Laura F. 20 years, 3 months ago

Jenee, congratulations! I think you look wonderful and I hope life on the other side is going great for you!

kylakae 21 years, 11 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="144" height="88"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font face="Lucida Sans" color="#FF3399">Happy re-Birthday, Jenee! Today marks the anniversary of your WLS. Congratulations on all your triumphs! I hope that you continue to be blessed by this surgery and that you are feeling great. May this next year be your best ever!!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

kylakae 22 years, 4 months ago

Jenee, congratulations on making the century club, you are doing awesome!

Jenee B. 22 years, 9 months ago

Just a quick update. I am now 8 weeks post-op and down 47 lbs! I met my personal goal and then some. I am so happy right now. I no longer miss the big meals, being thinner is worth doing without!!! I do have a small question.I usually can only swallow 3 bites of food( meat) so what I have been doing is spitting out bites once I have chewed and enjoyed them( maybe 5 or 6 bites). Since doing this I don;t feel quite so discouraged at only eating 3 bites. Is this harmful in anyway? Normal? TIA Prayers going out to all that are undergoing surgery tommorrow.

Heidi H. 22 years, 9 months ago

Hey Jenee!!!! thanks for posting to my page! Just wanted to check in and see how "GREAT" you were doing. I looked for an update from ya, but couldn't find a current one. I'm very excited to hear about your weight loss success! Keep us all posted. Take Care, Heidi

Jenee B. 22 years, 10 months ago

please excuse any typo's, I'm still not myself and my chair is off to left slightly and dammit I'm not getting up to fix it LOL OK my surgery got bumped up to 7:30 am that morning so really it was like I got there got my IV and bloodthinner and was taken away.This is a smalltown hospital to everyone was so nice calling me sweetie and cupcake ect.. !lol I went into the OR nervous but not to much and the anesthesiologist said OK Jenee this will make you feel a little sleepy. CONK.the next thing I remember was waking up as the moved me from the or table to a gurney *one two three* poor guys :( dang did that hurt. The I must have slept more and I woke to someone talking in the iCU to me and I said leave me alone I'm dead.LOL Then Brice was allowed in but I couldn't see him, about that time I had a muscle spasm that I swear was worse then any contraction imaginable, I was give a muscle relaxer to ease those as they had me writhing in pain.I tellya my gut hurt so bad I wished I was dead, it was worse then what I imagined and being my main muscles *everything* I did pulled on them.But it's getting better, I still hurt quite a bit and it every move it smarts but not as bad now. I did have a morphine pump too.Lets see next bad thing was the nasogastric tube that I had for 2 days, thankfully it was put in while I was asleep but after I woke I was aware it was there- pretty nasty. My throat felt like swallowing rocks. Everyone was great at the hospital, I was give nice warm sponge baths and middle of the night back rubs because my back hurt from being in bed. I had nothing but a damp sponge thing to wet my lips and mouth for two days. that was bad because i love my water in the morning. Then I had a leak test, it tests to see if there are any internal leaks, luckilyThey simply injected the dye through my NG tube, although I did feel it in theback of my throat. NO leaks YAY! They took my catheter out, the UHG pulled my NG tube, that was nasty, like a big hot slimy snake I felt it come out of my belly, up mythroat and out my nose, * shivers* but it only burned for a second and it felt oh so good to have it gone. It as pretty much all good from there, I was able to drink small sips of water, go to the bathroom and move a little more.I was miserable though, I couldn't sleep more then 10 min at night so during the day I drifted off to sleep quite a bit. OH last worst thing, my hair went almost 5 days without being washed, YUCK. I'm an everyday wash girl and I felt nasty with greasy hair. Being home is great because I can shower with dh's help ;) wash my hair and I sleep at night. I still have had all clear liquids now, so this day 6 since my last solid food. I'm not hungry but I think about food a lot, I did try a full liquid today but quite nauseous, so it's a slow process for sure. I need something more, I maybe have got 80 calories total for the last 3 days and I'm weak. But I'm so scared to drink the thicker stuff since I may tolerate it. So anyway I'm looking forward to down the road tow or three months when I can have real food, just in small quantities, otherwise I'm OK with all of this. Thats all for now, I'm pooped after going through all of that again. :)

Jenee B. 22 years, 11 months ago

hi, i'm home and and wanted to thank everyone who prayed for me.A very special thanks to Heidi~it was a priveledge to have her as my angel!!! bye for now

Heidi H. 22 years, 11 months ago

~~~*ANGEL ON DUTY*~~~ Hi everyone! You are not going to believe this--Jenee's surgery was Wednesday and she has been released from the hospital this afternoon around 2:00pm!! Her leak test came back ok and she has had no complications to speak of. HURRAY!!!! She said it really helped that she was so positive going into this....the first two days were awful, more like unbarable, but each day is getting better! She is soooo glad the surgery is over and done with! CONGRATULATIONS Jenee!! You are safe and sound on the "other side" waiting for me! LOL I am very happy for you and wish you the very best in your weight loss! YOU DID IT!! I wish you a very easy and speedy recovery! God Bless! ~~Heidi

Heidi H. 22 years, 11 months ago

~~~*ANGEL REPORTING**~~ I just talked with Jenee and she sounds great! Her voice was a little scratchy due to the NG tube..She had her leak test earlier today and is awaiting the results, so she can have the tube removed! She's looking so forward to that! She hasent been able to drink or have ice chip yet...just her mouth swabbed with a sponge. Jenee said the first 2 days were terrible as far as the pain goes, but today is much better. She is still using the wonderful morphine pump! and is able to do some walking! Keep up the walking Jenee!!! WHOO-HOO, Jenee is safe and sound on the "other side" and doing fine! Please stop by her surgery page with your well wishes! Congratulations Jenee!! Your always in my thoughts and prayers! ~~Heidi

issis 22 years, 11 months ago

Way to Go!! Jenee, keep up the good reports. My prayers are with you during your healing time. God Bless/Irene
About Me
Surgery Date
May 14, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Here I am pre-op, My highest weight was 306 but I may have been about 301 here since I lost a few. I was a size 26/28! I wore this awful outfit so I could see just how fat I really was. It's easy to forget once you lose.
I'm now 2 years post op, this pic is from about 15 months but I'm pretty much the same still:o) size 8/10
160(now 15lbs
