Turning Heads, again!

Nov 03, 2008

Let me see where I should start. :-)
I had an amazing weekend! Friday night was my night of 'culture'.  Mike and I and our best friends went to see a musical play. At first the boys were kinda child like but soon they settled into the show and I think they enjoyed it.
Saturday night was Casino Night in the Mess.  We had Black Jack and Roulette, and we didn't even loose a penny cause they gave everyone "funny money".  At the end of the night who ever had the most, actually got a cash(real cash) prize.  We had a Frank Sinatra performer as well as Elvis.  During the course of the night we had a DJ and he stayed til nearly 2am.  I think I danced for 2 hours straight.  Alot of people hadn't seem me since July/August and they were really shocked to see the difference in me.

I will tell you though, I really didn't know if I was going to have a very nice weekend.  I had been really sick with major stomach ache(my first one since surgery) and well, I will just call it "bubble guts" since Wednesday night.  Took loads of Immodeium and it helped.  Then Sunday, I was right back in the same shape.  Called my DR and he said I had a bug.  Seems that now I don't have a stomach floor for things to work thru my body as fast so it kinda just lays there in my stomach and intestines.  Pretty miserable stuff I can tell you that!

I am due for  my 6 month check in December so I will be making a trip into London to see my DR sometime in November.  Great excuse for some sight seeing and shopping.  I might get a room and make a 2 day trip out of it!  Its been really cold here lately and we have even had some snow flurries.  I don't like cold or snow too much but it would be nice to see some major snow, especially when I am Christmas shopping!


Sep 24, 2008

Imagine my shock this morning when I weighed myself.  Its been over 6 weeks and I am so excited.
For the first time in ages, I am under 200lbs!!
I had been up and down with my moods and appetite since July but at the same time I had a major increase in my activity.
Oh My...I love the gym!  Never would I say that before!  Its nice to get on the treadmill....walk, then increase it to a fast walk, uphill even!
I have also started dancing again.  Amazing how the knees and ankles don't pain me like they use to.  I don't start wheezing and coughing either like I use to before one song was over.
Everyone keeps asking me to post new photos...I am not quite there yet, but soon....I promise.

Check Up Tomorrow

Aug 13, 2008

I am so glad that this month is going by so fast.  July was overwhelming and I am rather anxious to see my doctor.  I don't think I have gained any weight because I have already had to buy new pants.  Seems that going from a size 24 to 18/20 in 10 weeks shows I am making progress.
I don't weigh myself daily or even weekly.  I let the nurses do it for me when I go in.  I missed my appointment 2 weeks ago, so tomorrow will be exciting to see what I have lost.
I have found out that with all the dairy intake that my lacto-intolerance is a little worse than I had though.  I manage though.  Rummbly tummy, I tuff it out!
Well, wish me luck and I will update things more Friday.
Good Day and God Bless!

Nearly 6 weeks

Jul 14, 2008

Sorry I haven't written in a while...oh wait...I haven't posted a blog at all on here.  I get so confused at times.  This has been a really busy month for me.  We have had so many social outings and things.  It has really been hard to sit and try to pick at my mushy food and have people that didn't know why I was eating funny ask if something was wrong.  I am rather private at times but for this, I was quite proud to say I had just had surgery and wasn't able to eat normal food yet. :-)

I have my 6 week check up on Thursday.  I am really excited to see my Doctor.  I have been making a list of questions to ask him.

I will end this for now...Will add more by Friday.

About Me
Jun 20, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 4
Turning Heads, again!
Check Up Tomorrow
Nearly 6 weeks
