I've lost 60 lbs and over 45 inches!!!

Sep 02, 2010

Well I STILL couldn't afford the sleeve & I was up to 353 lbs so......

i started the hCG diet.

i know, i know.  "diets" don't work, it's all about lifestyle change, just eat better and workout, blah blah blah. 

the problem is, that doesn't work for everyone.  and yes i know, i've just admitted that i haven't really been putting my all into it this time around.  but i have put my all into it several other times over the years, and it still hasn't helped.  as soon as i make some progress, something happens that makes me backslide.  like, my allergies are bad and i feel like crap and can't do anything but come home and lay in bed and take copious amounts of claritin.  or the bad spot in my neck will flare up and i can't workout.  and of course when you don't feel well you eat bad, so let's pile on the brownies and within a couple of weeks, whatever progress i've made is gone.

so i'm doing this diet.  the magical, pregnant-lady-pee diet that makes the pounds/inches melt off and YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO WORK OUT! 

yes, i said pregnant lady pee.  because that's where hCG comes from.  either there, or the placenta.  honestly i think i'd rather drink pee. (NOTEI'm taking 'homeopathic HCG' so I'm not taking pee! LOL)

so here is my understanding of how the process works.  keep in mind that i am not a doctor or other medical professional, i am just a girl who did some internet research and who passed "contemporary issues in biology" aka "biology for people who are scared to death of science."

hCG is the pregnancy hormone that tells your body to start eating its fat stores to feed the baby.  which is why doctors say that ideally women shouldn't gain a TON of weight when pregnant.  because basically you're feeding the baby off your fat, AND off what you eat.  or something.

so, the way the hCG diet works is that you go on a VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) and we mean LOW, like, 500 calories/day low.  i know!  i've heard the same things i'm sure are running through your mind right now, that cutting calories drastically is counter productive, because your body goes into starvation mode and starts storing EVERY SINGLE CALORIE YOU EAT as fat, AND eating your lean muscle mass in the process.  THAT is where the hCG comes in.  because it redirects your body to this delicious alternative food source (aka my belly pooch, love handles, back fat, inner thighs, etc.) and says, "hey, free buffet!"

this enables you to lose weight while still functioning like a normal human being, and not becoming a crazed cranky food-starved grouchy-butt and making everyone around you hate you.

AND........I've lost 60 lbs and over 45 inches in 4 months WITHOUT being hungry! This amazes me everytime I think of it! If you DREAM of this surgery like I have for about 10 years now, and don't have insurance or the money to pay cash, do yourself a favor, contact me about my Oral HCG. In another 4 months or so, I'll have reached my goal of losing 100 lbs. Yeah....at one time I'd rather have been able to get the sleeve, but not now. Let me know if you'd like more info.
I can help you every step of the way.


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Lott, TX
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