
My first post

Dec 05, 2011

This is my first post to this forum, so please forgive me if I ramble on, repeat thngs that have already been posted by other users, or in general just annoy you. 

I'm 42 yrs. old and at a point in my life where my obesity is causing health problems - and I'm finally ready to do something about it!  I'm "scheduled" (pending insurance approval) for the VSG on December 22, 2011. It seems like I've been waiting FOREVER I can't believe that my surgery date is so very near! 

My best friend are going through this process/journey together.  We were both thin as teens, and then as the old saying goes - LIFE HAPPENED and we found our weights were spiraling out of control.  We've both dieted - evening forming 2 seperate weight loss groups modeled after The Biggest Loser (each participant put $100 in the pot, with penalties ($3/per pound) for weight gain, mandatory, documented monthly weigh-ins with the "biggest loser" taking the entire pot (and w/18+ participants in the first round, the pot was significant!).  Neither of us could muster the mental strength to see the challenge through to the end.

With both of us having health issues that are soley attributed to our weight, we started looking for alternative solutions.  We both know several people of who had huge success w/the VSG, so we are going for it!  We've been friends through thin and thick (haha) and we'll now be friends through thin and thick and THIN AGAIN!   But most importantly, we are using this tool to get back on track healthwise...she's lucky enough to already have grandchildren and when I am finally blessed with my own, I don't want weight or health issues to get in the way of ANYTHING in regards to enjoying them!

So, that said, we start our pre-op diets on Thursday, Dec. 08, with anticipation that our insurance approvals will come in the following week and that we'll be right on track for our scheduled surgery date.

We are both so excited that we can hardly stand ourselves!   Wish us luck, and we'll keep everyone posted on our progress!


About Me
Bryan, TX
Surgery Date
Dec 02, 2011
Member Since

Friends 6

Latest Blog 1
