MommaAngel 21 years, 4 months ago

HI ARIZONA I am so sorry you ran into a few problems but, glad your home now. I will be praying for you swetie for a quick recovery and a quicker weight loss.LORD BLESS

Bethy413 21 years, 4 months ago

Welcome Home Arizona!!! I hope your recovery is as quick and as painfree as possible. Best wishes to you on the beginning of your journey to a healthier, thinner life.

cindy 21 years, 4 months ago

I posted a update on Arizona Johnson yesterday, and the posting never got on her surgery page or on the message board, so here goes again, I am sorry if this does show up twice today, Arizona Johnson is a really teriffic lady and she has had a pretty tuff time and could really use some encougement from her AMOS friends, so help me feel up her surgery page with some best wishes. She had her surgery on 1/29 and because of a high fever and some other complications she did not get to go home until Friday, she stayed in town and had to visit the ER that weekend and on Monday had to see her doctor, he finally gave her ok to go home on Monday, she is now safe at home, and doing better, down 9lbs in 5 days...Way to go...I will update everyone as soon as I can, so be sure and send alot of good wishes and encourgement........

cindy 21 years, 4 months ago

I wanted to let everyone know that I just got home from visiting Arizona Johnson at the hospital. She looks Great, she has a happy look on her face, she is glad to be on the other side. The doctor was going to let her come home today, but since she has a bit to travel, he is having her stay another night. She had her first meal today, a small dish of jello, and she is eating her ice chips and drinking water from her sippy cup. She no longer has her IV, and most all her meds are gone.....I meant her for the first time tonight, and she looked so good, so happy to be on the losing side, she has already lost 5 lbs, way to go girl. She will be home tommorrow, and she is on her way to her new skinny life....

Sally Jane N. 21 years, 4 months ago

Heelo Arizona Johnson! Gee, maybe I should've called myself AZPAM.....I wish I had thought of that....... Congratulations on your successful surgery and I wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery. How I envy you already on your way. I am still in the "thinking" mode. Pam also in AZ.

Diane S. 21 years, 4 months ago

Arizona, We just heard from your Angel, Cindy that you are sounding great......Prayers and Best Wishes.....Diane

cindy 21 years, 4 months ago

Co-Angel coming in for a landing, I just talked to Arizona Johnson and she sounds great. She said she was sore but doing okay, she is waiting to see Dr. Zahn, her surgeon, he is running late, and she has started on ice chips. She has crossed over to the other side, help me support her as she starts her journey. I will be stopping by the hospital to see her tommorrow, so please post on her surgery page so I can print out the page and bring her all your prayers and support.

Diane S. 21 years, 4 months ago

Good Luck, Arizona.....I am praying for you today as you go into surgery. I was sitting behind you and your angel Bob at the Teaching day yesterday and will be in surgery next Tuesday, the fourth, with Dr Zahn....God Bless.....Diane

Jamie M. 21 years, 4 months ago

Well you should be at the hospital by now and maybe going thru your surgery! So My prayers for you are to have an uneventful surgery and a quick painfree recovery. God bless. Jamie

JRinAZ 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi there MS Arizona! Today is your surgery! Woo Hoo! You're in my thoughts & prayers. I'll be at St. Luke's getting my pre-ops done while you're getting your surgery..........I hope all is smooth sailin' and you're lovin life on the other side soon!........smiles to you, Joyce in AZ
About Me
Huachuca City, AZ
Surgery Date
Jul 19, 2002
Member Since
