I'm a happily married mom to 3 fantastic sons and 1 amazing daughter. I work as a vendor for a company who merchandises the Millwork Department of 22 Home Depots throughout Utah, Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming. I love my job.
Some hobbies are computer games, movies, music, reading and travel. My favorite thing to do is my hubby... (did I say that outloud?) I can't help it.. I'm crazy about him.  I met hubbs on the internet in 2004 and we have been inseperable ever since.


I have been looking into this surgery since 2001.  I would get really close to deciding to go thru with it and then a new diet would come out.  This year, February 2006 I attended ANOTHER WLS info class with my hubbs.  I filled out some of the paper work and left the packet on my desk... UNTIL JUNE!!!!!  I am disgusted with myself at this point because I am just getting fatter and fatter and fatter.... I'm waiting now to explode..  One night in June I'm cleaning off my desk and here is the self addressed stamped manilla envelope with all of my WLS info in it.  I didn't even take it out to look at it.. I got in the car and dropped it off at the post office. I assumed not everything was completed but at this point I don't really care... if they need more from me then they will tell me and I will give it to them....

Guess they didn't really need more.. because the first call I got was from the lady who handles the insurance..... 

So now it's the end of July and I get a call from the lady who handles the insurance part of the surgery at the center where I've decided to have the surgery if I get approved. The doctor would like to meet with me. I scheduled my first pre-op meeting. This meeting consisted of another educational class which discussed making an informed decision. Talked about everything from how it works to what happens if it doesn't. All the really great stuff... and all of the not so great stuff. After the class I met with the Dr. She is a doll. The only thing that irritated me was that I had to grease up to get into the chair in the waiting room of a dr. who specializes in fatty's. That just didn't make any sense to me. So we talked about why I had chosen the RNY over the Lap Band. She felt I had made a good decision. At this point none of my information has been submitted to the insurance yet. After I met with the doc I then met with the dietician and the exercise guru. They were great. We made some pre op goals as far as things I would work on getting rid of.. ie.. carbonation, caffiene, and things I would start doing.. ie chewing my food 10 trillion times, attempting to exercise 2 times a week... Then after I met with her I met with the shrink. We talked about what I expected to gain from the surgery. She recommended a couple of books to help me with love affair with food. Then I took this crazy test which asked the same question several times... I think they were trying to trick me into admiting that I'm really bossy or that I think taking drugs is ok. They didn't get me though!

That was Wednesday, August 9, 2006. On Friday, August 11, 2006 all of my goodies were submitted to my insurance company. They said I could expect an answer in a couple of weeks. I was really nervous because now I'm really excited. I'm telling everyone I'm going to have the surgery and I'm day dreaming about it

August 16, 2006 I attended my last educational class. I found out that night that my insurance had approved me. I wasn't expecting to hear back this soon. I cried. I couldn't believe it! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!! So the next day we set my date. September 5th. My whole life changes on Sept 5th. Now I have had some bizarre dreams since then. I dremt I ate myself sick the day of my surgery. I also dremt that I could feel my lil egg pouch as I bounced out the door on my way to work.. I rubbed my belly.. and I wasn't even hungry. I also drempt I woke up from the surgery and was very upset that I was still fat! *giggles*

August 20, 2006
I can't believe this is happening to me. 6 years ago I looked into having this surgery. The first time I passed on this because my insurance did not cover it. Another time I passed on this because I decided that I could probably do Atkins... After my 16th steak I changed my mind. I passed on this surgery in February of this year because I decided to try Eating/Body for Life... I don't know what is the matter with me.. I have no will power. I love to eat... I love good food... I didn't get this fat eating ramen noodles or mac n cheese either. Real butter, real sour cream, real everything.. none of that fake stuff. I looked forward to my meals.. I planned them carefully and my mouth would water just thinking about what I was going to eat. I think I'm probably a food addict. The end of June this year I was cleaning off my desk. In a pile that had built up for a few months of old bills and papers from work was this manilla envelope. Inside was all the paperwork that I had filled out in February for WLS. So I sent it in. I didn't even look at it. I didn't know if it was all complete or not... I just sent it in. A couple of weeks later I received a post card in the mail to attend one of three educational classes that are mandatory to take in order to have WLS. So I went. It was just what I needed. This class was full of a panel of people who had already gone thru surgery. Some of them were 5 years out, others 6 months, a year. They were happy. Their before and after pictures blew me away. After that meeting it was all I could think about.

So the meaning of this post is to firstly introduce myself to this group.. I have been lurking for a couple of weeks now not really sure of what to say and not really having very much to input because I havn't had the surgery yet...
and secondly I wanted to count down the days to my second chance.

I have practially no comorbidities. I have some thyroid issues and other than I have been feeling my weight on my body for the last 4 or 5 months that is about it. I never really felt fat. I'm 5'9" with size 11 feet and big boobs.. I was never really thin.. and I don't think I am supposed to be. But since I started working the last year or so after all of my kidlets where in school.. I am finding that my feet hurt.. my joints.. my back.. everything.. I don't want to do so much damage to my body that it's not repairable. I want to feel good. I want to not be fat anymore. I have been fat for so long I don't even know what it would feel like to be thin. I'm tired of everyone staring at me. And this is what really pisses me off: I'm a fairly aggressive driver.. I cut someone off the other day (he was only doing 30 in a 40 so screw him.. I have places to go) and he sped up and moved up along side of me and started calling me a fat bitch.. Well that really pissed me off.. I don't want to be fat bitch.. I just want to be bitch.. I don't think I'm asking for too much!

16 Days and Counting



About Me
Sandy, UT
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2006
Member Since

Friends 80

Latest Blog 18
3.5 months
Big Loss In November
November 8th - 2 month Check Up
