Myoplex Low Carb (apple cinn and cookies/cream)

"Bought these during the gold card week at GNC (20% off)-the Apple Cinnamon is great! The cookies and cream is very good too! 30g's protein, less than 3g's sugar, less than 3g's carbs-250 calories"

Protein Blast Drink

"I was given some of these as samples by the GNC manager-they are great! 40 grams of protein in each and they taste pretty good-especially the ABSberry. They are a bit pricey but if you want a quick protein fix, this is it!"

Perfect Zero Carb

"I blend one scoop of this with one scoop carb solutions strawberry and it makes a very tasty high protein drink! I have used this product with much success and continue to recommend it. I also have started mixing just the ISOPURE with ICE in a blender,adding some water,splenda,fresh fruit(pineapple/blueberries/banana), and cool whip and that is incredible! It is how I start every morning! Sometimes I put chocolate pudding in too for a chocolate shake-ss/ff of course!"

Roger Williams Medical Center Bariatrics

"The only thing I was displeased about was the ER-I ended up back in the ER a few days after release and I was in terrible pain and was not taken in for quite a while and there was no one waiting and noone to be found to take my information. Once I got in the rooms were dirty, there was blood on the floor, I was given pain meds and sent home-my white blood cell count was very high and I was told later I never should have been released-I was brought back in a few hours later and my surgeon was there so he took me right in. I was waiting to have a CT scan and was forgotten about in a hallway next to an open door in winter time for over an hour-and I had to call my surgeons office to page him to tell him I was forgotten about and was given no pain meds. They also made me drink TANG before the CT Scan and as a bypass patient I can't have sugar, and this caused me to vomit and be nautious for quite a while. I had severe abdominal pain that was not helped by additional vomitting. The Hospital itself was wonderful, I had great care and never had problems with pain or anything-the ER is a whole different story."

Dieter Pohl

"Dr. Pohl seems to be very knowledgable about the procedure, and specializes in advanced Laproscopic surgery. He has performed 13 other RNY Lap's, and has not had any with leakages, so that is a good sign. He is very structured as to the process, I have to see a Dietician, Psychologist as well as have all the pre-testing done. His office staff was alot of fun. They were very pleasant and didn't treat me like an outcast, as other doctor's offices had. They are making all the follow up appointments for me, and following up with the insurance company, so that is a huge help. I was worried about finding the right doctors and scheduling the appointments but they take care of that. They were very kind people, and use comic relief to ease the nervous patient (that would be me!). Dr. Pohl is very emphatic about after care, and explaining the risks involved. He did not sugar coat anything, and told me exactly what to expect and what the consequences of the surgery could be. "
About Me
Near Providence, RI
Surgery Date
Aug 11, 2001
Member Since
