jjettrox 21 years, 7 months ago

hi patty!!:) best of luck to you on this incredible journey.. wow,what a way to start the week!!! i will pray that the lord keeps you safe and you have a complication free surgery and a safe healing process. here's to the new you!! have happy holidays..i will be joining you on the lighter side in january.. please post when you feel up to it and let us all know how you are..god speed to you patti!! :) jeanne/ca

Carolyn M. 21 years, 7 months ago

Patti, Best of luck on your surgery, may it be successful and pain free, and hoping you will be up and around very fast. I've heard alot about your doctor at BTC in Ypsilanti, Mi. and he's supposed to be very good. I'm having my surgery on Dec. 4 at BTC in Ypsilanti. Keep everyone updated so we know your progress. I'll keep you in my prayers and thoughts for all to be well. Carolyn

Rebekah A. 21 years, 7 months ago

Patti~Good luck on your upcoming surgery. I know this can be a time full of much excitement and anxiety all at once. I pray that you will have a complication free surgery and a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Also, Dr. Marymor is the greatest! I was his very first patient at BTC Langhorne. I love him to death. You are in the best of hands! Good luck and God bless!

Nynese W. 21 years, 7 months ago

Dear Patti, May the LIGHT of God surround you, the LOVE of God enfold you, the POWER of God protect you, the PRESENCE of God watch over you -- good thoughts for you with your surgery and recovery....Neci

Nadine L. 21 years, 7 months ago

Gooood Luck Patti I just wanted you to know that I will be praying for you for a quick and painless recovery. May God be with you always.

Jamie A. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi Patti....Best of luck tomorrow...you will do great. Im so excited for you. Heres to a uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. Love and Light ~~Jamie~~

asumamma1 21 years, 7 months ago

Hi Patti!! Congratulations on your surgery. We're all pulling for you and hope that you have a great experience! HUGGSSS!!

jackie_h1 21 years, 7 months ago

Hello to all my AMOS friends~ Patti's surgery day is fast approaching, she will be crossing over to the "Lighter Side" TOMORROW!!! Please if you haven't already SIGN her surgery page and send her your ++++ thoughts, prayers and words of friendship!! We all need each other at this time and throughout our WLS journey! Hugs and Blessings to all~ Your Michigan WLS Sister~ Jackie....PS....Talk to you tonight PATTI*!!!

Maia J. 21 years, 7 months ago

Patti I too have Dr. Marymor as my surgeon once i get approved for WLS I look forward to hearing how your surgery goes with him. Good Luck!!

Linda B. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hello....wishing you all the best as your surgery date approaches. I hope everything goes smoothly at the hospital and that you have a speedy recovery at home. May you meet all your personal goals. Congratulations and God Bless.
About Me
Stroudsburg, PA
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2002
Member Since
