Where do I start?  Let me see..Might have to go back to 1981 when I was hospitalized for having an eating disorder.  I was 89lbs and dropping daily.  Took a couple of years to get that under control.
My weight gain started in 1994, after the birth of my twins and after having my tubes tied.  I have always had asthma and after several bouts with bronchitis and pneumonia, STEROIDS were the doctors drug of choice to cure me.  Since then, the weight came on in 10 pound batches.  I was a member of WW for 3 years and lost 40 lbs...but Mike went to Korea, I got sick and here it came back again. 
In 2006, my doctors at Fort Knox approved me for WLS BUT uncle Sam had another plan.  We ended up moving to England for a 2 year assignment.  So, I put it all on hold.  I really didn't pursue it here until March of 2008.  My doctor here referred me and recommended me and I was approved right off the bat.  Met my surgeon on May 22 2008 and he booked me in for surgery June 2 2008.  Talk about FAST!!!   Mentally I was ready, Physically I was beyond ready.  June 2nd was the begining of a whole new life for me.  Now I can do all the things I love to do, without the pain, being winded and for once in my life someone will have to ask me to wait up for them!

About Me
Jun 20, 2008
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