~*Andrea M. 22 years, 11 months ago

Well, here it is....just 12 hours to go!! I am so excited and not nervous even yet!! Wait till that alarm goes off in the morning!!! You know the cartoon where the dog sneaks up behind the cat, barks and the cat jumps upside down onto the ceiling, all claws extended to hold him up???!!! Well, that'll be me at about 5am!!!! LOL I sure want to thank all my dear friends that have sent me messages of love, support and encouragement!! Last month when my first surgery date was cancelled, it was the folks here and in each of my other 2 support groups that got me thru it!! I truly was ready to call it quits at one point, but I was ever so lovingly reminded, that a Greater Power was at work in my life!! And how wise He is!! My teenage daughter that had struggled with the idea of me having surgery, has come around to be one of my greatest strengths and supports!!! Thank you ALL and may God be with each of you till we meet here again!!! Take care and God Bless!! Love,

Tanya H. 22 years, 11 months ago

Good luck tommorrow and best wishes for a speedy recovery! I can't wait to join you on the other side.

Heather G. 22 years, 11 months ago

Andrea Well only one more day to go for you girl!! MAy the grace of the lord be with you while you start your journey to a new life! My Prayers are with you at such an important time!! May God Bless You !! :o}

kjfrozen 22 years, 11 months ago

My dear Andrea; Your day is finally coming... so soon... I am so excited for you! You are an awesome woman and I can't wait to hear every detail when you get to the other side. I will be praying for you on Friday... hang in there gal... you will be on the lighter side soon! God Bless you and Godspeed in your healing!

Karen B. 22 years, 11 months ago

Hello WLS Email Pal and Surgery Sister, I've enjoyed our talks! You hang in there, Andrea. God has big plans for us. AND I DON'T MEAN IN BODY MASS. I cann't wait till Friday either, June 15th We both will meet you in the Operating Room. Love ya, Karen Burt, Daphne, Al.

kylakae 22 years, 11 months ago

Not long now, Andrea! Good luck for a successful surgery, a quick recovery and speedy weight loss! ~Kyla

Anne S. 22 years, 12 months ago

Andrea, I'm very excited for us both! I know that we will be embarking on a great new life and will be forever "bonded" as surgery sisters :) I'm looking forward to seeing for our first walk together! Take care of yourself and I'm sure I'll see you at least by Saturday! I'll be praying for ya!!! --Anne Sowdal

patti68 22 years, 12 months ago

06/10/01 Andrea Just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and good luck on your surgery!!!

Rachel A. 23 years ago

We share the date..11 days and counting!!!! I will be praying for us!! Take care and I can't wait to see your loosing updates!!

Stacy W. 23 years ago

Andrea, I know what you are feeling. My mother in law called to tell me that I was being selfish and not thinking of my family. my family is second in this journey because I have to be selfish this once and think of myself. Is it selfish to want to see your kids graduate and start their lives and even see your first grandchild or merely just to walk around the block without breathing like it is your last breathe or sleep with out waking up with a sore throat from snoring. Then yes I am being selfish. But in the long run I know it will benefit us all. and will make life so much more enjoyable. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Stacy
About Me
Del City, OK
Surgery Date
Nov 17, 2000
Member Since
