One-Year Update

Mar 27, 2009

I can't believe it's been a year since surgery. What a ride this has been! I am so happy I had this surgery! So, here's how the last year has added up!

The Numbers:
Starting weight = 240.6 lbs. Goal weight = 130.6 lbs. Current weight = 135.4 lbs.
I've lost a total of 105.2 lbs in the last year:
     03/03/08-03/18/08 16.0 lbs on Optifast
     03/19/08-04/18/08 16.6 lbs in Month 1
     04/19/08-05/18/08 10.8 lbs in Month 2
     05/19/08-06/18/08   9.0 lbs in Month 3
     06/19/08-07/18/08   9.2 lbs in Month 4
     07/19/08-08/18/08 10.0 lbs in Month 5
     08/19/08-09/18/08   8.4 lbs in Month 6
     09/19/08-10/18/08   7.6 lbs in Month 7
     10/19/08-11/18/08   5.4 lbs in Month 8
     11/19/08-12/18/08   7.8 lbs in Month 9
     12/19/08-01/18/09   0.8 lbs in Month 10
     01/19/09-02/18/09   1.2 lbs in Month 11
     02/19/09-03/18/09   2.4 lbs in Month 12
My BMI is 25.2. I'm disappointed it's not normal yet but I'll get there soon. 
I'm only 4.8 lbs away from my goal! I'm confident I'll get there within a month or two.
I've lost a total of 70.5 inches, 4.5 in the last month:
     14.0 inches from my waist 
     13.0 inches from my bust 
       9.0 inches from my chest 
     13.5 inches from my hips
      4.0 inches from my upper arm 
      1.0 inch from my elbow
      5.0 inches from my thigh
      3.0 inches from my calf
      3.0 inches from my knee
      3.5 inches from my neck 
      1.5 inches from my ankle
I've lost 95.6% of my excess weight per my goal
In February I consumed an average of 1145 calories/day
     30.7% came from fat (goal = <30%) An improvement of almost 1% from last month
     30.5% came from carbs (goal = <30%) An improvement of 6.9% from last month
     33.8% came from protein (goal = >40%) An improvement of 2.8% from last month
     I drank an average 70.4 oz of water/day (goal = > 64 oz/day)

What I've noticed:   
I've gone from size 24 to size 5-6 pants.
I'm also wearing size M tops, sweaters & coats.  
My shoe size has even decreased by a size & my feet are not as wide as they used to be. 
I continue to get compliments on a regular basis. 
I'm able to eat more foods & I'm focused on controlling my snacking.   
Despite my slower weight loss, I'm still losing inches. I lost 4.5 inches but only lost 2.4 lbs!

During this time:
I've continue to go to Brampton & Durham Coffees.
I led another York Region Support Group. 
I'm continuing to track everything I eat. 
I walk on the treadmill 2-3X/week, do Pilates1X/week & walk the dog daily.
I continue to take 2 adult chewable multi-vits, 2 chewable calcium citrate, 1 vit D & 2 vit A
I continue to get B-12 injections monthly from my PCP. 
I've started the Plastic Surgery Consult process. I've had 2 consults & I'm definately sold!
     TT, Breast Reduction in early December.
     OT: I'm also planning on having lazer eye surgery in August.

One Year Observations & Wow Moments Remembered!
I'm amazed how strong I am. I went from being a scared, fat patient to a confident woman.
I've met some really amazing people on OH & through various coffees & Support Groups. 
     My life is definately richer because of these people.
I was a slow but steady loser & didn't experience too many stalls. Thank goodness!
I struggled through a business trip, Christmas & a cruise. I'll have to watch this going forward.
I think the best thing I did that helped with my success was tracking my food/calories
The second best thing I did was to seek out support in Support Groups & Coffees.
The third best thing I did was watch my carbs! Too many will slow your weight loss.
I also followed the rules. I drank my water & took my vitamins & protein.
I had my gallbladder out & a small hernia repaired in November, 2008. I'd still do it again!
I still seem to need more sleep & get 1-1.5 hours more per night. My new normal.
I've found my collar bones, my hipbones, a couple of ribs & my dimples!
I'm quite good at building a wardrobe on very little money. I love Value Village & Winners!
I love being able to shop in regular stores.
Yes, I lost 40-50% of my hair between months 3-8. It's growing back-thank goodness!
I love being able to cross my legs like a lady, tuck in my shirts & wear high-heel shoes!
I love shocking people who haven't seen me in a while. Their expressions are priceless!
I loved being called a "skinny bitch" at 6 months!
I'm glad I took the time to become a Certified Support Group Leader. 
I had a terrific 1-year appointment with Denise the Dietician. I've lost 87% of my excess weight compared to a BMI of 23. (A loss of 60% of excess weight is considered a success after 12 months!)
I can't emphasize how important it is to learn new eating habits in the first 6 months. It makes the second 6 months so much easier when hunger & habits creep back.

So, would I do it again! Absolutely! I only wish I'd done it sooner! WLS is an excellent option for people who are committed to making lifestyle changes.

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About Me
Newmarket, ON, XX
Surgery Date
Nov 20, 2007
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