
Apr 28, 2008

Daniel has been up since 3.. he's really congested and having difficulty breathing.  I just think it's allergies 'cause Kaitlin is in a similar boat.

I've decided to up my protein intake to try and help heal my knee.. it's still very sore.  I tried to find a brace, but my thigh is still just way too large (and my calf is much skinnier), so I just felt like I was killing myself with it.  I know it's swollen, and I keep telling myself I'm holding fluid (so that I don't throw my set of scales out the window..)

Remember the challenge starts on Thursday, so start thinking about your goals (if you haven't already).

1 kashi blueberry waffle
1c coffee
grilled chicken sandwich on whole weat bun
1/2 ear of corn
25g protein bullet
protein bar
1 piece of crab-stuffed flounder
1/2c 0% fage w/ reduced sugar blueberry preserves

943 cal  16.26g fat  84.55g carbs  120.15g protein  8.48g fiber

I moved onto the 2nd week of the couch-5k program.  So 7.5 min jogging, 14.5 min walking (the jogging is up from 6 min), and 20 min of upper body weights.


Apr 28, 2008

Last week's bio-impedance was 42.7.. this morning was 41.7.  So it's going down if I trust it.  I tried to get the conditions the same so it would be more accurate.. we'll see how it goes.  I've not lost any weight in a week (243.5 last Mon, 244 today), but some may be muscle mass instead of fat.  Still discouraging.

Yesterday's totals do not have totals because we ate out at a place w/no nutritional guidelines.

1 kashi blueberry waffle
1c coffee
1/2c 0% fage w/sf preserves
about 3oz salmon
1/2 oz grilled chicken (with most of the cream sauce off of it)
1/4c minestrone soup
1 latte w/2% milk

no excercise other than walking around Trader Joe's.


Apr 26, 2008

Got my new coffee maker.  I like it.. several options to choose from.  In fact, I'll be going and fixing myself a cup in a few minutes.

Did not go to the Y yesterday, and won't go today.  I think I've really screwed up my knees with the weights.. they are both very sore.  Yay.  So I think I'll really back down off my leg weights before I start back again.

1 Kashi blueberry waffle
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
1c coffee
1/2 grilled chicken fillet
vanilla protein pudding
1/2lb snow crab (w/o butter.. I was so proud of myself)
1 red lobster cheddar biscuit
2 buffalo shrimp bites (I don't have the nut. info, so just imagine more fat and cals!)

832 cal  19g fat  49.12g carb  72.53g protein  4g fiber


Apr 25, 2008

So I'm starting to look at SparkPeople to chart some stuff in addition to my profile here on OH.  It looks interesting, but I haven't had a whole lot of time to play with it.  Maybe this morning I'll poke around a bit more.

This is the first day in a long time I'm considering not going to the Y.  I feel really beaten up.  My knees still hurt (even though I cut those weights), the ball of my foot is bruised so I'm limping from that (dog incident, don't ask), and I'm tired.  I dunno.. I need to go and I probably will.. just really thinking about not.

1 kashi blueberry waffle
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
6oz boiled shrimp w/cocktail sauce
south beach meal replacement bar
vanilla protein pudding
1c 2% fage w/ sf preserves

938 cal  16.34g fat  92g carbs  100.55g protein  10g fiber

Week 1 couch-5k program (6min jogging with 14min walking and 2min cooldown), 20 min upper body weights

Accountability and Friday Weigh In

Apr 25, 2008


I'm not happy with my scale.  I've upped my workouts, I'm still jogging, and it won't budge.  I keep telling myself it's muscle, but still.  I know my cals are low.. I really do try to get more in.  But I'm just not hungry and to get more cals means more carbs.  The last couple of days have been carb days, which isn't great I'm sure for my loss.  Blah.

2 Kashi blueberry waffles
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
grilled chicken fillet
6 breakfast bites (inspired by Eggface.. Kaitlin loved them, too!)
1c 2% fage w/ sf preserves
weight control oatmeal

854 cal  26g fat  97.5g carb  83g protein  12g fiber

30 min on elliptical, 20 min on lower body weights

I have to rework my weights again for my legs.  Both of my knees were very painful last night, so I need to back off on a few of the machines I think.  Before the trainer told me to up my weights, I didn't hurt.. but I also didn't feel like I was pushing myself.  Now, I hurt and I'm pushing myself.  I just need to find a happy medium where I don't hurt (and I'm not talking about that burn), but still feel like I'm doing some good.  Fun fun fun.


Apr 23, 2008

Ick.  Hubby is going out of town for 4 days.. and he'll be gone next weekend, too.  But my parents come in on Sat. afternoon and will be staying for a bit, so at least I'll have *some* help.  I have a ton of cleaning to get done before they show up, though.. so I'll be busy.

I reworked my upperbody weights yesterday, and boy am I sore.  At least I can tell I'm doing something, though.

1/4 of an icky Y protein shake
2/3 chocolate protein pudding
1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
1 kashi waffle
3/4 grilled chicken sandwich from chilis and 1/2 of an ear of corn
1c 2% fage

778 cals  12.63g fat  86.63g carbs  73.85g protein  7.46g fiber

Couch-5k program wk 1 (6min jogging wiht 14min walking 3mph), 30 min of upper body weights


Apr 23, 2008

Let me tell you about Tuesday's workout.  I talked with one of the personal trainers, and he upped all my weights.  Told me that if was doing 3 sets of 20 reps, I was too low on weights.  I *really* pushed myself, and expected to be in severe pain.  I only have one ouchie, and it really made the jogging more interesting.  But the jogging no longer bothers my calves!  So I'm still progressing :-)

1/2c 0% fage w/ sf preserves
kashi blueberry waffle
flatbread mozzie pizza
south beach meal replacement bar
salmon fillet
chocolate protein pudding

1162 cal  40.5g fat  88g carb  115g protein  20g fiber

30 min elliptical, 30 min lower body weights


Apr 21, 2008

So my cold, or allergies, or sinus infection is now bronchitis.  *Anytime* I get sick, I get bronchitis, so it's no big shock.. just annoying as hell.  I now get to cart my rescue inhaler to the gym just in case I need it until this clears up.

In any case, I can tell the jogging is getting easier... which is encouraging that I'm not insane for trying it out.  It's a series of 6 60-second jogs in a 20 minute walking session.  I used to watch that timer for even the first jog.. but I don't have to for the first couple.  When I can do all 6 without *begging* the timer to move faster, then it's time for the 90-second jogs I think.  I'm making progress, and that's what counts.

1 Kashi blueberry waffle
1/2 c. 0% fage w/ sf orange marmalade
grilled chicken fillet
3oz raw baby carrots -- OMG, I got the worst foamies with these!
vanilla protein pudding -- eaten to help soothe tummy.. um, no.
french onion soup.. not much.. I just couldn't force more food down in my pouch after the carrots

581 cal  9.38g fat 48.5g carb  60.50g protein  7.25g fiber

Couch to 5k program -- week 1 (6 min jogging 4mph interspersed in 20min walking 3mph)
10 min elliptical
20 min upper body weight training


Apr 20, 2008

(Bio-impedance reading: 42.7)

Holy Smokes!

According to my weight tracker, I've lost 5lbs since the 15th!  I think the jogging program is working!  (BTW -- I've really started using my profile.. I post my accountability, my goals, my weight.. it's something I never utilized before, and I've decided to do it now.)

I'm still feeling sick.  I've started taking sudafed and mucinex to see if it helps.  I hate not feeling well.. it sucks.

This morning, I will have one of the trainers at the Y go over my weight routines to see if he sees any glaring holes.  He asked who made my current routine and seemed shocked that I had done it myself.  We'll see what he says.

1 Kashi blueberry waffle
1/2c 0% fage w/sf preserves
vanilla protein pudding
grilled mesquite chicken fillet
slim-fast meal bar
an omlette w/2 egg beaters, 2 slices turkey bacon, and mozzie cheese

890 cal  25.5g fat  56g carbs  96g protein  6g fiber

No excercise, other than some walking while shopping.  The Y doesn't have childcare on Sundays.


Apr 20, 2008

Well, I made it to another support group.  I enjoy this group for the most part.  We meet at a Perkins in a back room.  About 25 people showed up.  Instead of doing individual tickets like they normally do, they only did one.  Well, I was last to pay, and two people decided to leave without paying.. So I got to cover their bills!  I know who they are (only one person ordered this dish, and his wife got the other strange meal) and will say something to them next time I see them.  I told the group leader, and she and I split the amount (which still isn't fair), and she's going to address it as well.  People just suck.

I was able to get my jogging in before my meeting, so that's good.  I didn't do anything else at the gym, but at least I got my jogging done.

SoBe meal replacement bar
3/4 2% Fage container w/ SF Cinnamon Dolce Syrup
(I tried some melon, but it all came back up at the restraunt, so I didn't add any cals for it)
Flatbread mozzie pizza (super easy to make, Tra.. I can give you the recipe)
2 Kashi Go-Lean Blueberry Waffles

807 cal  31g fat  95g carbs 66.75g protein  22g fiber

Couch to 5k program, week 1
6min jogging (4mph), 14min walking (3mph)  -- 207 cals

About Me
Wilson, NC
Apr 08, 2004
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Citracal Bone Density Builder
Calcium absorption
Gummy Vite comparison
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Postop Supplementation Costs
Comparing several chewable vites
