Frvsnt O. 19 years, 8 months ago

Good MORNING - and a Happy ONE YEAR Re-birthday to you!!! I found this quote and just love it! When running up a hill, it’s alright to give up as many times as you wish – as long as your feet keep moving. By - Shoma Morita M.D. I can only imagine that your experience has been wonderful. Full of changes and new experiences. Congratulations to YOU!!! If you have an opportunity and/or haven’t already, please stop by and update your profile! We’d all love to know how well you’ve progressed!!! If you have a few moments, please take the time to send well wishes to your fellow “re-birthday” buddies!!! It’s a great boost to them as well as yourself. Have a FANTASTIC DAY! RNY 10/31/03 257/133 at GOAL!!!

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 8 months ago

<b>~*~(From my heart to yours)I SAID A PRAYER FOR YOU TODAY~*~ I said a prayer for you today And know God must have heard- I felt the answer in my heart Although He spoke no word I didn't ask for wealth or fame, I knew you wouldn't mind, I asked Him to send treasures Of a far more lasting kind, I asked that He'd be near you At the start of each new day, To grant you health and blessings And friends to share your way. I asked for happiness for you In all things great and small, But it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all.(unknown author)~*~Hugs~*~</b>

Mary M. 20 years, 8 months ago

I DID IT!! I am now on the other side as of the 14th!! I want to thank my husband for being there and giving me my meds on time, taking my vitals and doing EVERTHING I need!! I also want to thank DEBI TROUTMAN, my ANGEL. I met her on-line and she by chance lives in town and she has been so involved in my journey and I could not imagine having to go through this without her! AND, THANK YOU! Everyone's comments on my surgery comment page really helped and I printed quite a few of them out for encouragement when I needed it. SO, I just want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I made it through just fine and everyone here and my husband made it possible for me to make it through with flying colors. I am doing very well and go back to get the staples and the drain out on Wednesday, it is Sunday now. I look forward to getting them out so I don't have to be so careful of how I sleep at night.

Happy Mommy 20 years, 8 months ago

Congratulations on a successful surgery Mary!!!.... How was the ride home? I thought about you and wonder how it went. HUGZ and best of wishes on your weight loss journey, Melissa

Melissa S. 20 years, 8 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.

BeckyT 20 years, 8 months ago

<b>“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear” –Ambrose Redmoon</b> Congratulations on taking this step on your journey to a healthier you. I pray that your surgery will go smoothly and your recovery will be quick. Good Luck!

Laura M. 20 years, 8 months ago

Mary ~*~ To live your life in your own way ~ To reach the goals you've set for yourself ~ To be the person you want to be ~ That is success ~ Author Unknown ~*~ Congratulations on making the journey of a lifetime. May God keep you safe in his arms during your upcoming surgery and throughout your recovery. God Bless...

Karen N. 20 years, 8 months ago

Best wishes and extra prayers for smooth surgery and recovery. A positive mental attitude is your best preparation! You'll do great with this life-saving tool!

Debbie B. 20 years, 8 months ago

Mary - Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. May God hold you and your surgery team in his precious hands.

1happylady 20 years, 8 months ago

Good luck and best wishes for an uneventful surgery and a speedy, pain free recovery. God Bless!!
About Me
Redding, Ca
Surgery Date
Jun 15, 2003
Member Since
