ronascott 23 years ago

Hi All !! It's Rona, the delinquent angel. Forgive this late post but life's usual crisis' made me run late getting this info to you. My husband and I visited Robin in the hospital yesterday afternoon and I'm proud to report that she was doing INCREDIBLY WELL!! I was amazed. After OPEN surgery she was sitting up and turning from side to side only hours after the procedure. She had dry mouth and wanted some ice chips so badly but I'm sure they've remedied that by now. Her mom, who looks too young and beautiful to be any adult's mom, was there taking good care of her. She seems to be such a loving and caring mom. Robin's a lucky girl. Robin's husband Tim came in before we left and he asked my husband about a million and two questions so I was glad that he's going to be one of those super supportive and caring husbands. Keep Robin in your prayers. I'm happy to report that it seems like she's going to be one of those ladies who just sails through this surgery with the greatest of ease. I'll report more tomorrow.

dtpgoose 23 years ago

Welcome to the other side Robin... I just talked to her on the phone and she is doing good, she sounded great to have had surgery yesterday. Thanks God for walking by her side and getting her through it all safely. God Bless Us All. :-)

Patricia W. 23 years ago

Hello Robin, congradulations on your trip to the other side,and a safe jounery,God please guide Robin safely to the other side, and her recovery.Will be looking for Rona updates..Lov you. Pat

Laura M. 23 years ago

Robin, Good luck to you. I am thinking of you. See you at the next meeting you come to. Take care !!!

GG B. 23 years, 1 month ago

Dear Robin, Hope this finds you doing well. I am so happy for you. It encourages me each time someone makes it. Do everything your dr. says. I will do this again soon. Love Gena P.S. Prayers and hugs many blessings for a speedy recovery.

dtpgoose 23 years, 1 month ago

Your in our prayers, call us if you need anything. We will try to get by to see you when you are up to visitors. See you on the other side. We will be looking for updates from Rona. - Wes & Lisa

Roxanna 23 years, 1 month ago

Robin, good luck and may God bless as you have your surgery. I had my RNY 2.5 weeks ago with Dr. Sherer, and I'm doing great. I'm sure you will do great too. I look forward to reading about your success in the future!

Joanna T. 23 years, 1 month ago

Robin - Good Luck to you tomorrow. I will be saying a prayer for you and will come see you on Wed. See you on the other side!!!

M. A. B. 23 years, 1 month ago

Hi - Just wishing you best wishes for a great recovery - I was nearly identical in size/weight/age when i went in 3/27 - Keep your arms adn legs inside for the ride and Hang On!

peaceangel58 23 years, 1 month ago

Hi Robin, Congrats on your surgery, I pray for a safe and speedy recovery for you, You have a wonderful Angel. If I were in town I would come to visit you, I am on my way to Europe this morning. I am very excited for you. You will soon be having your new Birthday, and your new life. The first 8 weeks can be rough, but sooo worth it. Call me if there is any thing I can do to help. :) :) :) :) :)
About Me
Calera, AL
Surgery Date
Mar 25, 2001
Member Since
