sadly she broke her foot a few days ago.  I wish I were nearer to help.

12/26/07 - Glad Christmas is over!  I'm still depressed from Paul's job.  I got down to 223 from not eating (stress) then I ate everything, including one day of nothing but chocolate.  Weighing 227 this morning.  It was nice seeing my kids and grandson, and we had a nice Christmas, so that helped me emotionally!
12/13/07 -
Paul & I are hanging in there from his layoff.  He's handling it better than me.  I had my fill yesterday, she put in .5cc more, so I'm @ 8cc in a 10cc band.  Down to 228 lbs this morning.
12/12/07 - I'm weighing 231 lbs this morning.  I go for my 4th fill today.  My husband was laid off his job Monday after 9 years employment, I'm distraught, stressed, and extremely depressed!  He's the breadwinner of the home, and I'm just besides myself.  Not eating, shaking, and crying all the time.  I did tons of phone calls yesterday to lower bills and make changes to add on my insurance at work, as he looses his insurance.  Please say a prayer for us.  I can't believe this company is doing this before the holiday's - shame on them! (that's not what I really want to say, but I can't post what I really want to say to them)  Someone else will benefit from his expertise!  It's their loss! 
12/5/2007 - A co-worker of mine had a good friend of hers pass away on December 3, 2007.  It was due to being morbidly obese.  She was 68 years old, wheel chair bound, and her body was shutting down.  My co-worker kept me updated of her progress and she kept telling me how smart I was to have the Lap-Band surgery, especially after what her good friend had gone through.  This really saddened me, and I started thinking that If I didn't do anything about my weight situation, I probably wouldn't even make it to age 68.  Now I can live a good/quality life and into my retirement years, and I'm so very thankful for that.  
11/19/2007 - I'm weighing 233 lbs this morning.  Amazing, the scale doesn't move for weeks, then I drop 10 pounds in 5 days after my fill.  I've lost 51 pounds post surgery and 117 pounds total.  I haven't seen this weight since I was pregnant with my son 23 years ago. 
11/15/2007 - I'm weighing 235 lbs.  On day 3 of the "liquids" since my fill.  Bought a different type of protein drink and it really did well with me and gave me some energy and strength. 
11/14/2007 - I had Dr. Meade do my fill, as Dr. Campbell had emergency surgery.  I was at 7 cc in a 10 cc band, so him and I didn't want to blow this thing up and I had .5 cc.  My scale read 241 this morning , BUMMER!  (that time of month) but, I'm down 10 pounds since my last fill 6 weeks ago.                                     
10/29/2007 - Blood work results came back, my cholesterol was down to 180! and I've been pre-diabetic for years, usually runs in the 110's was down to 91.  Paul and I did another 8.6 mile hike yesterday.  I do 2 miles every night and more on the weekends.           
10/23/2007 - Paul and I walked 8 1/2 miles this past Sunday (10/21/07) and 2 miles last night.  I'm at 239 this morning.  I had a really bad slimming episode Friday (10/19/07) at work infact.  I was rushing at lunch and ate too fast (tomato soup and oyster crackers - the crackers did it) and boy did I feel like I was going to pass out!  The pain was unbearable, and I slimmed for 35 minutes.  I called the Dr and clear liquids for 24 hours and CHEW CHEW CHEW.    
10/18/2007 -  I'm @ 242 lbs today.  I met a nice lady from another company who's across the hall from our company.  She joined weight watchers the same day of my surgery, (I guess I motivated her) and she's down 20 lbs.  There's a good example of someone who did another weight loss option vs surgery the same day as me, and has lost half the weight that I have - I thought I'd post that to all the folks just "thinking" about having surgery - IT'S SO WORTH IT! My quality of life is remarkable.                                       

10/16/2007 - I had my physical yesterday, and I was on 180mg of Cardizem, and he decreased it to 120mg   I'm working on getting off BP pills for the first time in about 8 years.  My weight is still hovering around 243.5 this morning   Bummer, I'm sick of seeing that same number for the past week or so.  Going hiking after work and still working on the water & sodium decrease. Still feeling a lot of restriction from my last fill.  
10/15/2007 - I had my first sliming episode.  That was horriable and never want to go through that again!  No movement on the scale.  Still at 243.5 this morning.  Paul & I did a 5 mile hike yesterday.  We usually do 2 miles after work (because of the time we get home, late!) and then 3 - 4 miles on the weekend.  The dog just loves the "new" me and hiking is her thing.  The darn scale hasn't moved.  I've been having weird dreams of eating.  Last night I dreamed I was eating cake, and my surgeon, Dr. Campbell was in the dream and I was hiding it from her.  How funny!  I have a lot of "eating" dreams.                           
9/15/2007 -  I can't stop shopping! I can't stay out of Macy*s and JCPenny's lately.  Getting really good bargains, tops ranging from $2.50 and a beautiful Liz Claiborne blazer/jacket for work reg $80 on sale for $15. 

9/12/2007 - Well, today's my 2-month post-op day.  I'm down to 255 pounds, 29 lbs since surgery and 95 total pounds to date.  I got really sick Sunday night with a migrain and was out of work for 2 days. I was sick to my stomach and weak.  My son, Shaun surprised me and showed up at my home on Sunday, he was homesick and wanted to to see his family I miss my kids terriably.  He works every weekend so I don't get much time to see him, then this stupid migrain started and it ended our visit quicker than I'd like.  We're all getting together on Sept 29th to the Big E Fair in Mass, so I'm excited about that.  I've done a lot of Christmas shopping already, it's only 3 months away, so that's exciting. I'm going to start wrapping this weekend.  Also, this weekend, Sept. 15th is our town wide yard sale, so I'm going clothes shopping for "L and XL" which I don't have a lot of.  I should put my fat clothes out for sale, but I'd rather shop.

8/26/2007 - I'm down to 261, so I'm down 4 lbs in 4 days.  A total of 23 lbs since surgery, and a grand total of 89 lbs all together.  The area where she stuck the needle in for my fill still hurts, putting on socks hurts even, strange that it's taking awhile to heal.  I was disappointed in Strawberry Bank yesterday, but we went to the shopping outlets in Kittery, Maine and that was fun!  it's just massive with stores, on 2 sides of a the street and a good walking distance in between each plaza.  I did really well with walking and shopping the 120 store outlets, it took 5 hours to complete.  I even bought an XL top at Liz Claiborne, a great price of $11.00!  We had dinner at Weathervane, and they strained the clam chowder soup for me, I ate half of a cup of the cream soup and was full.  I just watched everyone eat grease and unhealthy foods.  Sadly, about 1/3 of the people where overweight there. I really enjoyed not having all the grease that everyone else ate there, and I didn't have to roll out of the restaurant like I used to do.  I'm starting to see changes in my body.  I can feel a lot of bones on my lower arm, and getting creveces (pits) in my belly area, plus reaching places on my back and butt I've never been able to reach before, that's just amazing.  I'm on the final day of full liquids, and can have food tomorrow  that's exciting.
8/23/2007 - I had my first "fill" yesterday, and the doctor missed the port, OUCH! my skin was too tight.  So, she had to stick me again.  I was surprised that it hurt, and it's still soar this morning, mainly when I bend over.  She put 4CC's in and my band holds 10cc's.  So clear fluids for 2 days, then full liquids for another 2 days, then puree.  I feel the restriction, but nothing like after surgery.  I can definately live with this.  Should be fun at work for today & tomorrow, I may be weak with no nurishment.  But, the weight will start coming off, so I'm told anyways.  It's been stuck at the same weight,  flucuating .5 lbs for 2 1/2 weeks, finally, it moved today, weighing 265.5 (clear liquids will do that anyways).  Paul & I've been going to the gym almost daily and I do 40 minutes on the treadmill.  I tried the eliptical and bike, but that didn't do so well with the band.

Today's my 43rd birthday  going to Strawberry Bank in Portsmouth, NH this weekend.  Too bad I'm only on full liquids on that day, I could really have a piece of birthday cake right now.  I've been enjoying going out to restaurants for meals, I go to Wendy's and get a baked potatoe.  My son spoiled me with b-day gifts, all I wanted was just to see him, and I got that.  My daughter surprised me with a visit on Sunday with my cutie pie grandson, he's now walking and into everything! 

8/12/2007 - Today's my 1-month post op.  I had a Dr. appt with my PCP on Friday, and my blood pressure was the lowest it's been in years at 114/68.  My blood pressure runs high, usually 150/90 (+/-) I've been on 3 different blood pressure med's for about 7 years, but since the surgery, I'm on only 1 BP med.  He said that on my next appt, in 2 months, they're going to reduce it, or delete the last BP med all together.  I'm down to 266.5 lbs, so 18 lbs down since surgery, and 84 lbs total since I started dieting with last year.  That darn scale didn't move at all this past week.  Even after exercising more, following the program to a tee, I just don't get it.  After reading some of these posts from other member's, it seems I haven't lost as much pounds as most members, I'm happy for the members, but disappointing for me, but my Dr is very happy with it.  Just keep on track, everyone's different and it will come off.  He said at the rate I'm going, I'll be down another 40 pounds by Christmas.  I found a great deal at the mall, a Cuisinart 2 cup food chopper for $19, reg $50 (reconditioned) works great and I ground and puree everything and don't have any problems with getting foods stuck in the band.  I get my first "fill" next week, so back to liquids for 4 days.  Then on healthy foods again, I'm really enjoying 1 piece of wheat toast (plain) in the morning and 1 scrambled egg.  Neither of which I can finish the whole thing (the dog loves me lately),  This Tuesday, I can start the final phase of the program (basically healthy foods, but any type of food, protein foods eaten first of course) and not as restricted with a food list.  I want to eat at a Restaurant so badly, but so limited as they don't puree foods.  I thought of Wendy's for a baked potatoe (plain) or breakfast somewhere with 1 egg & toast.  And KFC for mashed potatoe (plain).  I haven't been to a restaurant in 5 weeks and it's killing me!  I've been to the mall, eat my yogert and baby food in the food court and watch everyone eat from Taco Bell, Burger King, and the chinese restaurants in the mall.  It doesn't bother me, but It's amazing how I pay more attention to those things and how unhealthy people eat, especially a lot of french fries!  I used to be there, and didn't think twice on ordering those foods.

I can for the first time say I'm very happy I got this done.  I still have some pain in the port area though, and can actually feel that sucker there - ooof, that's a weird feeling.  I want to go out and buy clothes, clothes & more clothes.  I already have a pile of too big clothes for Goodwill and since my kids moved out, I occupy their closets.  I have clothes that are too small in my daughter's closet and clothes almost fitting in my son's closet, and the clothes that fit in my closet.  Buying clothes now would be really stupid.  I had to buy something though, as I haven't bought something smaller in years, so I went to the Goodwill store and bought a pair of jeans size 18 (too small) and a misses XL top (too small) for $5.00, but will be in those clothes soon!  I started at a high size of 26/28, (almost into a 30) and now I'm 20, 22, 24 (depends on the item).  I'm wearing some 20 size pants and 24 size jeans and a 1x womens tops, where it used to be a high 3x.  I'm so mind set on always going to Lane Bryant, so I automatically go there.  I can't wait to go into the mall and shop at one of those "slim" places with no plus size clothes!  

But the big prize is I'm feeling good, my self esteem has improved, my health has greatly improved.  I can walk with my head up high, even though I'm still very heavy and have 125 lbs to loose.  I couldn't walk in the mall Feb 2006 at 350 lbs, now, I just run back & forth, it's just amazing, as I figured I'd never get healthy it's just too late, but it wasn't.  What I'm going through now is coming out of my shell, I'm not so embarrassed anymore, and all I want to do is go, go and go!  Paul and I went to Canterberry Village yesterday, "The Shaker's" dated back to the 1700's housing village.  It was so much fun, and I did a lot of walking and up & down the stairs in the individual homes, and had no problem nor out of breath!  Of course, they had nothing for me to eat at the restaurant, so I ate my applesauce & pudding that I brought.  The people back in colonial times ate a lot of apple pie for breakfast, which I found really interesting, a lot of breads also.  The medical building was there and the surgical room on the 2nd floor, boy has that changed from 1700's to today.  I told Paul no lap band surgery could be performed then for sure, and he just laughed!  It's amazing their methods of anesthesia back then, just liquor!  For my birthday in 2 weeks were going to Strawberry Bank, very similar to the Canterberry Village, but in Portsmouth, NH and much bigger.  Thanks to whom ever invented this wonderful type of surgery! My life has changed forever!           

7/24/2007 - OK, this is getting better.  The commercials don't bother me anymore.  Something hit me on the head (reality) that those foods got me into this trouble in the first place, so now I'm better with that.  My stomach has now gone back to normal, so the pressure with drinking water  and eating isn't there anymore.  I'm weighing 271.5 pounds.  I tried on 4 pairs of jeans yesterday that I've never been able to fit into, 2 of them with the price tags still on them, and 3 of them fit.  I was so shocked and excited!  The last time I tried them on, the button snaps were 4 inches apart.  Unbelievable! this is really working, and I'm not hungry.  A few bites of yogert or sugar free jello, pudding, cream of wheat (about 4 tablespoons) does the job.  I have my 2 week appt scheduled tomorrow with Dr. Campbell, and going to request another week off work, it's been a slower recovery than I anticipated, but better every day.

7/17/2007 - The day of surgery I wasn't as scared as the week before, I guess I finally accepted it.  This is the first time I've been able to type.  It's been a longer recovery than I thought.  Lucky Paul is here to help me.  I'm finally not as soar and able to push more fluids down than before.  Not crazy about that pressure feeling in the stomach area until it passes through the band, but, that's the way it is.  Every day I'm lightheaded, but getting better.  The surgery lasted 2 hours, but the doctor was done in 45 minutes, I guess the rest was stitching up and whatever they do.  I have a bruise about 4 inches from my neck and it's soar, probably from the breathing tube they stick down my throat.  I'm just lucky to be alive, and have a new outlook on life.  After surgery, waking out of anesthesia wasn't that easy, took me 4 hours to come around.  Because I'd lost 20 more pounds since my surgeon appt and pushed myself at the gym, Dr. Campbell said I shrunk my liver immensly and it made it easy for her to perform her surgery and it went really well.  Thank the good lord!  I went in weighin 280 pounds, after surgery, I gained 4 pounds, which is expected, today I'm weighing 277.  Haven't seen this since 1999.  The TV commercials with food are the worst! I've been moody and Paul just helps me.  I said why can't they have jello or protein commercials, no, they have to have Chilli's delicious new meal commercials, and Arby's, and watching Martha Stewart, it's all food.  Amazing that this country revolves around food!  I'm still coughing stuff out of my lungs, and slept comfortable for the first in bed last night vs the reclining couch.  I need to get better with walking, and better do that now while the bugs are still sleeping.  Thanks to all of you that have responded to my profile, you have inspired me and I really appreciate it very much!   


10/8/2007 - My 2nd fill has brought me so much restriction.  I'm down to 243! That's 8 lbs in 4 days!  Total of 41 post-surgery and 107 total.  I actually got sick Friday (10/5/07) day 2 of my clear liquids, I bought a 12 oz Tropicana Apple Juice and it did not do well, I had to run to the toilet again and again.  Still not doing the best, I just finished oatmeal for breakfast, and that's it.
9/30/2007 - I went to a party for my sister-in-law yesterday (Sunday).  She's my age (43) and had her 4th child, a girl (after 3 boys).  I went to her baby shower in June this year and the same folks were at this party, no one said one word about my weight loss it was very upsetting.  I'm down about 50 pounds since I'd seen them.  

9/14/2007 - I had 3 more cc's put into the band yesterday, totalling 7 cc's, and it's a 10 cc band.  Dr. Campbell got the port right on the nose, and it didn't hurt at all .  I'm down to 251 pounds - 33 lbs since surgery and 99 lbs total.  We went to the Big E Fair in Mass this past weekend, and I lost a pound.  Amazing, who can say they lost a pound at a fair, but us Lap Band Folks   My husband ate enough for me as well.  I baked for my kids the last 2 nights and filled halloween candy trick-or-treat bags.  My son and his fiance' are coming over tonight so I'm giving him his gifts, it's her birthday as well.  I'll visit my daughter in a few weeks closer towards halloween and make up a new batch of cookies/brownies/rice crispie bars & store bought candy/granola bars and bring it to her.  Both kids will be surprised.  My clothes are just rediculous on me, I look like a clown.  My mom is so wonderful, she's sent me a couple of outfits, and now is sending me $200 towards a few new dresses for work, then after I reach my goal, she's buying me a new wardrobe

About Me
Casa Grande, AZ
Surgery Date
Jun 28, 2007
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