Holy Crap, I can run three miles!

Sep 04, 2009

Just a little update from my last blog entry in which I couldn't believe that I could run two miles.  Last night I went out and ran three miles and am alive this morning to blog about it.  A bit sore, and I am going to take today off before I go out and do it again.  However, the fact remains that I can run three miles which I think is absolutly amazing!!!

Holy crap, I can run two miles!

Aug 30, 2009

It's true, I can.  Never have in my life.  I have been walking faithfully all summer and was feeling pretty good.  My Platte is a 1/2 mile around so one day I decided that I would try to run around once and I did.  The next day my best friend (Trapper, my black lab) and I decided to try a mile and much to my amazement was able to do that.  The next time it was a mile and a half and then while visiting my parents up north I tried the two mile thing and did it!  And then I did it again.  So now I have this secret aspiration (shh!) of trying to run a 5K in the future.  I think there is one on Thanksgiving day called the Turkey Trot.  Many of my husband's family run in that and I may join them.  I think I am going to stay at the two mile mark for a while and try to get faster and stronger at that and then add another mile...who knows.  I have always wanted to run for fun but never did it and now I can.  Thanks to my incredible sleeve. 

September 16Th will mark my 6 month anniversary.  Last I weighted I was down 84 lbs.  (this is my official weigh in day but I am not at work and that is my official scale).  I was having a conversation with one of my best friends and she said "it looks like our friendship has survived the food thing" as we were going out to lunch buddies for years.  She asked me if I missed food and I honestly answered no.  She said she thinks that that would be the worst thing for her.  I told her I can't imagine a thing that I could eat that I would trade for how I feel right now, and I have about 20 more pounds to go.  I spent some time with my folks this last week and my dad is a picture nut.  I have always managed to avoid his photography or at least hid behind my 15 year old.  It was just me visiting this time so no one to hide behind, but when I looked at the pictures I couldn't believe it was me.   It was the me who can now run two miles without stopping.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing I regret.  I can cross my legs, I am not afraid that I won't fit in chairs.  I will wear a watch (I never did before as I thought my arms were to fat and it made them look like sausages).  In fact, I wear jewelry now.  I wouldn't before, except for earrings.  I always thought people would just see the fat girl wearing it.  Silly, I know, but true.  I love to shop for clothes at my favorite store, The Salvation Army.  I bought a pair of size 12 mid rise Levis there earlier this summer.  I couldn't get into them but put them in my closet and called them my "dream jeans".  I thought that if I could get into them I would finally feel that I had made this whole thing work.  Well, this weekend I put them on and have worn them non stop since.  I love them.  I love how I feel in them.  I love how I feel period.  

I saw the dietitian this last week.  Not enough protein, I know.  My hair is falling out regularly in the sink.  I have made an effort to drink at least one supplement, Nectar is all I can stand.  I mix it with ice and some crystal light and blend it in my magic bullet.  I found some protein bars at Sam's Club called "Twisted" and they have 15 grams of protein and they are okay.  So I am working on that.  Got the vitamin thing down too.  

My husband and son went on a little trip to tour the John Deere factory in Iowa and have my camera.  When they come back I will post some up dated pictures.   
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Three months out and almost 60 lbs down.

Jun 14, 2009

Wow, 3 months already.  I can't believe it.  I was greeting in church today when a friend whom I haven't seen in about 2 months came in.  She was staring at me with her mouth open (she knows I had surgery) and said "wow, have you ever been this thin before?"  That comment really threw me for seveal reasons.  One, I don't consider myself "thin" yet.  And two just the ways she said it made me feel like I had really accomplished somthing.  And I have.  Of course, I know I have a ways to go, but I am actually going.  I love that I make good choices everyday for the most part, and on those occasions when I don't....my smaller stomach lets me know and that is where it stops.  I remember being on several diets where I would be going to eat "half" and I would.....but in time would have picked at it and picked at it until it was gone, and then feel like crap because I ate the whole thing.  Now I eat till full and most of the time, my husband or dogs eat the rest.  I told my husband he has to stop eating all my left overs or he will be gaining the weight I am losing.  I went to some garage sales and bought two bags of clothes for $11.00.  I used to hate walking into a garage sale and looking at clothes because I always felt the people were seceretly watching me thinking "does she really think she will fit in my clothes".  Now I know I have a chance and have found some great bargins.  And as I mentioned before I am not dreading the warmer weather (now that it is finally here) because I am more comfortable and may actually go to Lake Michigan this year instead of coming up with a million reasons why I am too busy!
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June Update

Jun 03, 2009

It was brought to my attention by someone near and dear to me that I didn't write a blog entry for May.  Wow, it went by so fast.  So here is my June entry.  Lets see....

I am down 54 lbs as of today.  I have had stalls, not sure how long they have lasted as I don't weigh everyday.  I was cleaning out underneath the bed in the spare bedroom yesterday and found a scale that I forgot we had (can you tell how much I must have used it preop?)  So I got on and compared it to my scale at work today (which is exact to my official scale at the gym).  They were the same so now I am afraid that I will start to compulsively weigh myself now that I know there is a scale in the house.  During the stalls of course I would get frustrated, but then I remind myself that I have lost all this weight basically since the middle of March.  What is to get upset about? 

I am really enjoying people noticing my loss.  The other day I was at Meijer and one of the cashiers that I have "known" from shopping there for so long told me I was looking like I lost weight which was nice.  I am very open with most people about the fact that I had surgery.  I am finding that almost everyone is very supportive and also very interested in my story. 

Food has lost a lot of its importance in my life.   I realized this the other day when my family wanted pizza and I felt like I really didn't want any.  Imagine, me not wanting pizza.  I will wander through the grocery store looking for things to take in my lunch and nothing really looks good.  My friend Maria said that she thinks this would be absolutely terrible.  I think it is absolutely wonderful.  It is so nice to have not have food be the center of my universe.  When I was working nights, I would get up about 3 or 3:30 in the afternoon and walk immediately to the kitchen and eat anything I could get my hands on, all the while thinking about when I was going to eat again.  I would eat pizza, and instead of enjoying the piece I was eating, I would already be reaching for the next one.  It is amazing how this surgery has set me free from that.  I love it!

I also love the fact that when I am walking with my co-workers back to work after lunch I don't panic when one of them suggest we take the stairs.  I am no longer embarrassed by how short of breath I am by walking up a flight of stairs.  I wear surgical scrubs and am down two sizes from what I wore last winter and think I it may be time to try the next smaller size which is just a plain large!  I can cross my legs now too.  The list goes on and on. 

I have felt great all along.  There have been a few instances of the foamies, and yes I have even vomited twice.  I have learned what my full signal is and now I respect it.  I used to think I could take another bite or two but after that intense pressure and just terrible feeling I have learned to push the food away.  (something I never did before, ever.  I was a card carrying member of the clean plate club!). 

I love to shop at the Salvation Army and the NuWay Thrift store.  I am even more excited about the wardrobe possibilities as I continue to loose weight.  I go to the gym frequently, and walk whenever I can.  

All in all my life is so much better and I am a happier person.  I love that I have two wonderful friends that have gone through this with me and we can compare notes and share victories.  The other day I was at a restaurant that refused to let me order off of the children's menu.  I told them that was fine, but I would not be back, I would not bring my family back and my friend (whom I was having lunch with ) and I would find somewhere else to meet that would honor the card from my surgeon.  A few minutes later that waitress was back with a children's menu in hand and said the district manager was there that day and instructed the manager to let anyone with a card from their surgeon order from the children's menu.  Maybe I can change the world, maybe I can't....but I am changing myself into a much happier and healthier person and I wouldn't trade that for the world. 



Apr 22, 2009

Well, Monday will be 6 weeks since my surgery already....I can't believe it!  Time crawled until I had it, and now it is flying now that it is over.  I had my 1 month check up at Dr. Verseman's office and everything is great.  I am on my Fourth week back to work without any problems.  I have been working out at the gym pretty regularly....I had our trainer, John give me a free weight routine for my arms.  I would love to be able to wear something sleeveless or a tank top this summer. 

I am down about 35 pounds....I did have a 2 pound weight gain this week...I have no idea how that can be as I am eating less in a day then I did at one meal prior to surgery.  I know the body does funny things when it doesn't get the food it is used to.  I am not going to get upset as I have read on the boards that that is a normal part of this whole process.  I have decided NOT to buy a scale as I know I would be on it non stop.  Instead, I have decided to weigh myself once a week on Sunday at the gym.  Hopefully Sunday will find me with a nice loss and this "stall" will be over.  I know I am making an effort to do what I need to, so I know it will come off.  I put on a pair of jeans today I bought quite a while ago assuming they would fit me (they didn't).  They have been in my closet for quite sometime.  Today I wore them.  So I know that I am making progress.

I have decided that this is a full time job.  The vitamins alone are an all day affair to get down.  I bought a pill box thing where each day comes apart.  Each morning I put that day in my purse and work all day at getting them all down.  I guess I am vitamin D deficient so that is one more I have to take.  Then there is the challenge of getting the water in.  Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.  I work at it everyday though.  And then there is the protein.  I do pretty good most days.  I do try to have at least one Nectar protein drink each day.  I like the "Roadside Lemonade" flavor and just ordered some "Crystal Sky".  I got so sick of milk based drinks during the pre and immediate post op phase that the Nectar is a welcome change.  It has 23gm of protein per scoop.  Not too bad...no carbs and only 90 calories. 

I have had a few incidences of food getting stuck..always when I am eating too fast.  I am working on breaking a life time habit of eating very quickly.  I have never had such an uncomfortable feeling as I do when that food gets stuck.  Feels like a golf ball in my chest.  I have learned the warning signs finally and try to slow down at every meal.  Old habits are very hard to break. 

Today my surgery buddies Elaine and Marci and I went to the Salvation Army because in honor of earth day all clothing was half off.  We had a lot of fun buying smaller sizes and also buying clothes we hope to wear this summer.  I got two bags of clothes and two pairs of shoes for $34.00.   Not too bad.  Could have spent that on one pair of pants at a regular store. 

I feel great and would have this surgery over again in a minute.  I love being the person who can only eat a half a slice of pizza and not the girl who hates herself after eating 4-5 pieces.  Marci and I were talking about that at lunch today.  We split an entree at Appleby's and had food to take home.  Imagine that...before surgery I would have eaten the whole thing myself.   The changes in my diet and in my attitude are amazing.  I am actually looking forward to the summer, not dreading it and wondering how I can come up with yet another excuse so I don't have to go to South Haven when my husbands whole family goes. 
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I love mashed potatoes!

Mar 24, 2009

I had my first post-op appointment with the Dietitian yesterday.  The bad news was I have to wait until April 1st to start the next phase of my diet.  The good news is she said I could have mashed potatoes thinned to pudding consistency with milk.  THANK YOU DARCI!!  It is so good to have something that tastes different than protein shakes.  I am not hungry, just sick of shakes.

I went to my 1 week Dr. appointment today.  Everything is great.  They released me to go back to work Monday.  (I will be doing the desk job part of my job for two weeks so it should be no problem).  I feel really good.  The best news is is that I have lost 27 pounds since my presurgery dietitian visit (per her scale).  Of course I am struggling with the protein just like everyone else is, but it will get better.  I am exercising, went 1.5 miles on the Tread mil yesterday.  Looking forward to my water aerobic class.  However, I can't get in the pool for at least another week.

Starting to tell some people

Mar 21, 2009

Things are progressing very well for me.  I have minimal pain, except for the one incision on the left that Karen and Dr. Verseman told me would be a "bugger" for about 4-5 weeks.  I am getting in about 2-2 1/2 bottles of water a day, a little pudding or jello.  The protein drinks not so good.  I bought some Designer Whey yesterday at Wal Mart, cookies and cream.  Yuck.  I am just so sick of milky things.  I bought some muscle milk today, malted milk.  I did mix it with some skim milk and I can tolerate it, but I know I am not getting in the protein I need.  I know I was told I would fail this week at protein and I am. 

This afternoon the weather was wonderful so our family went out to my in laws farm.  There is a mile trail around the cornfield that we love to take our dogs on as they can run off their leashes.  When we came around the bend by my sister in laws house, several of my husbands siblings were there and we got invited to stay for hamburgers.  I hadn't told anyone in my husbands family (we are surrounded by them) except my in laws, as my mother in law has been feeding my family pretty regularly.  I figured people would wonder why I wasn't eating so I told both of my sister in laws who were there.  They were both very supportive and asked a lot of questions.  They both (who don't have any weight problems) seemed genuinely glad for me and I was pleased I told them. 

So today was great on the activity front, but poor on the intake front.  My son raises pigs for 4H and we went today and picked them out.  They will come home at the end of April.  But I always know spring is coming when we pick out the pigs.  I am actually looking forward to this warm weather season.  Normally I hate having to come out from under all of my sweatshirts and sweaters.  This year is going to be different and I can't wait!


Mar 18, 2009

I am home and doing very well.  I was suppose to arrive at the hospital at 11:30 on the day of my surgery and they called and wanted me in early, by 8:30.  So I was off to surgery so fast, buy 10:30.  I had a great anesthesiologist that I trusted but I was still very nervous.  So I got some Versed and I guess I laughed all the way into the OR.  The surgery only took 2 hours and then I was out and recovering.  Had some wonderful former co-workers making sure I was comfortable, and then was to my room and up in the chair pretty quickly.  I must admit that I got a little stir crazy in the room after the first night.  The bed wasn't comfortable and neither was the chair.  I walked a lot and just wanted to get home.  I got discharged about 9 am yesterday and my friend Louise brought me home.  After a while I settled in and am so glad to be here.  The pain in minimal and I feel pretty good.  My husband and son are talking care of me very well, along with my two nurse dogs, Winston and Trapper.  They just sit and stare at me, like they know what went on.  I get to advance to full liquids today so we will see how that protein shake does.  I feel like I can accommodate the water better.  Dr. Verseman says that is because the swelling is going down.  I am on my way and so excited.  Elaine, Marci and I are going to get together next week to compare notes.  Can't wait to see them!
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Tomorrow is the day!

Mar 15, 2009

Well, I just finished 3 glasses of Mag Citrate....so I figure I have a few minutes to write.  Tomorrow is my big day at 1:30 in the afternoon.  It is hard to believe that this has come from a thought in the back of my mind to a reality!  I am a bit on the nervous side.  I used to work as a nurse in Recovery, now I work in presurgery and all of my knowlege has me a bit worked up.  (sometimes you just know too much).  But I have faith in my hospital and I know that I will be well taken care of.  Both of my friends in WLS have had their surgerys buy the wonderful Dr. V and his P.A. Karen and have come through with flying colors.  We plan on getting together frequently and documenting our changes in pictures.  Thank you Marci and Elaine for your support and friendship!

Impact, shimpact

Mar 10, 2009

All I can say is I can't wait until Monday so I can stop drinking this nasty Impact Drink  I have mixed it with milk and other thing and then have to use a straw to get it down in three gulps.  I can taste it all day and smell it in the kitchen.  My friend Elaine had me already grossed out as she referred to it as tube feeding (she is currently a critical care nurse and am a former one...and that is a nasty reference).  So six more days......

Elaine had her surgery yesterday and reports that she is doing well.  Was up walking yesterday before she even left the recovery room.  She said the gas pain was bad but that is getting better this morning.  Her leak test was okay and now she said she is trying to eat some ice, which is hard because "you just don't want anything". 

Off to heat up some chicken broth. 


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Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2008
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