The Ups and Downs of the Past Few Years

Nov 08, 2006


Thanksgiving, 2004

Hello Everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! Today is my one year anniversary. I am so thankful for my new life at 110 pounds lighter. I've been working with a personal trainer and I'm getting stronger and healthier every day. Hopefully, I will continue to lose weight and be closer to goal this time next year. For those of you on your way to Ensenada, you are in very good hands. Please read our profiles and then email us or post your questions to Dr. A's message board. We are all rooting for you--even when we are too busy to respond right away. For those of you who have come before me and who have journeyed with me, thank you so much for your patience and support. Isn't life great? God Bless you all.

November 7, 2004

I wish you all could have gone to the reunion in Las Vegas. Twenty-seven Dr. A. patients were there to celebrate our successes and to honor Dr. Aguirre. The combined total loss of all these attendees was over 3000 pounds! Dr. A. was so overwhelmed and choked up. He was thrilled to see us all healthy and in great spirits. Grace, Vicky, and Rachel were excellent hostesses. Charlotte raised over 500 dollars running the silent auction. Kat Ryan delivered a speech about our experience that, in my opinion, is worthy of a Pulitzer (or at the very least, publication). All the committee members did a great job and all the attendees lent a hand as well. If you are a pre-op, please check out the scrapbook that we put together for Dr. Aguirre. It should be in his office by now. Oh, by the way, we had a blast too!  

October 2, 2004

I've finally broken my plateau and I'm now down 106 pounds after a little over 10 months. I'm looking forward to the reunion in Vegas and I've been very busy on that front. Life is good!

How do you break a plateau? Exercise and drink fluids all day. For one day, I had nothing but protein shakes, soup, and water. It works!

What about vitamins? I recommend either Bariatric Advantage (the multi and calcium) or Vista Vitamins. In addition, you either need to get Vitamin B-12 shots or use the sublingual spray.

What do I eat? I basically eat 3 small meals a day, focusing on lean proteins and vegetables. For a mid afternoon snack, I enjoy fruit or cheese and crackers. I avoid bread, rice, pasta, and starchy foods. I drink water constantly. And unfortunately, I do drink tea and coffee as well. I still can't eat spaghetti or rich desserts, but I don't miss them either. 

October 15, 2006

I'm down another three pounds. I've been working hard these last two months. During the week, I work out with my friend Sandra every morning. We get in thirty minutes of cardio, weights, and situps. It's hard work, but I have got to get this weight off. I'd like to be less than 250 pounds by Christmas and less than 200 pounds a year from now. I've also improved my diet.

August 18, 2006

I've omitted refined carbs, popcorn, crackers, and bread (even the whole grains). I have a protein, fruit, and fiber shake every morning and eat lean proteins, veggies, and fruits the rest of the day and I'm down SEVEN pounds in two weeks--I have so much more energy. I've also been detoxing--I found a great product online called Colonix.

I'm still not able to work out much due to the hot Texas sun, but hope to workout and swim this weekend.

August 6, 2006

I'm now up 25 pounds since my surgery. I weighed as much as 269 lbs., but that is still a far cry from 360 lbs. where I started.

One thing that I'm going to try is to workout more regularly and stay positive. I also need to stay away from processed carbs. Starting today, I'm going to eat lean proteins, veggies, fruit, and drink lots of water, and continue taking my vitamins. I'm also looking for a workout buddy. I posted something on the Texas board.

I feel like my family is disappointed too.

I'm actively looking for an extreme workout partner in the Cedar Park/Round Rock area.

Here is the deal. I belong to the 24 hour Fitness near the Lakeline Mall (Lake Creek). I am looking for someone to work out with me most Saturday and Sunday mornings for 1-3 hours (one or both days). Don't worry about the guest fee, because I have a VIP pass.

Please look at my profile below to determine if we would be a good match. My favorite things to do at the club include: weight machines, the elliptical, situps, and swimming. If you are interested, shoot me an email at [email protected].

I am very committed to this, and I need a workout buddy who is also committed. Please don't respond unless you are serious.


April 17, 2006

Can you believe that it has been a year now? I've had many ups and downs this year. In late May 2005, something really awful happened at my job and I've been in intensive therapy as a result. I've also been job hunting. My teaching job is fine; the problem is with the advising position. I just can't take the politics in this office. I am no longer the cute fat doormat that I was three years ago and they just don't get that.

Anyway, my personal life is good. My husband and daughter are both still wonderful and supportive. And I'm closer than ever to my mom and dad. We now have two Yorkies--Muffin and Joey! Anyway, I'm meeting with a personal trainer later this week and hopefully she can help get me back exercising again and the scale will start going in the right direction again.

At one point, I was over 260 pounds; now I'm at 257. My goal is to get below 200 pounds, so I still need to lose at least 60 more. When I get depressed about my lack of progress, I remind my self that three years ago I weighed 360 pounds. Without this surgery, I probably would be dead or near death.

To all of you who have just had the surgery--you can gain this weight back if you are not careful.

BTW, I did pass my comprehensives, so I am now ABD (all but dissertation).


April 10, 2005

I am so happy right now. My daughter, Tina, is going to be confirmed (in the Catholic Church) next month. She is very active in church and school. Right now, she is in the top 5 percent of her high school class. Next weekend, she will perform in a dance recital and the two of us are going with a bunch of my students to see Thoroughly Modern Millie at the Bass Concert Hall. Although she is just a freshman, she has announced her intention to study art at Rice, NYU, or some other top 50 school, so we need to keep working!

Oscar, my hubby, is playing a lot of golf, gardening, and making home repairs. This summer we have plans to see friends in D.C. and New Jersey (and to visit NYC as well). Christina and I will definitely be in Houston swimming in that gorgeous pool with grandma and grandpa. This Christmas, we are hoping to spend time with friends in Alamogordo when we rent a cabin in Cloudcroft, New Mexico.

I have finished my doctoral classes and have just started my comprehensives. If all goes as planned, I'll have my doctorate by the end of next year. I've been volunteering at the Crossings, a spiritual retreat about a mile from my house on the lake. I just love it! I began volunteering after a holistic doctor there cured me of my migraines. I haven't lost any weight in a while, but I am firming up, so it looks like I've dropped some more. In total, I've lost over 120 pounds. I am certain that I can still lose another 20-40 pounds--it's just going to take time. Meanwhile, I am obsessed with living well (the new Whole Foods in central Austin is paradise!), getting physically and spiritually fit, and wearing fun clothes right now (yikes--too much money!).

I know that I do not post often, but every single one of you (pre-ops, post-ops, and lurkers) are always in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to seeing you all this fall in San Antonio.

Christmas, 2004

Happy Holidays! I'm still on a grand plateau, but I've been working with a personal trainer and I feel that I will soon be losing again. I've really enjoyed the holidays this year. I took some additional time from work and concede that I truly needed some R and R. I must admit that my mood has been strange. I've been feeling more depressed than usual lately. That is why I've been seeing a therapist as well. In addition, I've scheduled an appointment with a psychiatrist in January to see about changing my depression medication.


About Me
Cedar Park, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 12, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
I've lost over 100 pounds! In the first photo, I weigh 350 pounds; in the last photo, I weigh 250 pounds.

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