Becca K. 21 years, 7 months ago

Happy TWO Year Anniversary to You! I hope that this post finds you healthy and happy. Please remember to drop by and update your profile from time to time. It's important for others to be able to see how we post-ops do on our journeys. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

kylakae 22 years, 7 months ago

<font color="purple"><b> Michelle, Happy 1st year Anniversary of your WLS. Congratulations on your awesome weight loss! You are the same height as me, have you reached your goal weight? I hope this anniversary finds you feeling happy and healthy! </font></b>

Lynn T. 23 years, 7 months ago

CONGRATS ON THE SUPER WEIGHT LOSS!!!!!! 17 pounds in one week is fantastic - - I hope I do as well. I am soooo glad you are feeling better and up to posting. Only 15 more days until I join you "on the other side"! I can hardly wait - - it seems like forever.{{{BIG(but gentle)HUGS}}}}

Lynn T. 23 years, 7 months ago

I am sorry to hear you are in so much pain, but I am glad that you got to go home. In my experience, I always feel better and rest better in my own home. I think you have been through the worst and it should get easier day by day. Congrats on losing the 11 - 13 pounds already. You are going to be skinny in no time. Take care and e-mail me when you feel up to it. (((Hugs)))

jami G. 23 years, 7 months ago

Hi Michelle, I'm so glad you're home! Please take it easy until you feel more up to things. I can hardly wait to chat with you about your progress, so I can have an idea of what to expect in December. Remember there is someone praying for your success and careful watching over each day. Go get some rest! Jami Sue

Michelle P. 23 years, 7 months ago

I just got home a couple of hours ago. I am having trouble typing due to pain. It was MORE than I expected. Thank you to everyone again!!

Lynn T. 23 years, 7 months ago

I am sorry you are running a fever, and hope it goes down soon. Did the doctor say why he thought you had fever? Maybe by the time you read this, you will be at good ole' 98.6 and ready to go home!! I will say a prayer for you. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as you feel up to it! Only 17 more days until it's my turn! I hope my nurses are more responsive when I need to go to the bathroom - cause when I gotta go, I gotta go RIGHT NOW! lol Take care, rest, walk, and listen to the doctor and most of all - - get well soon.

Sandra D. 23 years, 7 months ago

Hi All! Michelle is doing ALOT better but she is running a fever and they have to get it down. It was at 102' when I left last night but other than that, she is walking (very slowly) to the bathroom and did the hall today but she felt she over did that. She is mad at the nurses right now because they are taking too long to help her to restroom and she is very irritated about that as I am as well. We don't know when she is going to come home yet but they did say if they can get her fever down, she can go home. Will give another update later. Michelle's MOM

jami G. 23 years, 7 months ago

Michelle, I hope your doing well! Remember--it will all be worth it when.......I'm still lifting you up in prayer, especially for a wrinkle-proof recuperation. God bless YOU!--Jami Sue

Sherry M. 23 years, 7 months ago

Hey everybody! Just giving everyone out there in cyberland an update on how Michelle is doing. She has had the surgery successfully and without any complications so far. She is in a lot of pain but even now says that it will have been worth all of this in a couple of months....which she is very correct about. She is on moraphine and they just upped her does yesterday. She is very weak but is up and was sitting in her chair yesterday. I'll report more later. Michelle, when you read this, just know how proud I am of you and I know how much gutts it took to have this surgery. I am so sorry I couldn't have been there physically for you but know that I love you and this will have all been worth it just like you know. :)
About Me
Braggs, OK
Surgery Date
Aug 02, 2000
Member Since
