kylakae 22 years, 3 months ago

Becky, congratulations on joining the century club! Way to go! Woo Hoo!

Mary H. 22 years, 5 months ago

becky i know what you mean about the ups and downs of life you sound like a very caring person i will keep you in my prayers

Tracy L. 22 years, 5 months ago

Becky--I'm so sorry to hear that your day went badly and it really is sad about that student dying. Makes me kinda weepy thinking about it. As you've probably noticed on the board today I'm not having a good day either. You think we'd be happy it's Friday!'s to the blues passing. Thanks for your kind words. Take care of yourself.

Becky H. 22 years, 11 months ago

Well, I'm about 2 1/2 weeks post-op, and I did end up having a slight complication. I went to get the staples and G-tube removed last week. The staples came out fine, but the G-tube was stuck. So my dr. said to come back in 2 days and we'd try again. And if it didn't come out, I'd be going into same day surgery to have it removed. He figured that either the suture didn't dissolve, or the tube was hung up on some other sutures. Of course 2 days later it was still stuck, so I went into surgery to finally get it out. Turns out that whoever sewed me up accidently stitched the tube to my incision. So either way I had to go back in. All this was on Friday, and I feel like I've been set back so much. I was walking quite a bit, but now I can barely go a block. I'm tired all the time, and I have pain at the new incision site (its about 2-3 inches long going out from the original incision). I don't like taking the pain killers, they make me too groggy, and my husband had to go back to work yesterday, so I have to watch the kids. I hate to whine and complain, but I just needed to get this out I guess. Thanks for listening!

issis 22 years, 12 months ago

Becky, glad to hear all went well. My prayers continue so that you continue on your road to recovery/God Bless/Irene

Helen C. 22 years, 12 months ago

Becky, Way to go! Glad things went smoothly for you. Keep us posted on your progress. God Bless. Helen C

Becky H. 22 years, 12 months ago

Well, I'm officially "on the other side"! I had open RNY on 6/14, came home on 6/19, and I feel pretty good! I had no complications what-so-ever, and have been handling the food OK. Haven't gotten sick once. I'm on a totally liquid diet until Tuesday, when I can start the soft mechanical diet, and let me tell you...I can't wait! I had cottage cheese last night and tonight, which seemed to go down ok. I did get the burps from it though. My dietician said that as long as the food is going down OK, then it shouldn't be a problem adding the soft foods a little early. But I want to give my new pouch time to heal, so I'm trying not to eat too much. But the cream of whatever soup is really getting boring! Anyway, I'm down about 14 lbs, but I get an official weigh-in on Wed when I go in to get the staples/G-tube removed. I can't wait!

Patricia B. 23 years ago

Dad and I went to see Becky yesterday for a short time. Her face was flashed but other than that she looked good. She even went to the bath room by her self. She seemed to get around pretty good. Her BP went up tho so they had to give her some thing for it. Her Mom told me that Becky's BP went up to 200. She will be coming home tomorrow tho some time. Hope all is well for you Becky and I'll still keep you in my prayers.

Patricia B. 23 years ago

I wasn't able to go see Becky yesterday but I did talk to her Mom and Becky is now in room 641 and the doctor said she is doing great. Bev thought Becky would be able to come home on Sunday or Monday. WAY TO GO BECKY!!!! I knew you could do it!!!!!!!!!!! Just remember each day gets easier and better.

Patricia B. 23 years ago

Just to let every one know that Becky had her surgery yesterday. Every thing went well and she looks great. She is a little sore and tired but all of us that have been there understand. Her kids were so excited to see her and their dad as he has been there the whole time for Becky. What a guy you are Chad!! She stayed in the recovery room for some time as there were no rooms open in the hospital. But they finally found her a room on 4th floor in the heart unit. So Becky is now on the OTHER SIDE with us. Way to go Becky!!! Let's still keep her in our prayers and thoughts OK. I'll post more later.
About Me
Northwood, ND
Surgery Date
Oct 31, 2000
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This is me and my husband, April, 2000. About 1 year pre-op.
march 2002
