Hello everyone please bare with me this is new for me. I found this site looking for a support group for the lap band. I was in the doc office today and she suggested that i look into having this done. i have been diagnosed with poly cystic ovarian syndrome a few years back and its taking my body over by storm. i am at my heaviest point i have ever been i just need some help and support in making this choice. if anyone can help or have information to hlep my make this choice please help.  Some time ago i was diagnosed with PCOS and that has taken a tole on my body. I suffer from migrane headaces out of this world. my weight really didnt start bothering me until about a year ago.  I noticed that every time i went shopping i had to buy clothes that dont even fit. my bottom is smaller than my top. my stomach is so big sometimes a 3x shirt is too small. I know I need to do something what it is i dont knwo what what ever i go with i will keep you all posted.


About Me
chicago, IL
Jan 13, 2009
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