leopardjoy 20 years, 11 months ago

Hi Judith...73 lbs. in three months is AWESOME! You're doing fabulously! Congrats on your continued success. Hugs, Joy

Tim W. 20 years, 11 months ago

Hi, Judith, I just read your post from today... I have been thinking about what I could suggest to help (I have been on antidepressants for many years, my surgery is this Friday and I am not sure quite what to feel at this point)... are you in a support group? There seem to be other WLS patients in your area, being with others who have something in common has always helped me... may God give you peace of mind, I will be thinking of you.

MommaAngel 20 years, 11 months ago

HI JUDITH Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Shay S. 20 years, 12 months ago

Hello Judith...Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and for sharing your experiences. I went back and read your personal postings, how are you now? And please...keep me posted with life over in California. If nothing else, a computer pen pal you will have over here in Indiana. I am confident, Judith, that with the aid of a breathing machine my surgeon will go ahead and proceed with the procdure. I am hoping if he prefers to wait, that I can find some patience...But lord knows I am not Job! :o) I wish you all the best and you are in my prayers.

maureen 21 years ago


kysunshine 21 years ago

Judith, Happy Birthday and I hope the good Lord blesses you with many more. Take care.

cindyl57 21 years ago

Judith, Happy Birthday. What a wonderful gift. I hope that since your sugery and the new you is transforming, you have found other ways to have fun except for food. Maybe you and your friends could go to the Theater or do something that you always wanted to do or try and do that. Make that a new plan for all of your birthdays. Vow to do something that you haven't done before. Happy Birthday and Hugs. Cindy

Sharon Neva 21 years ago

JUDITH~~May Each New Day Find You Feeling Better....There are so many people thinking nice thoughts about you and wishing happiness and health.....~~EVERYDAY WILL GET BETTER AND BETTER~~ --

Moysa B. 21 years ago

Dear Judith: I just wanted to offer some encouragement to you tonight...You say you have ONLY lost 50 lbs. at almost 2 months out, but that is a huge success! To me, it sounds like you're right on track. Yes, some people lose lots faster, but look on the bright side; you're losing faster than others. I would urge you to PLEASE speak to your doctor about your depression. They are aware that this is a very common after effect of the surgery... I've seen so many people post that they are depressed for no apparent reason after the surgery. I'm still pre-op, and currently take Zoloft for depression, so I'm not sure how I'll feel after surgery. I think I will have to insist on continuing that particular med, if nothing else!! If I go off of it for even a few days, I get downright suicidal. Again, please talk to your doctor; I'm sure that there's something that they can do to help. Good luck with your continued weight loss, and God Bless!

mari C. 21 years ago

Judith I read your post and had to respond. I had an open RNY on 5/9 and have lost 30 pounds...however haven't lost anything in 2 weeks. I am fortunate as I had a minimal amount of pain after surgery, and since then. But, I have not had the overwhelming joy that some people describe. The food (pureed for 3 more weeks) has gotten to be very boring, and sometimes I eat regular food. Sometimes I forget to chew good and that is a drag....But anyway I can understand what your are feeling, and think it is normal. I was laid off 2 weeks before surgery and have way too much time on my hands which has led to a bit of depression. I take anti-depressants, however feel the depression is situational and will diminish when I get a job. Give yourself some time to heal, and keep posting for support. Take Care, and you are not alone. PS I asked for an angel several times and didn't get one..........it didn't make a big difference for me as I had several friends helping me during my recovery. Mari Seattle
About Me
Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 18, 2003
Member Since
