Food Not a Friend Today

Apr 11, 2012

What a day this has been. I woke up this morning it started out like most others and I decided instead of beginning this nice morning of with a protein shake I would fix myself a couple of eggs instead for a change. I scrambled up the eggs and sat down to eat and catch the news and weather before leaving to take care of my mother and I was eating nice and slow chewing  35 or so times like I have gotten used to and about 10 minutes into breakfast there was that feeling in my throat like something hanging up and irritating the inside so I spent the next 10 minutes giving up what I had just eaten. Now to make a long story short I had the same things happen at lunch and dinner.

I am sure we all have that happen now and then but I was thinking about it later in the evening and I know I was doing all the right things taking small bites, chewing slow and well, taking time in between each bite so I am not sure why this happened I have never had this happen in the 6 weeks since surgery. Now the only things I did eat that agreed with my pouch was a mixture of Chobani plain greek non-fat greek yogurt and Kroger's Carbmaster Cherry Yogurt which I must say is delicious when mixed together. I guess I well keep a eye out tomorrow and if the same things occur I will put in a call to my surgeon's office. This made it had to get my 70 to 80 grams of protein today I will just say I hope tomorrow is a better day foo wise.



2 Days Post Op

Feb 28, 2012

Well Just got home Tuesday evening I had my surgery on Monday 2-27-2012. All my friends and family are asking me how I feel so I wanted to share it here also. The surgery went really well but I must say I am pretty sore but that is to be expected after a major surgery but with the pain meds it is not to bad but you know it is there. Dr. Clements was very happy with the way it all went, it took about 21/2 hours for the surgery and 2 more in recovery. Now besides the post - op pain having to go 24 hours without anything to drink not even ice chips was tough. Now all in all I am glad I did it and am looking forward to getting overr the pain and start working out I guess I will find out more about working out when I have my one week check in with Dr. Clements and I will keep posting about recovery while I go thru it. If anyone has a question I will be glad to try and answer it. Ok time for some protein drink.

Surgery Date Set

Feb 01, 2012

Good news just received my surgery date from Vanderbilt it is Mon Feb 27th can't believe it is here, it sure seems like a long time from July 1st when I stated this journey. Friends ask me how I am feeling now the date is set all I can say is excited,a little
nervous but I am looking forward to beginning this new chapter in my life.

Good News Has Arrived

Jan 24, 2012

Well good news finally, Vanderbilt called me Monday and the insurance company finally approved my surgery yea.
I now have feelings of excitement and a little nervous also but mostly excitement. I have to wait for the insurance company to now send me the letter of authorization in the mail then I have to take it to Vanderbilt then they will set up the surgery schedule.
More to come.


One More Check - In To Go

Nov 16, 2011

Ok did my 5th month weight check in this past Tuesday and all went well. I am starting to get excited because after the check in in Dec 13th my paper work will be submitted to the insurance for approval and hopefully things will start to move a little faster.

First Weight Loss Check-in

Jul 30, 2011

Ok now I know I have started my journey. I had my first weight check-in last Tuesday and weighed in at 300 lbs. I also received the results of all my blood tests and ultrasound of my liver. I was a low on Vitiam D so she wrote a prescription for me and my ultrasound was fine that was a relief so that's is one down and 5 to go.

I am supposed to quit all soft drinks and beer and I am surprised to find giving up cokes is harder than giving up beer. I am replacing beer with O'dules to help me quit and that seems to be working for now, a couple of those are enough a couple times a week instead of 5 times a week, but the cokes are harder but I am down from about 4 a day to 2 a day so I am trying.

I have to say everyone at Vanderbilt have been so nice and professional. Next on the list is a stress test on the 8th so I can get cardiac clearance and visit to my PCP this Tuesday for a letter of recommendation, hope it all works out.


About Me
Jul 15, 2011
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