Day 7 on Opti Fast

May 07, 2012

Well the weekend was a challenge.  Worked Saturday and was thankful that one of my two clients canceled as my energy is fading quickly.  Apparently 900 calories a day is not really enough to function normally.  Sunday was the same, do a little house cleaning then rest, do a bit more and rest some more.  Today is Day 7 and I am feeling okay but still not alot of energy.  My swim buddy couldn't make it today so I skipped out too, just dragging my butt.   Had an overwhelming urge to eat crackers on Sunday but I didn't ( yeah for me! )  I was told that the shakes would soon seem to be too sweet and well it's true.  The way I like them best lately is with coffee and lots of ice, so it's thick and I think a bit less sweet made with coffee.  I had to chew some sugar free gum yesterday and it helped with the urge to snack....just the chewing motion seemed to settle me down a bit.  Only lost 1 lb in the last two days...guess my body is wisening up and trying to hold on to it's fat. 

One more week to go! 
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Day 5 of pre-op diet

May 05, 2012

Wow I'm down 6.4 lbs in 5 days!!  About 10 more lbs and I will break the mental barrier of being over 100lbs from goal.  I really want to be under the 100 lbs to go when I go in for surgery.  I can do this, I can do this....I will do this!!!! 

Before Photos

May 03, 2012

Day 1 of Optifast - May 1, 2012  these are my before photos. YUK!!!!  Can't wait for progress shots.  291.2 lbs Surgery in 14 days.

My journey back to "normal size" begins!

Apr 03, 2012

Six weeks until it's my turn.  I just attended a meet and great and am so glad that
I did.  I met some great people there, had a few laughs and gained some insight as
to what is to come for me.  What surprised me the most was the energy in the room. 
Everyone was so eager to talk about their experience and so encouraging.

I am going through many different emotional stages right now.  Mostly I am thrilled
to be one of the few who are able to participate in this WLS program.  I do face
moments of I really doing the right thing; did I really try hard enough to
control my eating; couldn't I have exercised more and made better food choices? 
The answer always come around to the same thing, I did try it all and I couldn't do
it on my own.  This surgery is a new and powerful tool in this 2 decade war I have
been battling. 

I remember what it felt like to be thin, to fit into size 12 clothes and feel good about
myself.  It may be a distant memory but it's still mine and I cling to it.   I may never
have been really thin but for me I was happy and so called "normal" sized at 145 lbs. 
My most vivid memory of being a healthy weight was at around the time of my high
school graduation.  I managed to keep my weight fairly under control, up and down
but within 25 lbs for the next 10 years but after that I was on a slow and steady
path of weight gain.  This is my goal, to get back to about that size and weight,
32 years older but a whole lot wiser. 

Haven't taken my before WLS photos yet, but I plan to and will post them mostly
for my own therapy and encouragement.   

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 03, 2009
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 14
