Tina B. 22 years, 6 months ago

Congratulations on your recent surgery!!! Hope you will be feeling much better soon. Just take it one day at a time.

Amy L. 22 years, 7 months ago

I stopped in to see Shelley this morning after my pre-ops. She looked really good-feel ok under the circumstances. She anticipated being released on Friday. WOooooooo Hoooooooo!

Amy L. 22 years, 7 months ago

I spoke with Shelley a little while ago. She is feeling as well as can be expected-she mentioned that she was having some muscle spasms, but they were starting to go away. She has been up and around already too!!! WAY TO GO SHELLEY!!! I have my pre-ops tomorrow and I hope to take her card to her and actually get to meet her-I am looking forward to it. I will try to post an update tomorrow afternoon when I get back to my computer! You have made it Shelley-it is the beginning of the rest of your life. One that you can now live to it's fullest! Congrats! We are all so happy for you!

Vickie P. 22 years, 7 months ago

Good luck susan, Best of wishes and a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you. your wls friend

vmize 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi Shelley, Best of luck on your surgery today! Get well quickly so that you can start your journey! Happy losing!!!!! Vicki Mize

Amy L. 22 years, 7 months ago

It's just 2:40 pm (our time)-just called to see how she was doing. The nurses told me they were just wheeling her in and it will be a few hours before she is on "the other side"!!!. I will try to post with "good news" in a couple of hours! YOU GO SHELLEY!!! We are all with ya girl!

Maryellen W. 22 years, 7 months ago

Shelley: Well, tomorrow's your big day! Hope all goes well and you are soon on your way to a happier, healthier life!

Alicia V. 22 years, 7 months ago

Shelley-I want to send you best wishes and hopes for the next few days and weeks. I hope all goes smoothly and you are recovering in no time!!

Deborah W. 22 years, 7 months ago

Hi Shelley- I'm having surgery at BTC the day before you, aka tomorrow! I'm sure you're as anxious as I. I wish you all the best and will probably see you this week! Good Luck! Deborah

Kristy F. 22 years, 7 months ago

Shelly~~Best of luck to you on your surgery. We will be having ours done at the same time. Here's to a happier, healthier, and thinner, us. SEE you on the other side.
About Me
Wellston, MI
Surgery Date
Aug 08, 2001
Member Since
