So here I am!

Oct 01, 2012

Same weight for months, not complaining lost 89 so far but still have more to go!  Having problems with the band and heartburn and food stuck.  Back to the doctor next week to see what is going on!  Good news back swimming and walking and trying to eat better choices.

Got on a sugar and snack kick!  Have not gained but have not lost anything in months.


Too much snacking!

Jun 01, 2011

Pants feel tight today!  Way too much snacking and my meals seem too be getting bigger.  Down 60 lbs and 40 left to go, can't start messing this up now.   Ok going to the Hackensack Hospital support group tonight for the 1st time, it will be good to be around other lap band people. 

The group meets the first Thursday of every month at the Hospital.

Welcome Spring!

Apr 03, 2011

Haven't been here in a while....things are going great!  As of yesterday, 58 pounds are gone.  Three meds are gone!  And I feel terrific. 

Oh No!

Nov 11, 2010

Ok had surgery on 10/1/10 and today still have not had my 1st fill.  I notice that I am eating bigger protions and faster than before.  My appointment is next Tuesday, so I have to be very careful with my portion sizes.  Ate a ton of spinach and salmon for lunch and feel stuffed.


Week four

Oct 29, 2010

Band is open now and pretty hungry during the day.  My weight loss team is a huge help, saw therapist last night and we talked about keeping on program and have food ready to go.  Don't skip my snacks. 

My flavored syrup came in last night and need to try the pumpkin smoothie for lunch.


Well here I am!

Oct 25, 2010

REALIZE Lap Band on 10/1/10 and feeling like a new person already.  Not sure what to write on a blog, but hopefully I will get better at this. 

About Me
New Windsor, NY
Surgery Date
Oct 25, 2010
Member Since

Friends 1

Latest Blog 6
