Cathie T. 22 years, 9 months ago

I was really touched by your glad your surgery went so well.........I am still awaiting my fianl approval from insurance company...what a long wishes to you. Cathie "[email protected]"

Anne G. 23 years, 10 months ago

Hi everyone! I'm home and feeling chipper enough to sit up at the computer for a bit this morning and read the posts. I missed you guys while I was off having surgery! Thanks so much to the very best angel anyone ever had, Ava Lee, and to Dr. Callery (has Ava ever told you how cute he is? all his female patients fall in love with's very entertaining....and the anasthesiologist wasn't bad either, Dr. Romero). Anyway, I think it is remarkable that I have had no pain at all. Nothing that I would call pain. Not like childbirth, not even CLOSE to my monthly menstrual cramps. There is nothing but the slightest sensation from anything internal...evidently we have few nerve endings on organs (?). The incision is annoying. At first there was some soreness from the (day 5) it is sore and itchy. The incision bothers me whenever I try to change position. Going from sitting to standing, or standing to laying, it yells at me for a minute. but then it quiets down. I slept very good last night with no drugs. When I first came home I could sleep for two or three hours, get up and take more elixir for pain, go back to sleep for two or three hours etc. So, by the fifth night, no drugs and slept comfortably. I don't mean to imply that I feel no discomfort, I do, and I shuggle around the house whining about it all day! Whining is about the only activity I can engage in now! I see so much around this house that I would like to be doing (the lillies need to be dead headed and the dahlias have to be staked, the roses should be fertilized) but I don't have enough energy. I barely have enough evergy to read a magazine or make myself some jello. The discomfort is all in the incision, and I think a big part of it is fear that it will open up! I kind of wish there were stitches or staples or something holding this shut besides just tape. It makes me nervous. Anyway, I feel I am playing a waiting game now...just waiting for the next week or two to pass so that I can get out and get down to the business of losing weight. I wish I could take some elixir to make me sleep straight through for the next week. Thank you very very much for all your sweet words and prayers, they meant so very much to me. I would never have made this journey without you all. My energy is fading fast. Will post again later.

spacetrace 23 years, 10 months ago

Hi Anne, Welcome home!! I was shocked when I read Ava's posting and it said you were home already. One heals much quicker at home then in the hospital, so I will not be surprised next week when you tell us you are dancing. God bless and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Shelly J. 23 years, 10 months ago

Julie M. 23 years, 10 months ago

Anne, I am pretty new at AMOS, but wanted to wish you luck and a speedy recovery.

Laurie D. 23 years, 10 months ago

You go girl! I am so happy for you. While I am totally bummed that I didn't cross over with you, I was certainly with you in spirit and prayers. I can't wait to hear from you when you get home..and I want details. My rescheduled date is July 25. That should give you time to fill me in on what I'm getting myself into. You will probably be 20 pounds ahead (or would that be behind) me by then! Take care and follow doctors order!

Barbara I. 23 years, 11 months ago

Annie, Congrats on making it to the Other Side! Angel Ava is keeping everyone informed of your progress. It sounds like everything is going well so far. Sending Warm Healing Skinny thoughts your way:)ttfn

Vanessa B. 23 years, 11 months ago

i hope u continue to do well .. its great that your are resting well get home soon .. hopefully i will do as well as u are ..

Robyn P. 23 years, 11 months ago

Hi Anne, I hope your surgery goes smoothly. My prayers are with you.

Roslynn P. 23 years, 11 months ago

Anne G. This is Roslynn P. Wishing you a speedy recovery and praying that all goes well with your surgery. God Bless and My Prayers are with you! Roslynn Parker
About Me
San Diego, CA
Surgery Date
May 10, 2000
Member Since
