Home again

Oct 07, 2008

Well 2 days after comming home from last surgery. I was back in the hospital with another abcess. I alsso had a heart attack. Was on the ventalator for a week and in the hospital for the rest of the month. I am week, but have lost alot of weight. Went through the hard part  of liquids knocked out at the hospital. Not the way I would have chosen. Now just ready to heal.

Just glad to be alive

Sep 15, 2008

Hello to everyone. I am back. i have been in the hospital for severl weeks. Been in CCU. Iwas on the ventalator for 4 days. Had a surgery for an abcess. Now just trying to get my strength. Will write more later


Aug 12, 2008

I am finally feeling better! I went in last Monday to have my surgery. The surgery lasted a little longer because my liver was enlarged and bled. Then I had a little problem coming out of the anethesia. Went home on Wen. Felt ok just a little sore. On Thur night I started running fever. Went to emergency room, my fever was 102.8 I was a liitle hot. They ran test and I had pnemonia in my right lung! I stayed in the hospital for another 4 days. Today is Tuesday, I am now eight days out. Had a good night sleep last night. I was taking 8 different medicines before my surgery. Now I am only on an antibiotic and breathing treatments. I can not believe it. My blood pressure is the best it has been in 10 years. I am so excited to see my progress. My mother and I have already discussed a shopping trip to New York.

About Me
Grayson, LA
Surgery Date
Jun 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 3
Home again
Just glad to be alive
