Three months out and almost 60 lbs down.

Jun 14, 2009

Wow, 3 months already.  I can't believe it.  I was greeting in church today when a friend whom I haven't seen in about 2 months came in.  She was staring at me with her mouth open (she knows I had surgery) and said "wow, have you ever been this thin before?"  That comment really threw me for seveal reasons.  One, I don't consider myself "thin" yet.  And two just the ways she said it made me feel like I had really accomplished somthing.  And I have.  Of course, I know I have a ways to go, but I am actually going.  I love that I make good choices everyday for the most part, and on those occasions when I don' smaller stomach lets me know and that is where it stops.  I remember being on several diets where I would be going to eat "half" and I would.....but in time would have picked at it and picked at it until it was gone, and then feel like crap because I ate the whole thing.  Now I eat till full and most of the time, my husband or dogs eat the rest.  I told my husband he has to stop eating all my left overs or he will be gaining the weight I am losing.  I went to some garage sales and bought two bags of clothes for $11.00.  I used to hate walking into a garage sale and looking at clothes because I always felt the people were seceretly watching me thinking "does she really think she will fit in my clothes".  Now I know I have a chance and have found some great bargins.  And as I mentioned before I am not dreading the warmer weather (now that it is finally here) because I am more comfortable and may actually go to Lake Michigan this year instead of coming up with a million reasons why I am too busy!

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Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2008
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