How I stay on track....

Jan 04, 2011

I'm asked this question all the time....

I would say the main thing keeping me in line is fear.  My fear of waking up fat again is just as strong now at 3 years out as it was in the beginning.  It probably has alot to do with the trauma I went through in the beginning, with my complications.  I should probably see a psych, but no...i'm a man. lol

As for what I do on a day to day basis to stay in line, I would say the main things are that I do not bring bad food into the house, if it's not there, you cant eat it.... well we have a little around for my son but that stays in a separate cabinet.

I rarely eat out because no matter how healthy you think you're honestly have no idea what they're putting in the food...I'm always shocked at what I find when I ask for nutritional info on dishes at restaurants (most chains have them)...I cook breakfast every morning (eggs/chicken)...2 snacks at work (cheese/nuts and oatmeal)...Dinner at home...and lunch at work is leftovers from dinner the night before...

I work out...religiously...5 days of weights and at least a couple days of cardio, on top of the sports I play.  I have no doubt that even though I eat very nutritious foods...with the amount I eat now, I could definitely pack on the pounds very quickly.  This is the most important in my book for long term success...exercise.

Unless I'm on a specific diet for my training, I don't really track...well, not often...but that's because I eat pretty much the exact same foods and portion sizes daily, at the same time of day, like I know the macro's already...I guess you could say that's another thing keeping me on track, I plan all meals (6 daily)...and when I'm not eating, I am drinking (60 mins after my last meal up until I eat least a gallon a day.

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Boynton Beach, FL
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Oct 12, 2007
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