All my adult life I have struggled with my weight.  My first diet began right out of high school when I joined NutraSystem.  Since then I have tried many diets and exercise programs, but none have brought me lasting success.  In fact, I have never been able to hang in there long enough to actually reach my goal.  Oh sure, I would lose 40, 50 or 60 lbs., but it would never last.  Quickly I regained all (and more) that I had worked so hard to lose.  This emotional weight loss roller coaster has really been hard on me psychologically and I want off!
I decided to go with the Lap Band and my surgery is scheduled for June 29, 2007.  I am anticipating that this will be the tool I need to finally help me to my goal. 

About Me
Dawson Creek, XX
Surgery Date
May 21, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 3
2 1/2 Weeks Post-op - July 17, 2007
I'm home and banded
12 Days to Go
