Accountability and Friday Weigh In

May 08, 2008

Last week: 241.5
Today: 240.0
-1.5 lbs

Doc told me to rest my leg by not doing one machine, to keep jogging, use heat as much as possible, and to use a muscle relaxer.  During pregnancy, the med didn't do anything to me.. yesterday I felt out of it, so will try 1/2 of a pill to see if it's any better.  Of course, I may not need it at all.

Slimfast meal bar
1c strawberries with 1/2c 0% fage
2 egg beaters w/1 slice turkey bacon and mozzie cheese
1/2 42g protein bullet
3/4 grilled chicken fillet
2 crab-stuffed portabellas (fairly small)
1c strawberries w/ 1/2c 0% fage
mint skinny cow sammy

1064 cal  27.12g fat  99.84g carb  111.60g protein  13.99g fiber

30 min hard-core elliptical, 15 min lower body weights


May 07, 2008

Mornin' all.

I have my appt. with the sports med doc today.  Of course, my knee has been almost perfect for the last couple of days (isn't that the luck?) but will still go in and find out what I had done to it, and how to keep it from happening again.  I get to take the kids with me, so that will be alot of fun.

1c coffee w/skim milk
1 kashi waffle
1/2 42g protein bullet
1can campbell's chix noodle soup (vicodin tore up my tummy :(
1 skinny cow sammy (got some mint yesterday but haven't tried them)
1 portabella "burger"
1c fresh strawberries w/1c oikos
3/4 chocolate protein pudding
3oz fresh mozzerella

1196 cals  31.42g fat  105.59g carb  101.25g protein  15.5g fiber

Couch-5k program wk 3: 9min jogging (at 4mph), 14min walking (at 3mph)
10 min elliptical level 6
20 min upper body weights


May 07, 2008

I wish AF would just hurry up.  I thought she was coming yesterday, but just a spot.  With the paragard, I will be gushing and would like to know before it starts so I can be prepared.  Oh, she's about 4 days late (and no, I'm not pregnant :-)

I'd like to rant about something.  I went to a support group last night.. it's a great group made of mostly pre-ops.  Very welcoming to everyone, especially since most members are having their surgeries in a different facility.  Anyway, the leader is a nurse with the practice.. hasn't had the surgery but is "fluffy" and admits she's fought weight problems her whole life.  She knows where we've been and how hard some of the things we do are.  The two meetings I've been to have been great.. had an excercise rehabilitator last month and someone with the sleep medicine dept. talking about cpap/bipap/etc. last night.  She told us last night she's being replace with a CLERICAL position.  She's getting shifted to the ER (which she doesn't mind), but the new leader will probably be a fresh-from-college-skinny-*girl*-who-has-no-freakin-clue-and-is-probably-being-paid-less-than-a-RN.  Blah.. bariatric clinics *used* to be about giving individual support to their patients.. My old clinic only did 4 surgeries a week, knew us all by sight, knew our families and their issues (hubby had surgery 2 days after my RNY.. the entire staff called came up, checked up on him and he wasn't even their patient!.. they now have more docs, do quite a bit more, and it's all about making money.  The receptionist at that practice had the surgery, knew everything about everyone, and sadly admitted to me yesterday that she knows only 1/4 of the people anymore especially since she's been moved into the back to do paperwork.  It's turning into a disgusting trend, and I don't like it.  Guess I'll def. have to keep going to the meetings to help the noob's out.  Rant over.

Shawn text'ed me last night while I was at my meeting.  Her Dad is still in the hospital where he was given 2 pints of blood.  They did an egd yesterday and will be doing a colonoscopy today to rule out possible tumors in the colon.  She sent me her eats and I counted her accountability, but this post is already long enough, so be assured she was accountable (even with her hospital-food laden diet).

3am Smore's protein bar
1 kashi waffle
1c coffee w/skim milk
3/4 of 1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves (I had help eating it...)
4.5oz boiled shrimp (had help eating this) and coctail sauce
chocolate protein pudding
chicken marinara flatbread
skinny cow ice cream sandwich (this was emotional eating.. better than the vodka...)

1083 cal  23.82g fat  111.71g carb  105.14g protein  17g fiber

30 min hard-core elliptical, 20 min lower body weights


May 05, 2008

I've figured it out.. my uncontrollable snacking, my bad headache yesterday.. it can mean only one thing.. AF should be here soon.  Blah.

This is something that was just posted on the main board (but shortened) and thought it would be helpful to all of us:

The 10 mistakes that causes WLS failures:

1st Mistake: Not Taking Vitamins, Supplements, or Minerals
2nd Mistake: Assuming You Have Been Cured of Your Obesity
3rd Mistake: Drinking with Meals
4th Mistake: Not Eating Right
5th Mistake: Not Drinking Enough Water
6th Mistake: Grazing
7th Mistake: Not Exercising Regularly
8th Mistake: Eating the Wrong Carbs (or Eating Too Much)
9th Mistake: Going Back to Drinking Soda
10th Mistake: Drinking Alcohol

1 kashi waffle
1c coffee
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
flatbread mozzerella pizza
2x espresso w/skim milk (can you tell I was fighting to stay awake?)
slimfast meal bar
grilled chicken fillet
2! skinny cow ice cream sandwiches
1/2 42g protein bullet

1263cal  35.08g fat  147.95g carbs  118.43g protein  22g fiber

wk2 c25k program -- 7.5 min jogging at 4.3 mph and 12.5 min walking at 3.3 mph
10 min elliptical
15 min upper body weights

I have a support group this evening that I'm looking forward to.  It's only my 2nd with this group, but one lady in there goes to the other one I go to as well.. so it will be nice to see her again.  I need to try and dig out some before photos to take with me..

Accountability and Bio-Impedance

May 05, 2008

2 weeks ago: 42.7
1 week ago: 41.7
Today: 41.9

Given how inaccurate bio-impedance can be (must be done at same time each day, with same amount of fluids peed out and drunk, etc.) I think I'm about the same as last week.

Just a quiet day in the neighbornhood so far.  Didn't do much at all yesterday.. in fact, I fell asleep on the couch for a short bit holding Daniel.  It was a nice 10 minutes, but I had things I needed to be doing.

My carbs were way off the wall.  I see the dietician on the 29th, but until then, I've been trying to keep my carbs and protein equal.  Not so much, yesterday.

1 kashi waffle
1c coffee
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
chicken parmeseana wrap
1c espresso w/skim milk
salmon "burger"
1/2 42g protein bullet
skinny cow ice cream sandwich
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves

974 cal  22.42g fat  118.70g carbs  96.85g protein  16.5g fiber

No excercise -- Sunday is my day off.


May 03, 2008

Slim-Fast high protein meal bar
1c coffee
chicken parmeseana flatbread (some chicken, some fresh mozzie, and some pizza sauce)
1/2c 0% fage w/1 scoop chocolate protein powder (won't do this again...)
2 king crab "legs"
1c coffee
2 kashi strawberry waffles

1061 cal  24.68g fat  88.27g carbs  132.76g protein  18.5g fiber

30 min elliptical, 15 min lower body weights


May 02, 2008

The one day that I don't really want to sleep in (my parents are leaving early this morning and I want to say good bye), both kids are still asleep and so I did too.  I'm usually up by 6:30, and I just got up at 7:45.  Daniel and Kaitlin are both still snoozing away.  Guarntee I'll be up by 5 tomorrow.

On a side note, I have called a sports med doc and made an appt. to have my knee looked at.  I just keep wrenching it doing stupid things and I think it's time to have it examined by someone who has some clue what could be wrong.  That appt. is on Thurs.

S'mores protein bar (at 3:30am... I've started getting hungry with Daniel's feeds again)
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
1c coffee
grilled chicken fillet
2 slices of a meat lovers deep dish pizza from pizza hut (they have the nut. info on their page)
1/2 42g protein bullet
1/2c 0% oikos greek yogurt w/ 1 shot of SF cinnamon dolce syrup

1303 cals  53g fat  93.12g carb  124.03g protein  4g fiber

Wk2 of couch-5k program: 7.5 min jogging (at 4.3mph), 12.5 min walking (at 3.3mph) MY SPEEDS ARE GETTING HIGHER!, 10 min elliptical, 15 min upper body weight training

Accountability and Friday Weigh In

May 02, 2008


 think I've gotten out of my stall.  I don't do an "official" weigh-in until after I go to the Y (it's always less than my first morning weigh-in).. but this morning said 243.  So maybe 242 after everything?  It would be nice to see my hard work paying off.

A little note.. Natures Made vitamins have released a liquid-vitamin for quite a few of theirs.  I'm switching to them because I figure they will absorb better than the horsepills I'm taking now.  I got some multi vites, c, and b-complex.  If you go to you can request a free 14 day trial.  And Walgreens has them BOGO right now.  They run $10 for 60 pills, so the BOGO makes them $5 for 60.. not too shabby.

1c coffee
1 kashi strawberry waffle
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
herb salmon "burger"
1c tassimo latte
flatbread mozzie pizza (w/ *fresh* mozzie!)
1c Oikos greek yogurt w/ sf preserves
1/2 42g protein bullet
1oz fresh mozzie

1068 cals  38.5g fat  98.12g carbs  109.03g protein  15g fiber

30 min elliptical, 20 min lower body weights


May 01, 2008

Weight this morning was 244.

My goal is to lose 15lbs.  I did 10 last time, and now that I'm running, I'm hoping I can do more.  Of course, I may be wrong since I imagine I'll be losing inches as I gain the muscle.  Oh well, it's my goal and I'm sticking to it.

I also plan on monitoring my actual fat percentage with a bio-impedance monitor.  I would like for my % to be less than 39%.  It was 41.7 this Monday.

I would like to be on week 3 of the couch-5k program before May 31st.

And I plan on using Sparkpeople more than I have been.

1 Kashi blueberry waffle
1c coffee
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
1/2 low carb turkey and provolone wrap
3oz salmon
other half of wrap
1c Tassimo latte
vanilla protein pudding

1005 cal  35.28g fat  50.83g carbs  111.17g protein  13g fiber

wk 2 of couch-5k program (7min jogging at 4.3mph, 15min walking at 3.2mph), 20 min upper body weights


Apr 29, 2008

1 kashi blueberry waffle
1c coffee
1/2 42g protein bullet
3oz salmon
1c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
latte (from my tassimo!)
Ruby Tuesday petite sirloin, 1/4 serving of their sauted baby bellas, 1/4 serving of their green beans
vanilla protein pudding

1109 cals  29.77g fat  49.62g carbs  134.21g protein  5.25g fiber

Only did 30 min on elliptical.. still babying my knee which was getting better until I got into bed a certain way and messed it up again.

About Me
Wilson, NC
Apr 08, 2004
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Citracal Bone Density Builder
Calcium absorption
Gummy Vite comparison
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Postop Supplementation Costs
Comparing several chewable vites
