Hello, my name is Becky. I am happily married and have 2 wonderful


 children. I am so looking forward to losing weight so I can be more active


 in my childrens lives. I am a military spouse, currently stationed at


Ft. Bragg, N.C.



My first appointment is July 10th, at !! That is also my deceased


 sons 7th birthday. I have a feeling my special angel will be right by my





Hello all! I had my consultation with Dr Carter. He is a very nice man.


 And he goes through everything with you. I am on the liquid diet he


 puts you on. I am doing real well except for the caffeine withdrawals!! I


 go back in 1 month, hopefully by then I have all my tests done.



August 8th- Hello all I am down 20 lbs, feeling pretty good!! My next


 appointment is August 12th. I have all my paperwork and tests ready to


 hand in, YIPPEE!! Hopefully it won't be long after this. I have a big


 weekend ahead of me, a online Feb baby group I am involved in is having a


 get-together so I am very excited!! Our last one was back in October.



August 20th- Hello again!! I haven't gotten a actual date yet, but I


 have been approved!! I find out my date on Monday, I am so excited!!



August 25th- I have a date!! September 8th at . I am so excited!!



September 1st- WOOHOO next Monday is my big day!! I am so excited, its


 funny how I have no fear. You'd think I'd be scared silly. I am all


 ready, have all my hospital needs. My loving husband took leave to help


 out with the kids. Thank God his Unit is very supportive of family.



September 12th- I am home!! I got home yesterday evening, but was wiped


 out from the drive home. Today I am feeling stronger. Thanks for all


 the support!



September 25th- Hello all, its been awhile since I updated! Anyway, I


 started out at 275, but got down to 250 before surgery. And down I am


 fluctuating between 229-231 which drives me nuts!! I need to throw away


 my scale!! I do feel so much better already.



November 7,2003- I am so happy!! I


 weighed in last night and I weighed 199!! My starting weight was 275!!


 I'm gonna keep on going!!




January 16th 2004- Today I went and


 did my labwork. I hope it all comes back ok! I am at 175 lbs now, so


 very happy. I am in a size 14 now. I am still hoping to get down to





February 14th 2004-Hello everyone! I


 am doing really well. I am now between 162-163 lbs. I feel so good. I


 am now in a size 12 jeans, but can get in a 10. Yesterday I went and


 had all my long hair cut off and got a nice short haircut, its gorgeous,


 everyone loves it!! Tells me I look years younger, lol!


((((((hugs))))) to everyone!





March 3rd, 2004- Hello everyone! I


 have been super busy, enjoying the nice weather. I have been exercising


 alot, and drinking TONS of water. I still do 2 miles or more on the


 treadmill, then I do my AB machine, and my thigh machine, and just started


 lifting light weights. I weighed in today at 157, I was so excited I


 ran through the house bucked naked to tell hubby, lol! Well gotta go!








I WEIGH 148 LBS!! WOOHOO!! I am also


 in the normal range on the BMI calculator. I am so happy!! I continue


 to work out everyday. I do Tae Bo, the treadmill, AB machine, and the


 thigh machine. I also ride my daughters bike. I am now in a size 8, life


 is very good!







April 12th, 2004- Hello everyone! I


 had a wonderful Easter. My sister and her family came up and we went to


Myrtle Beach
 for a day. I never liked doing stuff like that while I


 was morbid obese. I even went on all the rides at the Pavillion, and had


 a blast. I weighed in at 144lbs, YIPPEE!!






June 7, 2004- Hello everyone, its


 been a long time since I updated. I am now at 137 lbs, doing really well.


 Of course the weight loss is very slow now, but thats ok. I am now in


 a size 6 with is unbelieveable to me!! Getting ready to go on vacation


 for a week, heading home to WV! My family hasn't seen me since


 Christmas so they will be suprised. (((((((hugs)))))) to everyone!






September 16,2004- Hello everyone!!


 Sorry I've not updated in awhile, I seem to stay so busy. Anyway I now


 fluctuate between 133-135lbs and I am so happy!! I'm still in a size 6,


 which I think will be my final drop since I haven't lost any weight in


 a long time. I exercise almost everyday and have even started bike


 riding!! Having some trouble with my iron levels, I get real tired at


 times, but Dr Carter is keeping a close eye on it. ((((((((hugs))))))) to





May 9, 2006- Hello everyone! It has


 been forever since I updated. No excuse really, just nothing to say! I


 gained a few lbs, I'm up to 137-138 so I'm not worried. I just need to


 EXERCISE!  Hope everyone is doing well! (((((hugs)))))



About Me
Raeford, NC
Surgery Date
Jun 01, 2003
Member Since

Friends 1
