April S. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Pam :) I read the message board quite a bit.... I don't really post much, but I always really enjoy your posts. I was looking over my surgery support page the other day and noticed that you were one of the first people on here to calm my nerves when I was petrified about the thought of actually having this surgery. I remember thinking what amazing people there are here, and how truly blessed I am to have found this site. I just wanted to thank you, so much for that. I've gotten over the fear (well mostly anyway), and I now have beaten the insurance demons and actually have a surgery date (11/18/03). Thanks again:) April

Betty W. 20 years, 8 months ago

Pam G., You definitely win the prize for the day. If I had a tiara, I would make sure it you got it to wear. I admire you for your spunk. Keep up the good work at keeping all the idiots straight..LOL

Tove Annelise H. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hello Pam. I admirer a woman with stong opinion...Well spoken and right to the point. Hugs

JoAnn 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Pam..so glad to see you are back on the boards and sharing your life with us again..it never bores me to see how you are doing! and im glad to see your profiles back up..WELCOME BACK ! JoAnn..........

Kate G. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi hon! We have more in common than I'd even realized. My son, too, is in second grade in a small private school. He's also a bit heavy and clearly has my build and tendencies. We must be twins!

toolio 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Pam - Just need to say, again, that I'm glad you didn't leave AMOS. I went to look at your profile (it has been awhile since I looked!) and saw that it was gone. Sorry you have to put up with Cindy Lou BEEYATCH and anyone else who has such bad problems that they must project them onto you (us). Thanks again for sticking around - and good for your son and his "ignernt" comment!! - Juliet

Michelle P. 20 years, 8 months ago

Pam, where did you go? I'm gone for a little while and so much has happened. You are one of my favorite posters - I have your profile bookmarked to check regularly - I check it and you're gone! I've read some of your surgery page to see what happened. I cannot imagine someone attacking you and for what reason! I have found you to be so honest and I love your style. Maybe because I'm a true south'ner myself? I hope you come back and continue to post. Hugs!

cherby56 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Pam. I have been off the boards for a few days and caught up today and just felt like I had to respond. I am sorry that someone felt it necessary to "judge" you about your wonderful, open and honest post you made about your son. My heart felt so sad and then I got angry. This message board is for us to be able to use and share with others on it and not have to worry about being "judged" or "ridiculed" about something we shared. I felt you were reaching out to others to see if someone had some ideas or kind thoughts to share. And in return you got some flack from people. I for one look forward to your posts. They have made me laugh and cry as well as perked me up and made me feel I would make this journey to the end. This wonderful board for sharing is just that. Its for sharing. Most of us have been ridiculed and shamed our lives by strangers, family and friends and we shouldn't have to deal with it on here. I respect peoples opinions, but if I want their opinion, I will ask. I think it is so hard to open up to people and I find that on this board I can do it. I have never felt threatened or ridiculed on this board and I am sorry you were. None of us knows the "right" way to do everything. We hope for the best and pray it works out. I had a extremely tough chilhood and was shamed and ridiculed as well as molested and I think had I had a loving family like yours to come from, things would have most definately turned out different for me. The fact that you love your child so much and he knows this, and your a wonderful person who listens to him is whats really important. It will all work out and you keep doing what you are for him. Sounds like that is plenty. God Bless, Cheryl

Kendra S. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Pam, I saw the posts regarding your son. I think you are doing a great job. He sounds like a really special child, and your approach to helping him (and getting him to help himself) is great. I love the idea of looking at a box of crackers and just seeing CRACKERS (Duh!) Thank you for sharing (I don't have children, but I think you have helped ME!)

Silly_Little_Dreamer B. 20 years, 8 months ago

Hi Pam, You are that little red headed boys mother and being his mom you love him more than anyone else ever could. You know whats best for him, your his mommy...Give him a big hug for me and rub his little red head and tell him he is just perfect. Have a beautiful day! I think you are a wonderful person and I want to thank you for all your posts to the board, I love your outlook on life. (((Hugs)))*Smiles*
About Me
Byhalia, MS
Surgery Date
Jun 20, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
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1 yr - less 145 pounds
