TERRY L. 24 years, 3 months ago

2/12 1:50 p.m. Just spoke to Diane and she was much chipper today. She has been walking all day as she knows this will insure rapid recovery and release from the hospital. Diane wants to thank all for your prayers and support and she will be thinking of you too. Diane reassured me that even tho she is still in icu, she is in no danger and is just waiting for a room to open up for her. Please keep Diane in your daily prayers and in your thoughts...............

Aimee L. 24 years, 3 months ago

Just thought I'd let you know that I have kept you in my prayers. You're lucky to have a friend like Terry who is doing a great job on keeping us all updated. As soon as a number is posted I will call to say hi! Be well, Aimee

TERRY L. 24 years, 3 months ago

2/11 7 p.m. Just spoke to DIANE's nurse and she told me that Diane is doing great. Nurse told me that the reason Diane is on the oxygen is because she has sleep apnea and it is standard procedure in cases like this. Nurse told me that Diane will have a room Saturday because none are available tonite. Please keep this sweet woman in your prayers and thanks for all your support. Love you all...........

Trina T. 24 years, 3 months ago

buff don't know when yu'll be home but wanted you to know i was thinking of you. hope you are doing well and back in full speed soon.

Trina T. 24 years, 3 months ago

TERRY L. 24 years, 3 months ago

2/11 1:45 p.m. Just spoke to DIANE. She was still very groggy from the medications. Although she is still in ICU, she reassured me that she is getting better and is glad to be on the other side. DIANE sends her love and appreciation for the prayers and support you have given her. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers and with the grace of the Lord, she will be home with her family and friends soon. Thank you..

TERRY L. 24 years, 3 months ago

Hello all. talked to Diane's nurse at 7:30 p.m. my time. Diane is doing great. She is breathing on her own and has walked twice already today and was going on another walk at around 8 p.m. Her nurse told me that Diane loves her *pump* and makes good use of it. She will be in her room by noon Friday.. and as soon as I get the number I will post it here. Thank you for your prayers in behalf of Diane and please continue to send them for her............God Bless........

TERRY L. 24 years, 3 months ago

11:30 a.m. Thurs. Just spoke to Diane's ICU nurse. She stated that Diane is complaining of alot of pain but is as well as can be expected right now, and is breathing on her own. As soon as I get the number for her room, I will post it for all to use. Diane would love to get phone calls since she does not have family there with her. Please keep Diane in your prayers for a speedy successful recovery. Thank you ..............

TERRY L. 24 years, 3 months ago

5:45 a.m. 2/10 just spoke to DIANE'S nurse. Diane is in recovery and doing *just fine* according to this nurse. Diane's surgery started late yesterday so she was in surgery until after 8 p.m. last nite. I will call again at noon and see if I can speak to her then. Please help me say some prayers for her safe recovery and a not so bumpy ride home soon. Thank you all for caring for this wonderful woman.

Carlene B. 24 years, 3 months ago

Diane Im so happy for you and wish you a speedy recovery. I cant wait to join you on the other side.
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Amery, WI
Nov 30, 1999
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