No Regrets Just Pure Satisfaction!

Jan 11, 2009

My silly little Hannah just loves the feel of warm clothes just after drying them. She is truly the little princess of this house but I love both of my girls with all my heart. My role is to spoil them full of love and affection. I think it is working don't you?
    This last week was a terrific new baby pouch week! I lost almost 5 pounds this week. WOOT! WOOT! Now I haven't lost that much in one week since my first week following surgery. I just love it when you increase your calories and bump up your daily exercise by 10 minutes and get these kind of results. Now let's keep our fingers crossed to see if it happens this week or even close. I didn't try any new recipes just stuck with my white chili, lentil soup (YUM) with cottage cheese, omelette's, split pea soup and my delicious tuna salad with deviled eggs & grain crackers! I forgot to mention my protein shakes and daily dose of protein truffles. I have to say I am eating way better than I had envisioned following my rny surgery. I still haven't found any problems with eating or drinking my foods. Yes, I have had a bite or two of things I probably shouldn't have but a bite or two and that is it. I did try my chocolite peanut butter patties that MM was talking about and OMG are they delicious well worth the 40 calories. I have a hiding place behind Hannah Belle's palace that I store my SF candies - OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND which is working great for me. I did make the mistake of showing them to my DH who is having a really hard time not eating them, I find him making his little visits every now and then. LOL! I did order some of the chocolite protein bars to try and I must admit I am hoping they are just as good as the patties. I have found during my rny journey that if you use the resources available to you you can find delicious foods out there. I can honestly say that I do not have cravings from my former life at all. Hey, I can eat p.b. loco banana peanut butter daily-how wonderful is that. All those attempts at WW's - peanut butter was a bad thing. I still have a ways to go but I see the light and it is leading me to a wonderful future... I can't wait to live it all! I better run for now, take care this week. Blubird29 aka Debbie


Jan 04, 2009

Hi All, Last week was a great week. We spent 4 days at the lake and the weather was beautiful except for yesterday. I love it when it is nice enough to walk outside and we did just that. You can't beat walking where you have a beautiful view and you can see water from 3 sides of you! I lost a little more weight and that always makes me feel strong and puts a smile on my face. No complaints here.
While we were at the lake my DH surprised me with a late Christmas gift! He bought me two new stained glass light fixtures for my entry and hallway and to top that he painted the walls a beautiful shade of a reddish purple. It is so beautiful. I just love happy colors...
As far as post surgery, all is still good. I haven't found a food that I can't tolerate yet but I really don't push the boundaries much. I am still chomping on those protein truffles, I LOVE THEM. They are just over 50 calories each and packed with protein-YUM. I made another batch of the white chili. It is delicious, low calorie and goes down easy. Believe it or not I can each a whole cup without any problems. Anyway I best get off here for now. Here's to 2009-LOL
Later, Blubird29 aka Debbie

Life is Great!

Dec 29, 2008

Okay, Christmas is over and I survived! I hope everyone else survived also. Christmas can be a fun holiday but it sure is a tiring one, I AM EXHAUSTED. We normally spend the holiday at the lake but decided to stay local and spend time with the in laws. It was MOSTLY GREAT with one exception and this girl if you can call her that is hard to be around for more than 60 seconds! I know we have all met one in our life and she is a real _itch and that is an under statement. But it is over and I won't see her for another year or more... She is lazy, GREEDY and abusive to children. Maybe I will put a spell on her~
My DH got me a new computer for the lake since my old one died,  now that is an exciting gift since I would be lost without my computer down there. He also got me a new sound system that will work with my iPod and play my music videos on the big TV---NICE.  I feel guilty since all I got him was shirts, jogging outfit, sweats and jammies. Oh well he can play with my toys when he gets bored. LOL

I did manage to lose more weight this week and that is probably the first Christmas week loss in my 50 years. YEAH with WOOT-WOOT. I had to see my cardio this morning and he was shocked & pleased with my progress. Only one problem, my blood pressure is STILL TOO LOW - 84/60. So he is going to change my medications to see if we can get it corrected that way. I will keep my fingers crossed anyway. I knew that on a few occasions when I would stand up I would be really dizzy but I just thought it was the surgery. I also have been really tired, really tired and again just thought it was my WLS and that it would improve in time but Dr. said it was probably the blood pressure. I know it can be hard on your internal organs if your blood pressure is too low so let's get this fixed asap, I already have my altered belly and that is enough.
I finally made it to the grocery store this morning and made some white chili as soon as I got home and it was more than delicious. I love this stuff and it freezes so easy. We are going to the lake for the 4 days of New Years holiday and I plan to take some with me. Better get off here and go check on the girls before they get into trouble. Happy New Years and be SAFE. Blubird29 aka Debbie

My Little Hannah Belle Staying Warm This Season!

Dec 21, 2008

Little Hannah Belle knows how to stay warm - Lay on Mom and her fleece gown is and what makes it even better, if she lays on Mom she is sure to get a wonderful belly rub! You probably have figured out just how much I love my little girls and I assure you that there are NO little girls in the whole wide world more spoiled than Hannah Belle and Lexi Marie! However, I have always said that ALL cat's & dog's were put on earth for us humans to love & spoil and to act as therapy for all humans! God, please help those who are not loved or as fortunate. Say a prayer for the unwanted and or homeless cats and dogs in this world.

  This was a pretty great week. I spent the week listening to Christmas songs every chance I got. I love the joy they bring. Plus after working at Best Buy for 15 years worth of Christmas seasons and listening to Christmas tunes you learn to crave the holiday tunes. I made the sausage & bean cassoulet and it is WONDERFUL! It goes down real easy for a 8 weeks wls post op. I will definitely make this one again and it makes 8 servings so you can easily freeze some. I also tried some roasted cauliflower and it too was delicious in fact I have already bought more cauliflower to make more. I even like it cold. With all the protein I have to consume it doesn't leave much room for vegetables but I will work the roasted cauliflower in! Still lovin' the protein truffles, they are my Christmas candies. The protein truffles are worthy of having in the fridge at all times, they are deliciously packed with protein for a quick healthy grab. I had no idea when I started this process that there would be so many wonderful recipes to help make the life time changes. I don't feel like I am doing without anything, I just eat less of great foods and I never get hungry. I have lost 65 pounds so far and 35 of it is post op in 8 weeks. I feel terrific and look forward to what each day brings my way.
    We went visit Stella & Dena (Mother in law and Sister in law) this past weekend and I had a really nice visit. They both have a huge spot in my heart especially since I have lost my own Mother & Sisters. They too have a couple of spoiled dogs too-LOVE IT. I worry about Stella, she is so fragile. If she were to fall the risk is high for breaking bones at her age especially with osteoporosis. She really loves her new home, it pleases me to see her so happy, she deserves all the happiness that comes her way.
  Better get off here for now.
    Later, Blubird29 aka Debbie

My Beautiful Roxanne Von Rolls and My DH, My Girl!

Dec 14, 2008

Okay, last week I totally forgot to include my beautiful Roxie when I was talking about departed loved ones. I lost Roxanne the first year at the lake house summer 2006. This girl was such a HUGE part of my heart and life for 10 years, I truly miss her. There aren't many days that go by that I don't think about her. Roxie was a pistol from the get go. At 7 weeks old she thought she ruled the world, well I guess she ruled our world for 10 years and we loved it. She is and was the most beautiful female rotty I have ever seen, her loyalty and companionship undeniably mastered, she was my gift from God! The pain was so much that when I went to get another baby I couldn't face the rotty breed and that was when we switched to my adorable Alexa Marie, the yellow lab who is a total opposite. Although Miss Alexa has managed to score high marks in the love category as well.

Remember, last week I told you how my Dear Brother was killed just 10 days following his 51 birthday working for my brother in law digging ditches. The ditch had no shoring or safety box for protection and it collapsed on him. He died a horrific death of suffocation on mud (yes, there was mud in his lungs) and his body was crushed by the weight of the muddy dirt which took workers HOURS to dig him out. Well, years before my brothers death another ditch had collapsed on my brother in law and ALMOST KILLED HIM THEN. He still has lung problems from it. NOW I want you to know that he is still today going into these dangerous ditches by himself, unprotected! He was spotted down inside a hole that all you could see was the top of his head just days ago. Now is this crazy, you know they say third time is a charm. I guess one of these days I will see his name in the obituaries _______ ______ _______ dies when a trench collapsed---ALONE. What the hell is my sister thinking! How damn important is money? How stupid can you be?

Okay, deep breath, this week I did manage to lose a couple more pounds putting my total over 61 pounds now. Can I get a big WOOT-WOOT! I was hoping for more but I'll take whatever I get. Sometimes I forget that I am living a pretty much sedentary lifestyle with my disability, yes I am whining a bit. I still have not had any problems with sickness or any foods since that first horrible week following the surgery. What a blessing that is! I finally found the MAX protein supplement and I love it! It is a little more expensive but the taste is well worth the money. I made the protein truffles and brownie bites this week and they were deliciously nutritional. I am really missing the warmer weather now, I feel trapped in the house. This too shall pass. Later, Blubird29 aka Debbie

Holiday Spirit, Not So Much

Dec 07, 2008

I am feeling a bit sad today, I started thinking about my loved ones who are no longer with me. 2003 - 2007 I lost my Mother after a 16 year bout with leukemia 11-12-2003, then I lost my brother in law/wonderful friend Steve Martin to again, cancer and as if that wasn't enough on February 21st 2007 my brother was killed tragically working for my brother in law in  a ditch where NO safety precautions - ALL OSHA laws were violated! After his death my sister and her husband refused to take any responsibility for their negligence in his death, told lies to authorities, kicked his wife out of what should have been her home after killing her husband. Anyway, from that you can see that our family is divided now only because of the lies that were told that resulted in pain and suffering for others. They never did apologize to anyone for what they had knowingly done, in fact they were pointing fingers and blaming everyone else. I know I should but it is hard to forgive with all things  considered. Maybe someday...

Went to the lake house again this past weekend. It was beautiful but cold so we got lots of R&R. We are going to spend Christmas at the lake with my Dad & Joan, I think that will be nice. Maybe light a fire, sip some lite eggnog, watch movies and eat lightly! It will be good for Dad  especially, he has really been struggling emotionally after losing Mother and then my brother his last son. Anyway we will have some fun for the holiday.

I did make some new peanut butter protein balls and dip them in SF chocolate! They were delicious, I won't be making them dipped in SF chocolate for a long time, without the chocolate is okay but the chocolate just is too tempting! So I will be more careful. I didn't go totally crazy but I did have to have one like everyday. Later, Debbie aka Blubird29

Many Thanks to Give, Life is Good!

Nov 30, 2008

We just got back from our holiday weekend at the lake. It was so peaceful and just beautiful. I am so glad we decided to go. Sorry to the rest of you but I just didn't want to spend the holiday surrounded by food temptations and inquiring eyes! After all I am only 5 weeks out and you know how it is just 5 weeks out from surgery and everyone else is trying to decide if they think it is going to work??? Anyway my DH and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving at our lake house in the Ozarks and absolutely loved every minute of it. Matter of fact neither of us was ready to come home. Our T-Day meal was a white chicken chili for me and my DH had good old fashioned chili. Now it does not get any easier than that!

I lost 3 pounds this week and after my stall last week I will take it with a smile! I really didn't know what to expect after 4 days at the lake without my tread mill and the weather was not good enough to walk outside. Hey it worked and I will move on to this week walking like a fool to get ride of more of this weight. Loss has been a little slower than I would have liked if I try to compare it to others. However, I am not others I am ME! We all have different circumstances and our bodies tend to do their own thing---I know, as long as the end result is the big WIN... Later, Blubird29 aka Debbie

My 1st Post-Surgery Stall--YUK!

Nov 23, 2008

My body must be re-adjusting to it's new life because this week I am only showing a .4 of a pound loss. However, I did check my measurements and found that I have lost 25 total inches and my total weight loss is up to 55.6 pounds. I have to feel pretty good about the direction my body is going in. My DH said he can really tell that I am losing. YEAH!

After the first week and a half of being soooo sick I have been BLESSED pretty much with NO sickness or pain to speak of. Thank you Lord. I am not having any problems with foods or liquids, well other than I am not hungry and it is so diferent to have to focus all day long in order to get enough protein & water in. I hope that eases up pretty soon. For me, I just want to get myself to a post-normal routine. Normal is good, right? Almost forgot, exercise is going pretty good too. I am walking on a treadmill about 35 minutes daily.

Looking forward to spending Thanksgiving at the lake house with my DH and girls. Nice & quiet with no food pressures or judgement in the house. Should be good for me this close to surgery and I know that we will love every minute of it. 4 days of the woods, animals, water, sunrises, sunsets, no city noises and no house filled with FOOD. I often refer to it as my "PARADISE IN THE BAY". The place where God wanted us to be after all these years because he put us there for our retirement years. Which it is less than 2 years for DH to retire. I can't wait. Later... Debbie aka Blubird29

Getting Better Every Day! 3 Weeks Post Op...

Nov 16, 2008

Last week was a really great week after the first couple! I was able to start walking again just not as far, but it's good. I had NO nausea, couple minor dizzy spells and minimal pain. So I ask you what more could a girl like me ask for? That's right, a weight loss and I got that too. I feel like I am on the right track now and I am loving it.

My DH is still trying to be overly cautious with my every movement, so sweet to care so much after all this time but I am eating it up. Last time I checked love had NO calories.

My foods are not a problem. I found that I had to find my full feeling and once I did it has been great. Liquids now that is another story. I feel like I am constantly drinking but going nowhere fast. However, I am managing to get my 64 ounces in. I used to drink twice that without any problems so this slow all day long does get on my nerves every now and then. I found that in order to get it in I MUST really concentrate on my sip sip sip... Later. Blubird29 aka Debbie

2 Weeks Post Op & Feeling GREAT!

Nov 09, 2008

I am feeling much better now a days, thank God. Drs. think I must have had a reaction to one of the drugs which I really could have done without. Hint the red cheeks in my post surgery pics which only go worse over the next two days and ended up with my face peeling like a sun burn along with major fever blisters on my nose and lip, yuk? WEIRD! There were a couple of days there when I thought "What have I done?" I was just sure I was going to be one of the horror stories you read about. Thank you Lord for getting me by those days and moving me into sheer excitement and on my way to the new me! I can't wait to sit on the losers bench...

I have not had any problems with eating foods yet. I have not been hungry once yet. My taste buds are just about normal now. Eggs for breakfast, egg bites, refried beans, cottage cheese or deli meat with Shelly's pesto dip for lunch and dinner. I am using my protein shakes or protein ice cream to fill in for the shortage of proteins between meals. All GREAT, this is what I expected following surgery. I don't have all of my energy back yet which is to be expected with the set back I experienced but I am confident that too is just around the corner. I can't wait for the next six months to fly by so I can see a glimpse of the new me! Yes indeed.

Oh, I did have to change my vitamins after 5 days of trying to choke down my Bariatric Advantage vitamins. They were terrible tasting and major grit. Too bad I bought a 90 day supply. However, I won't finish them they are disgusting! This week I will try to focus on my exercise to get back to where I was pre-surgery. Yes, life is good. Debbie

About Me
Kansas City, MO
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 23
My Beautiful Roxanne Von Rolls and My DH, My Girl!
Holiday Spirit, Not So Much
Many Thanks to Give, Life is Good!
My 1st Post-Surgery Stall--YUK!
Getting Better Every Day! 3 Weeks Post Op...
2 Weeks Post Op & Feeling GREAT!
