12.30.08 Aches and pains.....

Dec 30, 2008

My whole entire body hurts.  Knees, ankles, back and chest.  I CAN NOT wait for a pain-free day!!!  I am so tired of literally rolling out of bed limping to get to the bathroom because my left ankle and knee can't take the weight 1st thing in the morning.  Argh!  And how I wish that I can stand longer for 5 minutes before my back gives in and I have to sit my fat ass down somewhere.   I mentioned my aches and pains to my doctor the other day and he started off with those dreaded words.......Because of your weight blah, blah, blah!     

Sigh....I praying for the day when I have my WLS and be done with all theses aches and pains. 

Now, let me get up and take some dayum Aleve.  

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