Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

I have talked to Terry's mom and they have done all sorts of test. They did a cat scan and saw nothing wrong. The surgery looks good and no leaks or problems with that. They are waiting to talk to Dr. Wittegrove about where to go from here. So at this point it looks like she will be OK. Terry felt that mayble heat and muscle relaxers on her back may be all she needs. But you can never be to careful and the Dr's wanted to make sure that anything pertaining to her surgery was not causing this pain. Thank you everyone for keeping her in your thoughts.

April B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Terry, I am praying for you as I write this note. May the peace of God surround you and your family. May you experience physical healing and comfort. May you rest well today and be home tomorrow. In His Name, Amen!

careywatkins 23 years, 3 months ago

Hey Chattty! Hang in there, Hon! You've been an inspiration to a lot of us and I KNOW you'll be back soon with your updates and good POST-OP advise for all of us. Take care of you!

Rachael R. 23 years, 3 months ago

Terri Hun you are in my prayers. I pray that this isn't a complication of your surgery and that everything goes well. Please get better soon and get back to us at AMOS. God Bless You and Keep You from Harm.

Christi G. 23 years, 3 months ago

I am sorry to hear you are having complications and certainly hope that you don't have a blood clot. I am praying for you and hope it is Gods will that the Doctors will find out what the problem is and fix it. Then you can be on your way to a quick recovery with nothing but success ahead of you. My prayers will be with you continually! Christi

Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Terry was admitted to ER last night for back pains radiating from her shoulder. I have not gotten the word yet as to what is going on. They feared it might be a blood clot. This is Terry's first surgery ever and she was very nervous to start with. Please say a prayer for her that all will be fine. I will get an update from the nurses and the other post-op gang who were with last night. Were thinking about ya buddy.

Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

I have just fluttered in from the hospital and am happy to report that Terry is doing good. She looks good and should be checked out by tommorrow. Her journey has begun.

Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Terry's surgery went well. I spoke with her on the phone just hours post-op and she said she felt fine. I will be visiting her tommorrow and letting everyone know how she's doing. Thanks for all your kind words. Heres to a speedy recovery :-)

ellton 23 years, 3 months ago

Terry - I know the surgery will go well for you. You're in good hands with Dr. Wittgrove. You'll be in my thoughts today and I call you on the first. Good luck to you!!! Tonya

Crystal B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Angel update. Terry her Mom and I made rounds at Alvarado and visited 4 post-op's of Dr Wittgrove's from Monday. This is her first surgery ever and is very nervous. We got a lot of feedback from all 4 patients and I think it helped ease her mind some. She is doing the colon blow thing today :-) Will check on her in the AM post-op and post recovery. Thanks to everyone for their incouraging words. Crystal
About Me
San Bernardino, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 08, 2000
Member Since
