03.25.09 It's been awhile........

Mar 25, 2009

I hope everybody has been doing okay.

So, where have I been? 

Let's see....

Had car accident, hurt my back really bad and was out of commission for a bit.  Been going to physical therapy 4x a week to fix my back and it's been working.

Had hormonal depression brought on by menopause..well that's what my GYN told me.   I had to have a hysterectomy last year and my hormones have been all over the place since then.  For some reason, they got super out of whack a few months ago and let me tell ya, it was not pretty.  I was crying all of the time and when I wasn't crying..I was eating.    I probably gained about 20 some odd pounds since the last time I post here. 

Because of the accident and my mini bout with depression, I had to put stuff on hold for a minute.  I missed my appt with the WLS surgeon and when I tried to reschedule, they gave me an appt date of OCT. 1st!  I was like hell nawl.   
Oh well, I spoke to several folks, my PCP and went online to find another WLS surgeon.  After my research, I'm glad to say that I'll be attending Dr. Sosa seminar next Thursday! Whoo~hoo!     I'm so ready to get this party started y'all!!

Any-ho, I hope y'all have a blessed day!

