Vickie K. 24 years, 2 months ago

Hi Nancy, I wanted to wish you & your family the best on your upcoming surgery. My heart especially goes out to your daughter,Tara because I also love my mom very much & would be concerned about here if she were facing surgery. My thoughts & prayers are with you. God Bless...

Nancy G. W. 24 years, 2 months ago

Thanks, AnnMarie. If you think you'll be up to it after your surgery next Monday, I'd love to have you as my angel on May 8th. Isn't it great how much we can care about and for people we've never met! By the way, you need to fill in my name on your profile as your angel. Go into your profile where it lists surgery information and fill in my name. I love to speak to you on the phone before your surgery. I want to find out how to keep in touch with your husband to get information about your condition. Please give me a call.

AnnMarie W. 24 years, 2 months ago

Nancy, Hi just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. The day is coming quick, I would like to be your angel also, AnnMarie Ward

Sally L. 24 years, 2 months ago

Dear Nancy, my prayers are with you and with Tara. I too have daughters and can imagine how you are both feeling. Luckily my daughters are all for my surgey. It's my husband who is afraid for me. I do know that prayer is powerful and if you explain to Tara that people are praying for her it will help to ease her mind. Perhaps she just needs more education about the surgery. Print out some of the hundreds of positive comments from women who are so happy to be on the other side and who are enjoying a quality of life that had been denied them before surgery. Also tell her that you're having the surgery so you can live a long, healthy life and without it you are at risk daily. Good luck to you both.

Sally L. 24 years, 2 months ago

About Me
Aberdeen, NJ
Surgery Date
Feb 15, 2000
Member Since
