Where Is Onderland

Oct 26, 2009

Onederland is somewhere between 199lbs and 160lbs.  To get there you have to take Leave Fatty Foods Lane. From there you take a right on Lay off the Sugar Road.  Then take a left onto Put Down those Potato chips Road then bear right onto I Know You Are Not Going To Eat That Whole Pizza Square.  Then another left onto Get You Ass Off The Couch Dr ive go down about 5 miles onto Exercise Exercise Exercise Circle.  It is along journey.  It takes drive, determination and perseverance to get there.  There are alot of bumps in the road but if you are committed to being the best that you can be you will get there.  Stay tuned weight loss losers I'm on my way to the gas station gotta fill up for the road ahead of me.


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Oct 08, 2009
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