Johnnette F. 21 years, 8 months ago

Janie I want to say your before and after pics look wonderful can't wait until you post another after this surgery. I hope and pray for you to have a speedy recovery. I too am a patient of doc Eagon and waiting my turn for surgery. Since I have medicaid there making me wait 9 months to get in there so it will be the first week of May for my Lap GB. Hope your feeling well soon! ~SOFT HUGS! Johnnette~

Mandy K. 21 years, 8 months ago

Janie Case is home and doing well from her tummy tuck and breast lift. She is having pain but other than that is recovering just fine. Please send any well wishes her way!

Lois B. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Janie, Just finished reading your profile. You sure have come a long way. Please don't quit posting as I want to read the next chapter. I am waiting for my surgery date and really find it informative to read what other people have gone through, it will take away the element of surprise if I encounter some of the same complications. Just read where you are home from the TT, so that is good news to all of us. Hope you are not in as much pain as from your previous surgeries. Please let us know when you are able to get on the computer again. I will be thinking of you and remembering you in my prayers. God Bless.

MIKE M. 21 years, 8 months ago

Janie, I just got a phone call from Georgia M. and she said that you went home yesterday and are recovering just fine. I'm glad to hear that everything went good for you. Hope you are pleased with the outcome! Gimme a call when you get back in the office and give me your story. Hope ya heal really fast and have little pain. Mike

LM O. 21 years, 8 months ago

Dear Janie, I just finished reading your profile. Wow, what a trip you have been on! I hope your body re-structuring goes great. I am looking forward to doing that myself some years down the line. Don't give up on us. The moderators are sometimes picky, but I really think that your posts not being posted had more to do with the bugs in the system. I know I have had a few not show up. Wishing you a speedy and uneventful recovery!

cleo718 21 years, 8 months ago

Please Janie, don't stop posting or take your profile down. I love reading about the sucesses of people like you and I'm sure a lot of other pre ops do too. You and others like you are the thing that encourage us to go forth especially in the beginning. I always go to profile pages and read them to learn more about the person and their experiences. I also feel as though I then know the person. Please don't leave, because we're all family in this together for life. I'm also praying that your surgery goes well and your recovery too. I'm glad that your tummy tuck time is here. Love, Wanda

Mary H. 21 years, 8 months ago

prayers for a happy tummy tuck gods blessings girl

Teekay80 21 years, 8 months ago

Janie. Please don't leave. We all need the invaluable information that longer post- ops can offer. You have been there and done that. pre-ops like myself need veterans like you.

Claire B. 21 years, 8 months ago

Janie, PLEASE do not go away!!! Both of your post made it to the board. I, for one, like to hear from people that are post-op. I am supposed to have surgery on Oct 25, and I want ALL the information I can get from the post-ops!!! May God Bless you richly...

Patricia C. 21 years, 8 months ago

Janie: You look wonderful!!!! I really don't know how you could look any better. To me you look just beautiful. But, go for the TT and lift and May God Bless you. I for one really wish you would reconsider leaving. I don't know all the reason's with people's messages being left off or deleted. But maybe the scanners should re-evaluate what they are doing. After all, This is AN ADULT MEDIUM, and as long as the messages are not profane or derogatory, I don't see why anyone's comments should be deleted. Negative comments can be a problem; but, sometimes negative can be good. That should be up to the readers and believe me the readers will respond if they don't like something. Anyway, Janie, so you will know why I think its important that you stay. I went to my pcp doctor last week. He denied giving me a letter for the surgeon. I don't know yet if it will be a problem. But, after all the research that I have done, he felt like I didn't know what I was doing. Like I was some little kid that wanted an ice cream and even though I knew it had calories, I didn't have the motivation or the willpower to turn it down. He told me I didn't know what I was doing. I am a fairly intelligent person. I told him that I was having the surgery whether he liked it or not. That I had made my decision and it was a final decision. He said he was sorry to hear that. I'm going to prove him wrong. I'm going to rub he cute little nose in it. I am going to have the surgery and I am going to lose the weight. I have lost weight before but couldn't keep it off. I know what it is like to lose the weight and feel so great only to have it come back on within a 18 month period. Only more. I also know that I am 54 yoa and if I am lucky enough to get the weight off now, and I know it will be a struggle, that it will no doubt just return, when my stress triggers would kick in. If you don't mind I would like to show him your profile and show him how good it can be. I will take out any of your personal information for privacy. But, I want him to see how much good can come of it. I wish you all the success in the world. By the way your journey is not over, It has just begun, now that you have lost all the weight. But we want to know your long-term success. And, hope you will reconsider. Patricia Cannon <[email protected]>
About Me
Eureka, Mo
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
2/27/01 The night before surgery, my husband caught me off guard
298 lbslbs
6/13/02 This is the final pic I hope. I weigh 119 in this photo, but goes back and forth between 119 and 125. I'm where I'd like to stay.
