My story, where do I begin? Let see, I've been overweight majority of my life since about age 13. I have been on almost every weight loss plan from weight watchers, jenny craig, cabbage soup, cardiac diet, slim fast, yada, yada, yada.... My most successful weight loss stories have been "my own eating healthy and exercising regimes". I have lost as much as 60 lbs and have not been able to maintain to keep the weight off no longer than 1 year. Since 2004, I have been off and on Blood Pressure medication. When I lose an excessive amout of weight I am able to be off the med, the longest I've been off my b/p med was 2 yrs. Yeah me My other aliment is knee arthris. Otherwise, I am pretty healthy on the inside!!
Fast Forward to now, I decided last year to have barriatric surgery. VSG is the route I decided to go. I started my journey to VSG on Jan.31st. That was went I went to the Barriatric WL seminar. From Feb.2012 to August 2012, it has been one doctors appointment after the other. Between sleep apnea test, exercise test, nutritionist consultations, endoscopy,and physical therapy for my knee pain. During this time from February 1st to May 19, I lost 24lbs. Then summer vacation came around and my teenage boys were home and we were eating out and on the go for the entire summer. I gained 7lbs. I was now 2 weeks pre-op and started the pre-op liquid diet. August 31st was the last time I ate a "real meal", on the morning of Sept. 1st I weighed in @ 272lbs.  Losing 11 lbs in 2 weeks was great, but that was an expperience I don't ever wish to go through again!! On the morning of surgery I weighed in @ 261lbs. Today I am 248. For the past week I have fluctuated between 246-248. I am mad, here I am 23 days post -op and only have lost 14-16 lbs post -op!!!  I don't understand.

My goal is to be healthy and live a long life to watch my boys grow up and be a grandmother. I want to look great and feel great within my skin and body. I want to be able to run and get back to my Zumba and cardio-kickboxing. I was able to do those things when I was much heavier, but I didn't have this terrible knee arthritis. I just want to get back to LIVING MY ACTIVE LIFE !!!! iT'S NOT ABOUT A NUMBER ON THE SCALE, BUT I would like to see the numbers decreasing as my body is changing! I want to have the life God intended for me to have, not this life I am living now.

Wishing everyone here much success and continued weight loss. have a blessed moto,
~one day at a time, one meal at a time, and  step at a time~

About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 08, 2012
Member Since

Friends 1
