swangirl 18 years, 1 month ago

Congratulations on your success and best wishes for the future!

Laura B. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi everyone, just realized that people are actually reading my profile. For those of you who visit it, I have put a new update on there along with a note about a new support group starting up in my area. If you are in the Bremerton, WA or surrounding area and are interested in a LOCAL patient-run support group (so you don't have to drive all the way to Tacoma or Seattle), please email me at the address on my profile and I will send you details. I hope to hear from some of you! ~Laura (down from 284 to 191 and feeling great!)

Debbie A. 21 years, 11 months ago

WooHoo! Congratulations on your tremendous weight loss! You are truly an inspiration to us pre-ops who aspire to be just like you! Thanks for keeping us posted on your progress – it’s so good for us to see how you “posties” are doing and keeps us hanging in there. May God bless you!

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 21 years, 11 months ago

Congratulations!!! on your 85 pounds VICTORY!!!! Doing the happy dance with you (can't you feel the floor shake hehe).

Sharon Neva 22 years ago

LAURA~~CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS SO FAR! I LIVE IN MOSES LAKE WA~~May you always have an Angel by your side. Watching out for you in all the things you do. Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days. Finding ways for your wishes and dreams to come true. Giving you hope that is as certain as the sun. Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide. May you always have love and comfort and courage.~

Laura B. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hi everyone, I haven't posted in awhile but I lurk a couple times a week. Just wanted to give a quick update. I am 11 weeks post-op tomorrow and am at 224. (Down 49 pounds from my surgery date and 60 pounds down from my consult in January.) I have had almost no complications and am finally figuring out how to eat slowly and chew well. I have been struggling the past two days with some dizziness that I haven't felt since the first 2 weeks post-op, but think I have been letting myself get dehydrated. Going to see the doc today about that. My appetite goes up and down depending on the "time of the month" but in general it is MUCH lower than ever. I feel like I'm eating enough but not too much. I'm having a hard time balancing protein vs. carbs as proteins still sit pretty heavy in my pouch. Chicken is the only meat I can handle and sometimes tuna. I'm in a 22 down from a tight 28. I finally broke down and bought some new pants last week, but am still wearing my baggy old shirts to try to save money. :) Overall I can say that I am thrilled with my weight loss and the way I feel. I have TONS more energy (except the past two days) and feel SO MUCH BETTER than I did pre-op. I am exercising 3 times a week at Curves, which I love and look forward to each day. I never dread going like I used to. This surgery has been the best thing to ever happen to me! Some wonderful plusses: I am rediscovering my collar bones; I am wearing NORMAL length chains (you know the ones that come standard with jewelry but never fit me before!) and even chokers; I am fitting into the desks at college; I no longer have to fight with my seat belt; and best of all people are constantly saying such NICE things to me! Thanks for all the support you each give every day. I love reading all your stories and posts. Lots of Love ~

Dolores M. 22 years, 3 months ago

Laura, we did it!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for all your support, means a lot. Glad your doing so well, I hope and pray for a continued speedy, uneventful recovery. You "Go Girl." God bless you, Dolores

Laura B. 22 years, 3 months ago

Hi everyone! Well, I am 2 weeks and 1 day post-op. Things are going good. I am finishing up my full liquid diet and go back to my surgeon for my checkup tomorrow. Yesterday I finally joined the "puke club". I was beginning to think it wouldn't happen to me, things have been going down so easily. But yesterday I tried some imitation crabmeat. I chewed and chewed, but think I ate too fast or it just didn't agree. About the 3rd mouthful I knew it was going to come back up. And there was this AWFUL pain in my chest. If it hadn't come up on it's own I would've forced it up to get rid of the pain. Then last night my husband made macaroni and cheese for the kids. I thought "well, its soft. I'll give it a try". Only got 2 bites of it in before I got that same pain and POW up it came. Yuck! I'm not sure I'm ready for this solid food thing! Just kidding. I'm just going to keep trying one food at a time. I think I'll stay away from things with rubbery textures though. But I love cheese sticks - I hope they don't give me a hard time. Other than those episodes yesterday my recovery is going great. I am dying to go back to work, I walked about a mile yesterday and felt great, and my energy is slowly returning. The scale says I've lost 20 pounds since surgery (although I'm a scale junkie & it changes morning to night - I know slap my hand). That 20 pounds plus the 11 I lost the month prior to surgery makes a whole 31! I'll be happy when my clothes get too big. Hope you are all doing well. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Love ~

smartchick 22 years, 3 months ago

CONGRATS!! Glad to hear all is well- keep us posted on your progress, and take care of yourself- glad to see you are now another of Dr. Elliott's successes!! Jen

LORRAINE K. 22 years, 3 months ago

Dear Laura~~~~~CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! on your successful surgery; I am so glad that you are home and progressing well. It's a fine balance between doing as much as you can and getting the rest you need. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery. Be strong, be well. Lorraine
About Me
Bremerton, WA
Surgery Date
Oct 01, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
I had no idea I looked this big, but I felt it inside & out.
May 2003, 170 pounds
