Jennifer P. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hang in there Shelli! I know things are not so good right now, but every day it gets better and better! Just know your AMOS family is pulling for you! God Bless...

Lisa D. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi, all !!! Our poor Shelli could use some cheering up, if you can take a moment? Click onto her name at the beginning of this message and send her your positive vibes. Her left side is hurting a lot, and last evening her IV started leaking. Some nurse tried TWICE to put a new one in, poking at her and aiming for tiny veins that Shelli knew weren't big enough. Finally had to send for the IV team to put in a new one, but by that time, poor Shelli had been an hour and a half with NO PAIN MEDICATION and it took her all night to get back up to where she was before, as far as having pain relief. She sounds so tired... Angel signing off...

pam k. S. 22 years, 7 months ago

Shelli, Congratulations on making it to the other side. Hang in there! I also went through those caffenine withdraw headaches last year after a surgery, and they are "HELL"! Nothing helps! I am in the same boat, I will also hold on to my Diet Pepsi till just before surgery. That will be on of the hardest things to have to give up. I love my Diet Pepsi!!! You hang in there and you will be doing great soon. Prayers for a speedy recovery! Pam

Lisa D. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi, All !!! Went to see Shelli in the hospital this afternoon. She has that left-sided pain that most of us seem to get. She's been up walking and was going to do some more later on. Right now she's battling a BAD caffeine headache that the narcotics don't even touch. She wanted to keep her Diet Pepsi right up until the last minute, before giving it up forever. She is sort of regretting that now. I know others have had these bad caffeine headaches after surgery that they say hurt as bad as the surgery itself, so I guess it really is a good idea to wean yourself off it in the weeks preop. Anyway, I didn't stay too long, because she wasn't feeling all that well. Looks like she may get out Monday morning. And then back to caring for her 3 kids !!! That ought to be a challenge, right after this surgery, but Shelli is one tough lady, so if anyone can handle it, she's the one. Angel signing off....

vmize 22 years, 7 months ago

Way to go Shelli, Keep up the good work! Can't weight till I'm there too!!!

Linda B. 22 years, 7 months ago

Shelia, Congratulations!! Glad all is going well. Iam fighting my insurance co. so am still waiting. But all will work out. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a happy, HEALTHY future

Deanna T. 22 years, 7 months ago

SHELLI...Hey there PRECIOUS...I know you must be going through a great deal right now but please remember this too will pass...I know I wish it was sooner than later...You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers~ Lots of Love, Deanna

Lisa D. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi, all !!! Talked to Shelli this AM. She sounds better. The day after surgery really is the worst and now THAT is behind her. She has her catheter out and will be trying some food. I warned her about the jello that they say is sugar-free, but often has mannitol or sorbitol that diabetics can have, but not us. Best to stick with the herbal tea and chicken/beef broth. I'm going to visit her in the hospital this afternoon and bring her a print out of all your well wishes. It will cheer her up !!! So PLEASE, if you haven't been to Shelli's surgery page, just click on here at the top of this message where it says her name - it will take you right to her page and click on "post your comment here". Then later today I'll print them all out and take them to her in the hospital. She did this for me, and believe me, it really HELPS !!! Thank you for being the supportive, sharing, caring people that you all are. Angel signing off....

Lisa D. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi, all !! Talked to Shelli again this afternoon. Sounds like she is finding, like many of us have, that the day after surgery is the hardest one. It gets better from there on out. She waited all AM for the doc to show up, but he didn't. Finally appeared around noon, said she could skip the leak test and allowed them to pull the nasogastric tube out. It was making her miserable; it did for me, too. Not sure if he's just going to schedule her leak test for tomorrow instead. Anyway, Shelli is doing great and thinks she will be up walking shortly. Angel signing off....

Lisa D. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi, all !!! Tried for an hour to call Shelli at the hospital yesterday afternoon - she was busy calling everyone herself !!! She woke up still in the operating room, just as they were taking the anesthesia mask off her face. Said she didn't particularly want to wake up THERE, but she remembered it, even with the Versed they gave her preop (calms you down and supposed to give you amnesia for several hours - did for me.) Her surgery was 2 hours, laparoscopic, then a couple of hours in Recovery. The morphine PCA pump didn't really work well for her pain, so they switched her to a Dilaudid PCA pump, which is doing a great job on any pain. It leaves a lot of us nauseated, but they gave her something for that, too. When I talked to her for about 15 mins, she said she'd drift in and out napping, but not really deep sleep. She was sitting all the way up at 90 degrees in her hospital bed and sounded just like herself, not even all druggy!!! She found the same thing I did, every time she would move her left hand up, it would cut off the flow of the IV and the darned thing starts beeping. It gets really annoying after awhile, so I told her, "Just press the nurse call button each time, tell them your IV is beeping, and after they re-set it, try not to move your left arm much, mostly just use your right. She had the squeezy things on her legs to prevent blood clots. I told her once she is up walking around a lot, she can bargain with the nurses that if she gets up and walks every 3 hours, to take them off. First things first, though. This AM she gets the leak test, so please pray for her - "No leaky !!!" And if she passes that test, she'll get to have the nasogastric tube out, which was bugging her nose. I didn't like mine at all either. I'll call her again today and will update. So far sounds like she's doing just great and she is SO relieved to have this finally behind her, and not have to go through anymore preop jitters !!! Angel signing off....
About Me
Aurora, co
Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2001
Member Since
