Christine J. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hello Everyone, For all those who have been following my progress I want you to know that I am doing extremely well. I feel like I was born again and given a chance at a new life. Before surgery it was hard for me to do much. Today, it is hard to keep me home as I have so much to do. I encourage all that are considering this surgury to do what ever they can to find out all the information pertaining to themselves on this surgery and with the backing with your doctors go for it only if you are commited to having a new life and are willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES. I am and it has paid off in the long run. Also, make sure you have a support system in place as the first few weeks are the hardest. I want to thank all those who sent me well wishes and who have been there for me. Especially, my angel Susan Townsend and my Doctor Eric Freidman. I welcome email from those who need support and have questions. God Bless to all!!

Christine J. 21 years, 9 months ago

Christine J. 22 years ago

Hi, I am recovering well. I have had great support from both my family and from people I have met on this web site. On Monday, I go and have my stitches removed and I will get to see my weight loss. My recovery is slow due to other multiple health problems. I used to have to take alot of insulin and already I have had to stop taking it completely. Surgery seems to already started to work. I feel like my body is in starvation mode but I suspect that is pretty normal. Until next time.

Cathy W. 22 years ago

I thought I'd stop in and say I hope your surgery went well, you have very little pain, and you are up and running in no time. Cathy Whitmer

Sharon L. 22 years ago

You will love your new life and it will be worth the pain and wait. You will live life instead of it passing you by. Here's to a speedy recovery time.

Susan T. 22 years ago

ANGEL REPORTING FOR DUTY ^j^ Just letting everyone know that Chris has crossed over to the losing side. She went through surgery like a breeze today. She is recuperating in Room 3G39 at Providence Hospital in Portland, OR. I saw her this afternoon and she is still a bit sleepy and is having quite a bit of pain. Not all of her pain is surgery related since she has chronic pain issues as well, so please pray that her body will give her peace while she is in the hospital. All is well, all is well. Angel Susan ^j^

Samantha D. 22 years ago

Congratulations on the big day finally arriving! I wish you all the best and much success as you begin your new life :)

tonitreadway 22 years ago

Best wishes to you for a complication free procedure, a speedy recovery, successful weight loss, and life long good health and happiness. You are in my prayers.

Jacqueline H. 22 years ago

Christine, Good luck during surgery tomorrow. I wish you well as we share our surgery date. Also thanks for posting to my surgery page. Jackie

Kathy H. 22 years ago

Wishing you the best of luck and good wishes on your surgery!!!
About Me
Vancouver, WA
Surgery Date
Apr 21, 2002
Member Since
