Starting the new year off right

Dec 31, 2008

Well it is New Years Eve, and I am so ready to start the new year off right. It will be 34 weeks tommorow since my surgery and I am now down to 160 lbs. That is a total of 112 lbs lost so far. I only have 10 more pounds to hit my goal. I am loving it. I have so much more energy now days, I still do not have all my strength back, but I am sure I will eventually get that back as well. Everyone ask would you do it again, and I sure would. I am now able to jog with my kids, and it is so much easier to ride bikes with all the weight off. The best part is when my youngest daughter Chelsie hugs me and says mom I can fit my arms all the way around you, its GREAT. I did this to be healthy and I feel better then I have in many years. I wish everyone a safe and wonderful New Year, this is to a NEW YOU!!!


6 months

Nov 10, 2008

Well tomorrow will be 6 months since the surgery, and i hit my 100 pound gone today  i feel wonderful, i have had several bumps in the last 6 months, but it seems like it is getting so much better. I have not been getting sick like i was, and my hair is not falling out like it was. this was the best thing i could have done, to be healthier. I must admit i need to get back to exercising, but it just seems so hard after working 8 hours on my feet all day running around like a crazy person. i am a cna and any one that knows any thing about that kind of work knows its a hard job, then coming home and maken dinner for the family, and with the time change it gets dark so fast. i am looking in to joing a gym so it wont matter if its dark out.but all in all things are looking up, and i can not wait to lose the last 22 lbs i need to lose!

23 weeks out and its getting better

Oct 19, 2008

It has been just 3 days over 23 weeks. I had my doctor apt on Monday, I am now down 91 pounds, I am feeling so much better. Things are getting better and I am not getting sick like I was. I ride bikes with my husband and youngest daughter, we ride the 7 miles, last time we walked I was able to jog with my daughter, it felt wonderful to be able to do that, espically with her saying come on mommy, lets jog. Most of my pre existing medical problems are getting better so I am happy about that. I know I still have a long road ahead, but I would do this all over again, it has changed my life for the better and it has only been 23 short weeks. I love life!!

just a little over 18 weeks out

Sep 15, 2008

hi everyone, just wanted to give a update, it has been about 18 and a half weeks since the surgery. i am down 77 lbs, and seem to be hanging on there. i am not sure what the hold up is, i guess i am just expecting it to come off as fast as the first 77 lbs did. not alot has changed, other then i have lost a lot of my hair......i did have thick hair so i hope it is not so noticeable to everyone. co workers tell me every day i dont need to lose any more weight or they wont be able to see i still have a little ways to go, the eating part is getting easier, there are still things that make me puke, and others up set my stomach, but all in all its going alot better then it was. when we went walking tonight i was actually able to jog, wow, never thought i would be able to do that. i did not go a long distance at once, but i would jog, walk, jog and hopefully each time i will jog longer. i am truely feeling better about my self and able to do things i never thought i could. i am so glad that i had the surgery (now that most of the bad things have stopped). i am looking forward to the new healthy me and enjoying the summers being able to do more with my kids.

11 weeks and feeling better

Jul 25, 2008

I know it has been a while since i posted, but it has been 11 weeks now and i am down 57 lbs. I am feeling much better. I have been riding bikes with my family, we ride 7 miles at a time, it feels great to be able to go out and do that. I am still trying to figure out how to consume all my water in a day, it is so hard to drink. It feels like my stomach is going to explose after just a sip of water. Everyone at work has been telling me I need to buy smaller scrubs, and clothes, but right now i do not feel that is important. why spend all that money to be out of that size next month. At first i was really asking my self why did i do this, with the problems i was having. it is getting much better now, and i am so excited to see the weight coming off. for any one that would want to do this i would say go for it, it may change your life, but i am sure it will be for the best.

6 weeks and down 36 lbs

Jun 19, 2008

Well it has been 6 weeks and i have lost 36 lbs. I had a rough start, being re admitted back in to the hospital for what they call cdiff a infection in my bowels from the antiobotic they gave me going in to surgery. Now that all that is past i am starting to feel better about the surgery. I am still feeling tired and weak, but today at my apt. they gave me my 1st b12 shot, she said that should help with giving me energy, so i have my fingers crossed. i am a cna and i run around alot, do alot of lifting and this at work, so i need all the energy i can get. i have also been walking after work so i hope to see the pounds fall off :)

About Me
Jan 03, 2008
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 6
6 months
23 weeks out and its getting better
just a little over 18 weeks out
11 weeks and feeling better
6 weeks and down 36 lbs
