
Well I have been a member for about 4 months now and I'm on here every day, so I figure I should write something about my journey.  Like most of you I always struggled with my weight and it wasn't until my late twenties that I became truly aware that I needed real help.  I joined all of the programs and tried all the bars and shakes available, but nothing was working.  I have to admit that I was an emotional eater and often times a binge eater.  I didn't eat real food... I liked carbs and sweets.. and that's what was keeping the weight on.  As I hit 30 and 31 I decided that I had enough and needed to do something.  I went to listen to a 2 hour informational session about gastric bypass and when I left I was like there is no way I am doing that!  I can't give up diet coke and I can't not drink with my meals and by God I don't want someone re-arranging my insides!!!  I can do this on my own...  A year later I'm back at another informational session thinking hmmm... It isn't THAT bad, I can do this!  What a difference a year makes.  Most people said oh you don't need it, your not THAT big and I wasn't sick at all, but in my mind I had reach my breaking point.  I had reached a place where I was uncomfortable in my own skin,...No I wasn't physically sick, but I was sick inside and dealing with low self esteem and ultimately true unhappiness.  I remember the day of surgery I was lying in the bed just before they were wheeling me into the operating room and part of me thought Oh My God this is it... It's real, it's happening, can I do this, am I sure... and 4 months out I can say is the best thing I have ever done for myself (besides getting a dog)!  :-)   I have been lucky enough to not have any problems yet and although I do dump, I consider it a blessing because as I mentioned above I liked sweets, so I'm sure by this point I would be trying to sneak them and now that's not an option. 

Thanks for listening!
HW  223
CW 172
GW 145?

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May 11, 2008
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