These boots are made for walking...

Nov 06, 2006

Hello, just thought I'd post a few words, it's been a few days. Over the weekend I finally found a pair of boots that I like and that have some style, a heel and not too high. Whew... I don't have to worry about falling and breaking anything. LOL 
I used to buy shoes to go with my clothing. This weekend I had to go back out shopping to buy some clothes to go with my new shoes(boots). LOL I looked at it this way.. These are my first pair of boots like this in my life of 44 years. I've always wanted sexy/cool boots, but I was always too fat, calves too big. Now that I can wear them, I want to be able to show them off which I couldn't do under long pants. What's the point? LOL So I went out and bought a couple pair of the shorter length pants. I felt kind of weird in them, not used to that style. I have tried them on before when heavier but they just didn't look right. Maybe they don't now either, but I think since I've lost the amount of weight I have I'm a little more balanced, not so much heavy on the top that it looks ok. Well if not, people can gawk and tough if they don't like it. I'm wearing them. LOL  Also when getting these boots which are mid calf, I did try on some leather and some suede boots that went to the knee and they fit!! That was a WOW moment for sure. I would have loved to have gotten knee boots but the heels on them were just too high. I want to be comfortable walking around, not have to worry if I'll fall. Perhaps next year when I've lost more and I've gotten used to higher heels in general. We shall see. :) 

So excited!

Oct 27, 2006

As of this morning I weigh 209. OMG! It's been so slow the past few months on the weightloss then the past two weeks I've just been dropping and I couldn't believe it this morning that I actually made it under 210. I actually couldn't breath for a second. LOL I had to get back on a 2nd, 3rd time just to be sure. The way the weight was going so slow I thought for sure it was going to take me until January to make it under 200. It still may, who knows, this can be crazy. But being under 210 feels great, better than being stuck for 6 weeks at 220 to 222 like I was a few weeks ago. I know I shouldnt worry about the numbers so much, but I do. *sigh* anyways.. this went on more than I wanted. I really just wanted to post and jump up and down that I'm 209 and that 199 is really looking possible now. I'm so excited and can't wait! I dont ever recall being below 204 in my life. So that will be a BIG BIG thing!!!! :)

Love or Hate this new profile? LOL

Oct 22, 2006

Ok, so I've got a few minutes today to look this over some more. I've got some new pictures up. I uploaded my before pics and ones taken this weekend at 7 months out. I don't know if I'll be able to get all my others on here, but will somehow, haven't got them to work in the text area yet. But I'm still working on it. Not sure if I'm going to love or hate this format. But do I have a choice? LOL nope! :)   

I feel so loved today. I just noticed I had no friends, then saw where I had many waiting to be approved. So I do have friends! WooHoo!! :) I'm guessing that when I approve them, that it puts me on their friends list. I'll just have to go take a look and see if I'm there. LOL

Ok, off to add some more pics and try to put on some background and decorative touches. Good day!! :)

Update: I got the pics to work in the text area. Cool! :) Now to archive all the old crap (text) :)

The new format!

Oct 13, 2006

Except for pictures I've got my text moved over from the old profile. It wasn't too bad. I sure had a lot of stuff(words) to move.  LOL I think I'll like this blog format much better. I can post a few words, have it automatically dated and looks like theres an archive option. So that will be pretty cool. All the information I have below makes the page so long but I didn't want to lose any of it.  I just saw below that we can go back and forth on dates. Hmmm.. I guess I can go back and post each entry here with it's original date. I'll work on that later. Off to Toronto for the week with DH. Should be fun, for me anyways. LOL He has to work. I'm just tagging along to swim and shop. hehehe :) I'll catch up with this all later and work on this new format some more. Have a great week!

About Me
Pittsburgh, PA
Surgery Date
Mar 09, 2006
Member Since

Friends 38

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Goal has been met!
Fraud Post
I guess whining does work! LOL
Update on blouse tucking.
Sometimes I see it, sometimes I don't and a New experience
Just stuff.
2nd goal of the weekend complete!
Today, I had the "Courage to Try"!
Having the "Courage to Try"
Changing things up a bit.
