Food Not a Friend Today

Apr 11, 2012

What a day this has been. I woke up this morning it started out like most others and I decided instead of beginning this nice morning of with a protein shake I would fix myself a couple of eggs instead for a change. I scrambled up the eggs and sat down to eat and catch the news and weather before leaving to take care of my mother and I was eating nice and slow chewing  35 or so times like I have gotten used to and about 10 minutes into breakfast there was that feeling in my throat like something hanging up and irritating the inside so I spent the next 10 minutes giving up what I had just eaten. Now to make a long story short I had the same things happen at lunch and dinner.

I am sure we all have that happen now and then but I was thinking about it later in the evening and I know I was doing all the right things taking small bites, chewing slow and well, taking time in between each bite so I am not sure why this happened I have never had this happen in the 6 weeks since surgery. Now the only things I did eat that agreed with my pouch was a mixture of Chobani plain greek non-fat greek yogurt and Kroger's Carbmaster Cherry Yogurt which I must say is delicious when mixed together. I guess I well keep a eye out tomorrow and if the same things occur I will put in a call to my surgeon's office. This made it had to get my 70 to 80 grams of protein today I will just say I hope tomorrow is a better day foo wise.



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Jul 15, 2011
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